Sunday, June 01, 2014

Reflections4Life: "So Much More Than You Thought"

Reflections4Life  June 1st, 2014
“So Much More Than You Thought”
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9
Scripture Contemplation: Psalm 33; Isaiah 55; Jeremiah 23; 29; Micah 4:12; Romans 11:33…
Every situation in our life brings another revelation of who God is, and who we truly are. Our trials and tests are not meant to destroy us, but shape us into the children and friends of God. To bring us to that expected end.
Our thoughts about God have been shaped more by what we have been shown or taught, whether than what we have learned through a personal relationship with the Heavenly Father. God is so much more than we thought. We can only come to know this, if we are first willing to get to know the Father for ourselves, rather than just rely upon what another person has stated or taught us.
I declare and decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. May you be inspired to seek a more personal and intimate relationship with the Father, allowing Him to reveal Himself to you in a whole new light. May you encounter a personal revelation of our true God for yourself.
I would often tell my husband that, one could tell you about Jesus. They could teach you about the Word and about being a believer. They could even share their personal testimony. However, there is nothing more powerful than a personal encounter with God. Nothing more solid and confirming as revelation received on a personal level. Because, when God gives you something personal, between you and Him; when He reveals Himself, no one can take that from you. You will know for self the majesty of the Holy God. And no one will be able to easily persuade you from your firsthand account.
Many of us are lacking a firsthand account in relation to God. We have relied upon what others have told us. We have been living vicariously through the testimony of others. Some of us have been satisfied with the relationship that our parents and grandparents have had with the Father, and assume that because they pray for us, and believe God so strongly, that by some divine osmosis, that is good enough for us to make it into heaven also.
It doesn’t work that way. Though the effective and fervent prayers of the righteous avails much; it does not make us saved or guarantee our eternity with the Father. Only a personal relationship with the Father gives us that guarantee. Believing in Christ and accepting Him as our Savior will usher us into an eternity with the Father.
I heard a couple of things this week that had me chuckling at first, then growing sad, then a bit angry. Yes. I went through the gambit of emotions; especially when I realized how many believe such crap concerning not just Christianity, but any religion. But more precisely, the notion of what a personal relationship with Christ entails. In the end, sadness remained as the anger dissipated.
It is a widespread thought, and belief, amongst many (not just young people either) that a relationship with the Father is boring. That, you have to give up so much for God and have to live such an uneventful and rigid life. That, there is no fun in Christ. I’m shaking my head right now. How far from the mark so many are when it comes to the knowledge of who God is, and what a relationship with the Father is truly like.
It is sad that so many do not see how liberating and exciting a relationship with the Father sincerely is. But, as I thought of the misperception, I couldn’t help but to lay part of the blame at the feet of those who call themselves a Christian and have been such poor examples of the love of Christ and what a relationship with God looks like.
Then I thought about it some more. They themselves do not know. For many of them are only living a life that they were taught to live. For many, a relationship with Christ is symbolic and fraught with much tradition and ritualism. There is nothing personal or liberating about their relationship with the Father. And if that was the only example that I had about what a relationship with God was, I’d probably think and be the same way. How utterly sad.
On the other end of the spectrum, you have those who have poorly represented Christ by living a life that is carnal. There is no difference between their saved and unsaved lives. Leaders who have been caught in lascivious actions, under shepherds fleecing the flock, those claiming to believe living a duplicitous life; having questionable behaviors. All of this leads to the misconception of who God is.
God is so much more than we than we think. He is much less complicated than the world has painted Him to be. Less judging than the church has warned. Yet, He is more loving, caring, and merciful than most would know unless they get to know Him for self. Yes. He is not a pushover. Yes. He is a God of discipline and order. Yes. He will hold us in judgment (making us accountable for our actions). Yes. He requires us to live a life of righteousness and holiness. But, we can only know what is meant for us, and how we can live a personal life pleasing to God if we are in a personal, intimate relationship with the Father for ourselves. Just as we all have our own DNA, so does our relationship with the Father. We cannot just rely on someone else’s relationship or experience with God. We can be inspired and encouraged, but we must have our own personal relationship with the Father.
There will be times when it will seem as though God is not with you but against you. You will be stretched and pulled and buffeted, along with accused, persecuted and exposed. However, you will also be loved, adored, protected, covered, strengthened, and encouraged. In the end, you will come to know the Father in a way you cannot verbalize, but your life will exemplify. It is all a part of getting to know who God truly is, and who He has ordained you to be.
I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. Now is the time to yield to the Father, and get to know Him for yourself. Your desire to know yourself and want more in this life begins with a personal and intimate relationship with the Father. Another person’s story cannot be your story, nor your legacy. It’s time for you to have your own, and to stand in the revelation of who God is to you. Get to know Him for yourself. There is much He has to give and reveal to you, which is just for you and no one else. You are Blessed. Now go…and Be a Blessing!

©2014. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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