Reflections4Life™ January 8, 2017
“Neutralize the Enemy”
“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” Joshua 1:8
Scripture Contemplation: Daniel 6; Proverbs 6; Habakkuk 2:4; Haggai 1; Mark 2; John 3…
There is no one more for you or on your side than God. From the moment you were a thought, He has made certain to protect you, provide for you, and destroy the enemy for you. Now, as you move forward in the will of God and you desire to be and do all that He as promised, the enemy will do his part to try and distract you, disturb you, and if he can, destroy and kill you. Do not allow it. It is time to neutralize the enemy.
I declare and decree that this week’s Reflections will be a source of encouragement for your heart, mind, and soul. Allow it to penetrate to the marrow of your spirit and soul, confirming the very things that God has already spoken to you.
Beloveds, I hope you are ready to live the life you have prayed and believed for. I pray that you are ready to walk in your greatness. Because, once the enemy is neutralized in your life for a season, it is time to move full steam ahead. No procrastinating. No hesitating. If you do either, you will allow the enemy to gain his footing.
It is time to neutralize the enemy. How? By having courage, walking in faith and doing exactly what God instructs us to do. We cannot wait when it comes to obedience to the Father. We must be swift to act, and not allow a spirit of procrastination to set in.
When we procrastinate in the things we need to do, we give time and room for the enemy to get in. Trust me; an inch will never be enough for him. The enemy seeks to kill, steal, and destroy. Do you think the enemy wants you believing God? Do you believe that he likes it when you show courage, walk in the will of God, and follow His instructions? Do you think he likes when you do not waste time mulling things over but instead move quickly in the word of God?
He does not. A person who has a made up mind, who moves quickly on the instructions of God leaves no room for the enemy to get in. The enemy wants to destroy who we are, our relationships, steal our future and promises, and kill our spirits, our visions, our faith, our love, and our humanity.
The only way to neutralize the enemy is to be sold out to God, walking in faith and obedience. By, standing on God's word and walking in truth, living truth, and not in fear or trepidation, or procrastinating on the things of God, we strip the enemy of any and all ammunition he will try and use against us.
Faith neutralizes the enemy. As does obedience and love. And guess what else neutralizes him? Forgiveness. Yes. When we forgive ourselves and we forgive others, we let go of those albatrosses around our necks. We are not walking with guilt that hinders us and keeps us from walking in truth and faith. Or, from hearing and recognizing the voice of our God.
It is time, that the enemy has been neutralized in our lives. Bound from doing any more harm and destruction; from causing chaos and confusion; from creating dissension and self-loathing. Obedience to God gives us leverage over the machinations of the enemy. He is powerless to do anything other than what God allows him to do. See the enemy for who and what he is. Do not underestimate him or believe that you are strong enough to fight him alone on his turf. We need God. We need his power and His covering. And we need to walk in His love and truth. When we do, the enemy cannot get in, unless we invite him in.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Beloveds, do not give the enemy any room in your life. Do not give him an inch to get in and try to destroy you. Walk in obedience and confidence in God. Do not procrastinate; move quickly on the things of God. He gave us the power. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2017. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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