Sunday, June 15, 2014

Reflections4Life: "Our Father"

Reflections4Life June 15th, 2014
Our Father”
The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice, And he who sires a wise son will be glad in him.” Proverbs 23:24
Scripture Contemplation: Genesis 2:24; Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16-17; 1 Kings 8; John 1;6:45-47; Romans 1:6-8; 2 Corinthians 1:1-3...
Happy Father's Day! I give honor to each and every father this day and every day. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for your leadership, your support, your provision. May our heavenly Father bless the work of your hands to prosper and the dreams and visions in your heart to come to pass. Allow Him to lead you; especially in the most difficult of times. Believe in your heart that, God will never leave you but will lift you up and be your strength.
I declare and decree that this week's Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Let your heart be opened to Father God, as He desires to fill those empty places, and to bring you into to a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him.
It brings a certain kind of peace and calmness when you know and trusts that someone is protecting you. That, there is someone that is there to cover you, and to make sure that your needs are met, you are well provided for, is there for you to run to for shelter and safety. There is a peace in your soul and contentment in your heart when you know that you are not alone and that there is someone who will sacrifice all just to keep you safe. Who'd never give up on you or searching for you if you were ever lost.
Much like our earthly fathers, that is who our heavenly Father is, and so much more that cannot be put into words. We can take joy in the knowledge that God is our Father. Even if you've never had the kind of relationship with your earthly father, or you lost your father at a young age; God said, He is a Father to the fatherless. And He is there for you always. ALWAYS.
My earthly father did the best that he could do. His love was unconditional and never wavering. He encouraged me in so many ways. He was my first love and showed me what it means to be treated special and to be cherished. He was my first champion. He was the first one to believe in me and my dreams and told me I could and would achieve them because he knew I had it in me to do so. He was my best friend. And when he was taken away, I thought I'd die with him.
I didn't though. I lived. And I thrived because in addition to the love that my father showered me in; although he had his faults, his love propelled me forward, along with the love and care of my heavenly Father. My Savior. My Lord. My King. My Deity, now truly became my Father. My reflection of Him upon this earth was robbed from me, but He gave me Himself and along the way father figures upon this earth, who could physically embrace me and guide me. God never leaves us fatherless.
God wants to father us. To love us. To dote on us. To be there for all things concerning us. And yes...even to discipline us. Because, a good father knows that without discipline, there is destruction. Without discipline, we could never fully receive, or comprehend, or handle the bountifulness of the astounding awesomeness of the blessings of God!
A father should prepare you; lead, guide and instruct you in the ways of truth that will give you an expected end. Whether you had a father present in your life or not; regardless if you had a father that was good or bad; God says, He desires to be YOUR Father. To teach you and guide you, and prepare you for the inheritance that has been waiting for you.
The Bible tells us that a good father leaves an inheritance for their children. And it is not just speaking in terms of a monetary inheritance. He leaves an inheritance of integrity, of sound character, of love, of joy, of peace and of hope and faith.
Beloved, God wants to be our Father. He wants to bring us to an intimate place in Him, so that He may reveal to us the mysteries of His word, the joys of being in His presence, the abundance that comes from being showered in His love, the grace and peace that comes from His covering, the peace of knowing that He is always there and will never leave or forsake you. And that whatever you ask in Jesus' name, you can have if you believe.
I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. God our Father waits for you to yield to His touch; to answer His call and the knocking on the doors of your heart. Open up and let Him in. Let Him fill those empty places. Restore any damage, heal all the pain. Come to Him with all your heart so that He can fill you and love you the way only a Father could. You are so Blessed! Now go...and Be a Blessing!
©2014. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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