Reflections4Life™ January 15, 2017
“Let Us Pray”
“…be unceasing and persistent in prayer; in every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God…” 1 Thessalonians 5:17, 18 (AMP)
Scripture Contemplation: Acts 12; Romans 1; 1 Thessalonians 5; 2 Timothy 1…
©Ruthe McDonald
I cannot pretend—to myself—hat all is going perfectly well. That, I am not experiencing some troubles and trials, heartaches and some heaviness. I may be able to put on a smile for everyone else and continue to take care of business, while others (with the exception of my closest circle or confidante) will be no wiser of the inner turmoil that I am suffering.
There are many things I do not know in this life and many things I do. Such as love, happiness, joy, hurt, pain, sorrow, and betrayal, just to name a few. However, one of the greatest things I have come to know and learn is that I can ALWAYS look up to God when so many things cause me to want to look and keep my head down and my mouth closed.
I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration; bringing peace and revelation to your heart, mind, and soul. Do not hide the pain in your spirit and heart. Let it out. Now is not the time to get quiet, but to speak to God, who is there; even when you feel everyone else has gone. Talk with God; He is listening and waiting to give you exactly what you need.
I may be able to hide my pain and turmoil from others, but I will never be able to hide it from myself or be able to pretend it is not like a boulder on a chain around my neck. I realized a long time ago, you could not be free or move forward if you hide from yourself, lie to yourself, or pretend that there is nothing wrong.
This, my Beloveds, is where prayer is essential. The anchor will hold you down. The lifeline that will keep you tethered to the heavenly Father. The connection that will give you peace of mind and heart and the strength to go on
Prayer gives strength to our spiritual and natural lives. Prayer is what keeps us grounded and open to hearing the voice of God. It is a conversation between our Creator and ourselves. It is not just making a list of wants and repeating them. God is not Santa Claus. Nor is He a magician, waiting to do magic tricks and perform.
Our answers, our strength, our joy, our help—all come from God, and whoever He leads into our lives, to be the representative of Him in this earth. I believe that there are angels all around us in human form. We just have to open our hearts, our minds, and our souls to see and believe and experience the wonders of God's infinite and unconditional love for us.
God is our Father, our Creator, and our Help. He is our Deliverer, our Savior, our Comforter, our Teacher, our connection to who WE really are. Our Father is the One we can ALWAYS turn to—no matter what we are facing.
Far too many times, and for far too long we allow pain, heartache, and disappointments blind and bound us from what is right in front of us. No. We cannot ignore the pain. We must confront and deal with it. However, we do not have to go it all alone; isolated, allowing our feelings to get the best of us.
In my life's journey, I have come to learn just how scared the enemy gets when we pray. He would prefer if we got quiet, did not speak, and held everything in. He would love it if we would evade what bothers us and pretend it does not exist. Because it would give him the continued opportunity to torment us; to mess with our minds; to create fear, and keep us bound by that fear.
The devil is a lie! And the truth—us speaking our truth—will not only set us free, but allow us to walk in the spirit of love, power, and a sound mind (2Timothy 1:7), giving God reign over our mind, our thoughts, and our heart where what we think of eventually resides.
Beloveds, we can look to God. Listen to His voice. Follow His instructions. Moreover, be open to the people He is sending in our life this season to aid us in moving forward. It may not be easy; the pain still very raw. However, God will be with us; that soothing balm that brings comfort, peace, strength, and a reminder that His love for us is not only unconditional but also boundless. We just have to keep the faith and never stop reaching or believing, or praying.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Do not allow the heartache and pain of current circumstances to keep your mouth shut when it comes to prayer. Meditate on the Word; pray diligently, and be open to who God sends your way. We must be in communication with the Father to know and recognize whom God has ordained to be our help in this time of need. Have faith and shut the enemy down finally. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2017. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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