Sunday, May 21, 2023

"A Royal Diadem"

 Reflections4Life May 21, 2023

“A Royal Diadem”
“You shall be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God.” Isaiah 62:3
Scripture Contemplations: Zephaniah 3:8-10; Jeremiah 33:9; Zechariah 9:16-17; Philippians 2
©Ruthe McDonald.
s I watched a beloved preacher who recently transitioned preach a sermon about lessons learned and GOD'S unconditional love and being in control, I was reminded that when we accept Christ, it is no longer us in charge, but Him. The problem is, too many of us have not recognized or accepted the change. We do not recognize the change in titles and power. We are to no longer do things of our own volition or strength. But through Christ. In Christ. Allowing Christ in us to now make the decisions and carry them out, as we are now a part of the Royal Diadem. The family of the Kingdom of GOD.
When we come to the knowledge of God and who we are to Him and in Him, our lives are forever changed. When we accept Christ into our hearts we gain understanding and insight, and we now recognize ourselves as a Royal Diadem. We are a representation of God on this earth. We are precious and priceless in the hand of God, worthy of more than we give ourselves credit for. Not because of anything we did, but because of what Christ has given; what He has done. It is time for us to rise up and walk in the truth of the calling on our lives and in the truth of who God says we are. A representative of God’s love. A Royal Diadem.
I declare that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Walk in the confidence of who you are in God; a representation of the King who reigns on the throne of your heart. Meditate on the word this week. Get to know who God has called and blessed you to be through His word. Know that you are a royal diadem in the hand of God—precious, invaluable, chosen. The more you get to know God the more you will know yourself and your purpose. The more you understand that it in Reflections4Life May 21, 2023
“A Royal Diadem”
“You shall be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God.” Isaiah 62:3
Scripture Contemplations: Zephaniah 3:8-10; Jeremiah 33:9; Zechariah 9:16-17; Philippians 2
©Ruthe McDonald.
s I watched the Royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle five years ago, I was moved by the beauty of the ceremony. A few things caught my attention; one of which was the tiara that was worn by the bride. An ornate crown that had not been seen nor worn since the 1950s. It was a powerful symbol that symbolized a change in the bride’s life. What she was no longer and who she now be moving forward. No longer a commoner. No matter the actions of her and Prince Harry. Their lives are still changed by their choices.
When we come to the knowledge of God and who we are to Him and in Him, our lives are forever changed. When we accept Christ into our hearts we gain understanding and insight, and we now recognize ourselves as a Royal Diadem. We are a representation of God on this earth. We are precious and priceless in the hand of God, worthy of more than we give ourselves credit for. Not because of anything, we did but because of what Christ has given; what He has done. It is time for us to rise up and walk in the truth of the calling on our lives and in the truth of who God says we are. A representative of God’s love. A Royal Diadem.
I declare that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Walk in the confidence of who you are in God; a representation of the King who reigns on the throne of your heart. Meditate on the word this week. Get to know who God has called and blessed you to be through His word. Know that you are a royal diadem in the hand of God—precious, invaluable, chosen. The more you get to know God the more you will know yourself and your purpose.
In the Hands of God
Zechariah 9:16-17 On that day the Lord their God will save them, as the flock of his people; for like the jewels of a crown they shall shine on his land.
diadem: (noun) A decorative band or wreath is worn about the head as a symbol of victory or honor, a declaration, a representation
In the hands of God, our lives are changed forever. We are no longer the same. His blood covers us. His spirit fills us. God has saved us and set us apart for a reason. When we seek His will and His heart, we will not only know who He is, but also we learn who we are, and we learn our purpose. Nothing ever stays the same in the hands of God.
Every day we seek His face and His will, we open our hearts to Him. He fine-tunes our ears to the frequency of His voice. We learn His way of doing things. He is our potter and we are His clay. This world is the His wheel—the Potter’s wheel. Sometimes in this world, we get chipped, broken, bruised, and even shatter. However, in the hands of God—the Potter—we are carefully and diligently remolded, built up again, and restored. Even having to go through the fire, He is burning off all impurities, refining us until we come out like fine gold, precious silver. He shapes stretches, molding us into vessels of purity and goodness. He smooths all of the rough edges until we are the symbol of His promise and declaration on this earth; a precious jewel, a crown, a royal diadem.
A Representation of the King
Sometimes we forget who we are and whose we are. We are a royal priesthood, a royal diadem of the Lord. We represent our heavenly Father on this earth. We are a symbol of God’s goodness, promises, and blessings. We are a representation of God’s presence on this earth. Yet far too many forget or do not know who we are and who God has called us to be. On the earth, in the presence of others who may or may not know who God is and the power that comes with that knowledge and understanding. We accept things in our lives we should never accept. We have allowed people to do and say things that would never fly or be accepted if we understood who we were and are worth.
When I watched the Royal wedding, someone struck my heart and resonated with my soul—the bride's mother. You could see the pride in her eyes for the daughter she raised. The love was evident. As a parent, she had done her job and done it well. A thought also occurred that her daughter is a reflection, a representation of her. Meghan reflected and represented the sacrifices, the hours of work, the sometimes hardships, ridicule, and even hate that she (mom) willingly endured for the love of her daughter. Who now, was not only declaring to the world her passion and commitment to a man but also, she was representing her mother…a reflection of who her mother is while at the same time, staying true to herself and what is important to her. Just as the crown/tiara she wore represented the Royals, she herself was the diadem of her mother’s life. A gem, a jewel in her mother’s crown.
This is who we are to God—His royal diadem; a representative of all His love and sacrifice, a symbol of His power and dedication. We become the example for the world to see what God desires to do for them once they believe, accept, and receive Christ into their lives.
Many of us, unfortunately, do not see ourselves as that diadem. Because of all we have endured—the tests, trials, and poor decisions made—we do not feel worthy, and often feel like we have to prove something or earn being the diadem of God. We cannot. It is God that holds us high, sets us apart, and declares, and decrees us as His diadem, our lives a testament to His glory and love for His creation. His redemption. We become brand new in His hands. Someone beautiful, precious, priceless, and highly esteemed. When people see us, they should see God; a representative of the love and goodness of our heavenly Father and His promises for eternity.
My Beloveds, May the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Carry yourselves accordingly, Beloved. Do not accept any attitudes, behaviors, and treatments from others that do not respect, honor, or recognize who you are. Remember who you are to God and that you are priceless and worthy of unconditional love. You are worthy of the best, of living a life of greatness. Do not compromise but stand for what you believe and let God be the one that elevates you and brags on you. You are his precious jewel; it’s time to walk like you know and believe this. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2023. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

"The Power of Motherhood"

 Reflections4Life May 14, 2023

“The Power of Motherhood”
“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30
Scripture Contemplation: Exodus 20:12; Psalm 27:10; Proverbs 1:8; 6:20; John 19:25-27…

©Ruthe McDonald.
appy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers and mothers-to-be, and mother figures. May the Lord continue to bless you with His knowledge and wisdom to walk in the greatness that He has ordained for your life.
There is something innately powerful about motherhood. From carrying a child to birthing a child to adopting a child to rearing a child—it takes strength and character to be the kind of mother that God has ordained. Please understand, also, that carrying a child and giving birth does not make you a mother or give you power. However, it is what lies in the heart of a woman. A woman who has the care of, and influence over, a child or children in her care.
I declare that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Allow God to speak to your heart this week; to bring to your remembrance all of the lessons taught by your mother or the women that held that position in your heart. Reflect on the things you may not have realized as a child but when considered today, may have you look at your mother now, with understanding. Honor the mother(s) in your life today. If she is still on this earth, bless her today. And for all of us whose mothers have transitioned; honor them. Honor their memories and their legacies by living well and adding to her legacy.
What Love Has Shown Me
I have learned a lot about love through the years from the women in my life that have mothered me. Though I have not been blessed to birth children of my own yet, I have been blessed with children in my life that see me as a mother and seek my counsel, wisdom, and instructions. I do not take that lightly because I understand that it is not only what I say that has an impact on them, it is also what I show them through my actions; what my life is reflecting.
Love is an action word. Love, sincere love, is not contained, and it does not judge. It sees all things, forgives all, and holds no grudges. I have learned so much about love and the power of motherhood through the women in my life. Their steadfastness in love and dedication to their families through sometimes-tumultuous times has shown me the kind of woman I always strive to be.
I have a number of women that have shown me the power of motherhood. Women who have shown me what love looks like in action and how powerful a mother’s love can be. Today, I reflect on four of those women. Women who have transitioned but have helped to shape who I am. My Nana (great-grandmother), my Grams, my Aunt Sharon, and my Mother.
From my Nana—I learned dedication and discipline. She was a woman dedicated to her family and her service to God. From being an Usher in her church for over fifty years, starting the very first food basket program for the holidays, to the many other things she did to show the love in her heart and the love of God, it left an impression upon my heart. One that reminds me to be cognizant of the legacy that I will leave in my stead. Though she was not perfect, I still follow many of the lessons she gave our family.
From My Grams—I learned steadfastness, determination, how to run a successful business, and that it is never too late to go after your dreams and passions. My Grams was my best friend. She was the keeper of all her grandchildren’s secrets. She raised eight children and suffered the pain of seeing one of her sons murdered while he was protecting an older woman from being mugged. Yet through it all, she remained a constant source of unwavering love, faith, and steadfastness. She worked hard to support her children. She went back to college at a later age. She pursued her passion from childhood, eventually opening her own Hair Salon. Though she was older, she could outdo many of her younger counterparts. Sometimes she’d get to work at 8:00 am and wouldn’t finish until 2:00 am! In her sixties at that! Through her, I learned that love makes all things possible.
From My Auntie Sharon—I learned forgiveness, resilience, honesty, and seizing the moment. Her life taught me how you get back up no matter how many times you fall. Be honest with yourself and those you love. To forgive because life is way too short to harbor negative emotions and thoughts. I learned that just because things are one way does not mean they have to stay that way. And to seize every moment, every day, with a heart of gratitude because you never know when the one you love may be taken away. I loved her more than I have the words to adequately explain. Her life, love, and lessons live on in her children, and in all of her family.
From My Mother—The lessons of love are so many, I’d write a book and I will someday. My mother was not just my mother, she was my best friend, my counselor, my champion, my pastor, and my intercessor. I learned unconditional love, sacrifice, servanthood, how to truly serve God with your heart and soul, how to pray, how to believe in myself; and so much more. Seriously, there will be a book.
I will say this, my mother showed me how strong love is. How it takes a licking and keeps on ticking. She has shown me the power and strength of love and how it can heal, save, soothe, and correct. I learned the worth of prayer, prayer that comes from the heart. I also learned that the prayers of the righteous never fail or stop being answered because they leave this earth. Their prayers have no expiration date and God will answer their prayers, keeping His word to them. There is not a day that goes by that I do not hear her voice, am reminded of her love, and feel her presence all around me; especially in times of distress and heartache.
A mother’s love is indeed more powerful than the grave, and stronger than death.
My Beloveds, May the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Beloveds, honor the mothers in your life today. Give them their flowers and accolades now, while they are with you. God gave mothers a special gift. Those women, who use it, who understand it, will not only see doors open that only God could have ordained but also see the difference they can make in a world filled with motherless children just waiting for a mother’s love. There is power in motherhood; the closest thing to the heart of God. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2023. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.