Sunday, November 05, 2017

"Can I Get a Testimony?"

Reflections4Life November 5, 2017
“Can I Get a Testimony?”
“And they overcame and conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, for they did not love their life and renounce their faith even when faced with death.” Revelation 12:11
Scripture Contemplation: Exodus 23; Deuteronomy 5:20; Psalm 132:12; Acts 8; 2 Corinthians 13; Hebrews 10:14-16…
©Ruthe McDonald.
When is the last time that you recall hearing a church have testimony time? Do churches still have that? I know that some churches, due to a “time constraint” no longer have in their “program” a time for testimonies. I have been hearing a lot of complaining, talking about a whole lot of other things, but I have not heard too many testifying of what God has done in their lives. Can I get a testimony?
I declare that this week’s Reflection is a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for the heart, mind, and soul. I challenge you this week that whatever God has worked out for you; whatever He presses upon your heart to share—share it. Share the goodness of God this week. I dare you to testify and let someone else know how good God has been to you. Let them know of the goodness of God. Do not be ashamed of what you may have gone through, also do not be stingy with telling others of God’s grace and mercy. We overcome by the word of our testimony.
Beloved, this is what I know today: there are power and healing in our testimonies. There are far too many people waiting on a word from God and guess what? We are that word! God uses us—believers, overcomers, beneficiaries—of His love and kindness to go out and share the good news of not only the saving grace and love of Christ but also the goodness of God and His favor and what He has brought us through.
Did you not know that we do not need a title, a position, a degree, or anything to minister the word of God? No. We do not need that to reach others. We also do not need to be perfect, have it all together, or pretend to have all the answers. All we have to do is share what God has done in our lives. Let someone else know that what they are going through, God can and will see them through. You know, because of what God has done for you.
Do you know how many men, women, and children are walking around—some in your own home—feeling alone, depressed, some even at the point of despair and wanting to take their own lives because they feel alone, forgotten, weird, or ashamed of things that nine times out of ten were not even their fault. Here some of us are; acting all perfect, sanctified as if we always had it all together and cannot relate.
We need to tell the truth, destroy the enemy’s plot to rob one more life and share our testimonies. I am not telling you to bare your secrets; those things that are only between you and God. However, I know there is something that you can share with someone to lift him or her up. To encourage them; even if you think it is insignificant. What may seem insignificant to you can be the very thing that someone else needs to hear.
God did not bless us, Beloved, for us to keep our mouths closed. He did not deliver us so we can stand smug and self-righteous with an air of piety and act like our lives are perfect and have always been perfect. God did not bless us, meet our needs, take us from poverty, give us food on the table, clothes on our back, and restore our health, renew our minds, for us to act like we did it all on our own, or pretend like we have never been through hardships.
It is reminiscent of growing up in a rough neighborhood, having dreams to make it out. When you do, you never look back, even though you know you may still have family there, and others—children, teenagers—who are like you were, and could benefit from seeing that someone can and did make it out; that, their beginning did not have to define their future. That God will open up doors if that is what they truly desire.
Yet, too many do not want to remember where they came from. They want to act as if they always had it together. They want to act as if they do not know what welfare, government cheese, second-hand stores, the neighborhood bodega or corner store are. Neither do they want to acknowledge that instead of learning about depositing a check and saving money, they were only used to a check-cashing place, and having to choose which bill to pay and what had to wait.
Come on now! Tell the truth about your life experiences and put all shame behind you! God wants to deliver people through our testimony today. He wants to use us to bring hope, healing, deliverance, and strength to a hurting people, to someone who is barely holding on and wondering if there truly is a God. Our testimony just may save a life!
Listen, I have a testimony that I have burning inside of me that God has not released me to share just yet. However, I have other testimonies that I share on occasion. Such as experiencing molestation as a little girl, physical and mental abuse, being told I that my dreams for my life were too lofty. My father being murdered. I’ve been on welfare after receiving a degree, fired for standing up for my truth, on the brink of losing my home within days before God opened a door, feeling depressed because I felt like my life was not as I hoped and planned. Feeling rejected, abandoned. Feeling like a total failure, feelings of self-loathing, self-hate, severe depression, as if God was not listening to me; feelings of hopelessness, and pain so deep it took my breath. This is in not only my distant past but also some recently. Yet GOD! His grace is sufficient and it is incumbent on me to tell someone else the good news of God’s grace and favor! I cannot keep this truth to myself, especially knowing that it has the ability to bring comfort and hope to someone else.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. God is a restorer, Beloved. God will do for you what you and no one else can ever do if you would give Him the chance to do it. Do not sit on your testimony. Someone is waiting on you, to hear what you have to say because your words and your testimony matter too. In case, you forgot: You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2017. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

"Every Step is Victory"

Reflections4Life August 27, 2017
“Every Step is Victory”
“The steps of a [good and righteous] man are directed and established by the Lord, and He delights in his way [and blesses his path].” Psalm 37:23
Scripture Contemplation: 2 Samuel 22:37; Job 14:16; 31; Psalm 18; 37; John 5:6-8; James 5:16

I declare that this week's Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Know and believe that it is in every step we make up in our heart and minds to take each day that brings the vision to pass. Celebrate every step taken; every step conquered, pursuing your goals and visions one day, one-step at a time—one victory at a time.
I wish you could see my heart today and what has been stirring in my spirit, so you would have a first-hand account of my truth, but all I have is my word to share with you. I pray that the fruit of my mouth and of my actions speak for themselves. I hope the words I write are illuminated by our Creator and it brings encouragement and inspiration to you today because you recognize your own truth within them.
The heavenly Father reminded me that it is imperative that we not focus on a future result and the ultimate win of accomplished goals and visions, but to instead focus on the daily wins. The triumphs made each day. The result of what we desire, the ultimate goal being met, is comprised of the steps of the journey that it took to get there. One day at a time still holds fast and true. We are to celebrate the victory of each new day we are granted, each step that is accomplished. It is in the individual steps we take that ultimately culminate into that goal and dream that waits it appointed time.
Here is what I have also learned and been reminded of, beloved, that the first step is always the hardest. Somewhere in the middle of the journey, it will get harder still. Then when we are about to see the vision completed, it will get hard again and the enemy will do everything he can to make us give up just when we were about to meet the finish line.
Yet, here’s the thing: We must actually take that first step. That first step towards greatness, healing, peace of heart and mind and our goals and visions. Oh, that first step often looks daunting, not because we are necessarily looking at the first step, but are looking at the entire staircase. Our minds and vision are on the results and the big picture. That can be a deterrent for many of us. It can stop most before they even get started because the dreams and visions seem too big or overwhelming.
The Father says to take victory in every step; to look at the vision and goals as a series of daily steps. One step, one day, at a time. So, I determined to look at each day as not only a challenge to be met but a challenge to be won and celebrated, bringing me one day, one step, one triumph, one victory closer to the manifestation of my visions and goals. I encourage you to do the same.
I realized that the focus I had on the big picture was hindering my progress in daily tasks. It is so easy to get caught up in the vision of where we want to be and go and do, that the journey—along with its lessons—are sometimes missed, forgotten, or bypassed, which in turn only makes our goals and visions seem that much further away and sometimes impossible.
If we can look at our life’s journey as a series of steps instead of an entire staircase to conquer, then the tasks we need to accomplish will not seem as difficult or daunting. Yes, we will be met with obstacles and situations that will often make us feel as though we are stuck or going in the wrong direction. However, that is a part of life; a part of a series of lessons that we must learn in this life; lessons that will strengthen us and prepare us for the manifest blessings.
This is what I am learning and coming to understand; Conquering one step at a time is a whole lot better than trying to conquer an entire staircase of forty to eighty steps at once. That is too overwhelming and the chances of my giving up and failure are that much greater. That is not an option for me. I will take my stance and concentrate on that one, step, and I will celebrate the victory of conquering that one step as I go on to the next.
It is not impossible for God to leap frog us the entire staircase or a few steps. If He does—great! His promises are just manifested that much sooner. However, I, myself, will not seek to skip or take on any more steps than He has ordained because I am in a rush to the finish line. I will move accordingly, following the steps that God has ordained for me, and relish in every single step accomplished and victory gained because I understand that single victory is part of the whole vision coming to pass.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. The first step is a change of mind and the words we speak to ourselves. There is so much before us; ahead of us. There is a victory in each step we take. So celebrate the milestones of your journey, for they make the vision complete. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2017. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, August 06, 2017

"Thank You!"

Reflections4Life August 6, 2017
“Thank You!”
“I will give You thanks with all my heart; I sing praises to You before the [pagan] gods.
I will bow down [in worship] toward Your holy temple and give thanks to Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth; For You have magnified Your word together with Your name. On the day I called, You answered me; and You made me bold and confident with [renewed] strength in my life.” Psalm 138:1-3
Scripture Contemplation: Psalm 138; 1 Samuel 2:1; 1 Chronicles 20; Daniel 2; John 11:41; Revelation 11:17…

I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Allow the grace of God to cover you and fill your heart. Let your heart be filled with hope and peace as you give God praise; thanking Him for life, His love, His covering, and His forgiveness. A grateful heart will open long awaited doors.
If there is one thing that I have learned growing up, was that a posture of gratitude got you further along than an attitude of sniping, griping, and self-entitlement. Sometimes, all a person desires is a simple Thank you. A sign of recognition, of gratitude, that they are appreciated; that their efforts are not only noticed but also accepted and not taken for granted.
How many times have you encountered a person, a proprietor, a sales person that felt disgruntled because of a bad day, but when someone gives them a genuine thank you, they seem to light up, and get a dose of energy? No one wants to be taken advantage of or looked over for the work they are doing. Even if it were a person’s job to serve, they still would like to hear thank you, to know that their efforts and their work are being appreciated.
A simple thank you can change so much in a person’s life. It can give them strength. It can bring encouragement; giving them that extra zip and push that they need to continue with what they are doing. There are not many in the world that desire his or her efforts to go unnoticed or not appreciated for what they do. Yet, many people are over looked, passed by, their efforts never mentioned, their work never acknowledge. Many taken advantaged of; their kindness being taken for weakness.
Can we be honest today? Whether it is someone we know or ourselves, we all know someone that everyone calls on to for help or assistance knowing that there is a ninety-nine percent chance that he or she will say yes. There is that person we all know that people consider an easy mark for their kindness. However, does that give us the license to abuse their kindness? To take advantage of their gifts of help? No. It does not. Though they may have a kind heart and possess the gift of help, does not mean we a have a right to take advantage of them, nor does it mean they do not deserve to be recognized for their kindness and all the work that they do. Even if it is one’s job to serve—they are still worthy of hearing, thank you, and being shown gratitude.
What about God? How many times has our heavenly delivered us, provided for us, got us out of sticky situations, and in the moment we may say thank you, but then we start to take advantage of His grace and mercies? How many do you know that willfully sin, because they believe that all they have to do is repent the next day? I have overheard some people blatantly and proudly say that they are going to intentionally sin and ask for forgiveness tomorrow. Wow! My question is: What happens if you die in your sins? What if you do not get the opportunity to repent? What if, although God has forgiven you, there are unseen consequences for your actions? Here is what God says about this:
Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked [He will not allow Himself to be ridiculed, nor treated with contempt nor allow His precepts to be scornfully set aside]; for whatever a man sows, this and this only is what he will reap.
Have you given a simple thank You, Lord, for being woken up today? Or for having a meal, clothes to put on, a roof over our heads? How about saying grace. When was the last time you said grace before commencing to eat your food? Or to have your family around you? Or for the job, you have, even though it may not be the one you desire right now? How about giving God thanks, being grateful for having provision until you get the position that you desire? Did you thank God today for your family? Friends? Being in your right mind? Health?
I can go on. The truth is, we get comfortable in our lives. We get comfortable and take for granted the things we have and that are readily available to us. When we get used to the blessings we have and the accomplishments we have made, some of us forget about where we have come from, or about how hard it is for others at this time; especially if we are not surrounded or see people that are struggling and in need. The truth is for some, that they do not want to be reminded of where they came from. They do not want to see where others are struggling and have nothing because they have in their mind and heart that they got where they are by themselves and that others can do the same if they want to.
Listen, Beloved, we all have our own paths to walk, our own relationship with God to cultivate and grow. No one truly knows what is in our hearts but God. Yet, we do owe it to ourselves to remember that but for the grace of God, our lives could be far worse than it is. We are fortunate to be where we are in life, and a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving goes a long way. Not only are we honoring God for His blessings, be we open the eyes and ears of our heart to those around us. A heart of gratitude, a spirit of Thanksgiving allows us to see the need in others and propels us to become who we truly profess to be as children of God. A simple thank you goes a long way in people’s lives and in the heart of God. Our attitude determines our altitude and a simple thank you can change not only the lives of others but ours as well.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. I take this time to thank you for your fellowship, friendship, and spirit of community. Thank you for those who have brought my new book, What Love Teaches Me. I pray that it is a blessing to your soul. It is with gratitude and a heart full of love that I thank God for His kindness, grace, and mercy. I know that without Him, I would never have made it through the storms of life. He is my anchor. Guess what? He is your anchor, also. Trust Him where you cannot trace Him. And thank Him for what He has already done and is about to do. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2017 Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

"A Celebration of God's Grace"

Reflections4Life July 27, 2017
“A Celebration of God’s Grace”
“Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty heavens. Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to [the abundance of] His greatness. Praise Him with trumpet sound; Praise Him with harp and lyre. Praise Him with tambourine and dancing; Praise Him with stringed instruments and flute.  Praise Him with resounding cymbals; Praise Him with loud cymbals. Let everything that has breath and every breath of life praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)” Psalm 150

Grace and Peace friends and family! I am overjoyed today because of the blessings of the Lord God Almighty. I am so grateful and my heart is bubbling over with joy!
Sometimes when you are facing so many things in life, and have been tested with life trials after trials, you tend to forget about the goodness and mercy of God. You may forget about what He has already done. You may forget those milestones and miss the victories and triumphs along the way because they may not seem that significant to you. However, they are! Every time you accomplish something, make it to a milestone, and you give God the glory is another black eye for and foot on the neck of the enemy!
We are celebrating TEN YEARS!—wow!—of Reflections4Life Blog and Ministry! Can someone help me give some praise to God! As I have said in a previous post, it almost passed my mind that this awesome milestone was happening. So much is going on in my life that a celebration really has been the last thing on my mind. However, God is just too great for me to not make the time and take a praise break for all of His kindness and blessings of His word that He has made possible over the past ten years! All of the phenomenal fellowship, powerful word, the precious friendships, answered prayers, and the powerful prayer circle! My goodness! I could go on and on! Seriously! But I won’t be before you long! I just want to share a bit of my heart with my Reflections4Life community and family! You guys totally rock!!!!
Ten years ago, I was in New York for the birth of my nephew. I was watching my other two nephews as their baby brother was being born. I sat in my brother’s living room with my laptop, filled with a grateful heart for life and God’s abundance. I figured I’d write in my journal. As I began to write the words, the more I felt encouraged. When I finished, God told me to share it with my current writing community. He said someone needed to be encouraged. To share, my testimony, and give Him the glory. That is how Reflections4Life came to be. It started as just, Reflections, then God said these are Reflections for daily life; thoughts that we can apply to our everyday living, and so it became, Reflections4Life.
I started writing Reflections4Life as a blog post. I did not see it as a ministry, just a way to share my heart, my experiences, and what I was reading and studying that week and how I was going to apply it to my own life. But when God has other plans, who am I to say no to God, when I know He has a proven track record? So, here I am ten years later, filled with a heart of gratitude overwhelmed with joy and wonder at what God has done in my life.
I want to thank you, my Reflectiosn4Life family and community. I want to thank you all for the fellowship and friendship over the past ten years, and look forward to much more for however long God chooses to use me in this capacity. I am open to His will and His way. I pray the blessings of God over your life. If there is anything that you stand in need of, I pray for you and stand in agreement with you that God is already taking care of it, in the name of Jesus! If there is any illness, by His stripes, you are healed and so we thank Him for the manifestations! Whatever you may be in need of, give it to God and believe for Him to open that door and to make a way for you in His Son’s mighty name! Amen!
As part of my gratitude today, and for all the gratitude in my heart towards you for the years of fellowship, I will be giving away three (3) paperback copies of my latest release, What Love Teaches Me, Volume 3 in my Reflections4Life Inspirational Series. The print version contains a special Reflections4Life Journal inside. I will also be giving away one (1) $25 Amazon e-gift card.
To be eligible, you have between today (July 27 2017) and Monday (July 31, 2017) by 8:00 PM EST to subscribe to my email list on my website at Three names will be randomly chosen for the paperback copy, and one name will be chosen for the Amazon e-gift card. The contest is sponsored by Johnrue Publishing. All winners will be contacted by August 4th, 2017. No purchase necessary to be entered into this giveaway.
The print version is available on Amazon. If you would like to purchase the eBook, please follow this link for a list of retailers:
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Thank you all once again for celebrating this day with me! You are appreciated and prayed for daily. Thank you for your continued friendship and fellowship. May the grace and peace of God be constant in your life. It is my prayer the coming years brings us closer, extending our family, and connecting us on greater and deeper levels. I love you and I pray for you always. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2017. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

"History and Unconditional Love"

Reflections4Life July 16, 2017
“History and Unconditional Love”
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 [AMP]
Scripture Contemplation: Psalm 139:13; Isaiah 44; Jeremiah 1; Romans 15:4; Philippians 2:1-11…
©Ruthe McDonald.
I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and spirit. God knows everything about who we are. He shaped and formed us in our mother’s wombs. There is not a hair on our head, which God has not counted. We have a history with our Creator. Draw on that history this week, as you spend time in the Father’s presence. Seek His will for your life. Let no plan be implemented without first seeking the heart and face of God.
His·to·ry ˈhist(É™)rÄ“/ noun: 1. the study of past events, particularly in human affairs. 2. the whole series of past events connected with someone or something.
This past week, while reading a story that discussed the importance of history, it brought to mind a dialogue between fictional characters in one of my upcoming novels, talking about relationships and how the history that develops over time connects two people that can forge something magical and powerful when based on unconditional love.
Much of my writing comes from what I know, believe, and have experienced. I am a firm believer that history in a relationship can either help or hinder where you want to go in the future, alongside a person’s perception and desire for that relationship.
Here is the gist of the conversation between the parent and their grown child in my novel: When you love someone unconditionally, you do not place conditions on your love. You do not continue to love them because they meet all of your expectations, and when they do not, you withhold that love. That is not, unconditional love. When you are building a history together, creating a unique connection, you will have difficulties, good, and bad times. There are days when you will feel like the sun, rises, and sets on your beloved, and other times when you may feel like you hardly know them. When you have been married for a while; have been in a relationship over time, you will develop a history with this person. In the beginning, you are so in love; blind to any faults and bypassing any differences. You cannot imagine anything ever going wrong that would have you not liking one another, arguing, or disagreeing about anything. It feels euphoric. Then, life happens. Trials and tests come; your connection tested as the enemy tries his best to disconnect you, but this is a part of your history building. With all history, there is good and bad. As time moves forward and the years of your marriage grow and you look back over your history with one another and can still say truthfully that you love one another; that history will remind you of how strong you really are; how strong your love truly is; how powerful you are together. It makes it [your love] seem magical, unbreakable. That is what unconditional love affords you. It grants you the opportunity to have and experience a love that can stand the tests of time and events; events that shape you and connect you with one another in such a unique and powerful way if you do not give up
This, Beloved, is what we have with God. We have a connection, a powerful history with the heavenly Father that is shaped in unconditional love. A history forged in love, by love, for love. The Father’s love for His creation, for us to have an eternity with Him, set a precedence for what we can have on this earth in our own relationships; our relationships with one another and our relationship with God Almighty.
We may not look at it, or even see, many of us take for granted, the unconditional love that God has for us, and the history that exists between our Creator and ourselves. The enemy would have us to believe that God does not know us, listen to us, or even love us. How can that be, when He was the One that formed us in our mother’s womb? He was the one who created us, and shaped and molded us. The One that knows the number of hairs on our head, our thoughts before we think them.
There is power in our connection to God, in our history with one another. A power that the enemy cowers under, and does everything to try to sever. If he is not working trying to make us feel guilty for our sins and mistakes, he is stealthy seeking ways to convince us that God does not love or care about us. Why does he do this? Because even the enemy understands how powerful the history and connection is between God and His creation. He trembles at the thought of us, coming into that knowledge, applying it to our lives, and walking in confidence, drawing strength from that connection. It is an anvil; a blow to the enemy’s camp and his weak hold on our lives.
There is nothing more threatening and more frightening for the enemy than those who know their history, walk in unconditional love, and exercise their authority and power in God every day of their lives. The enemy understands that knowledge is power and that once we gain wisdom and understand how to walk in that power, the shorter his days grow and the power he once held over us is when we were in ignorance, is no longer.
Another thing the enemy despises is family. A family forged in unconditional love, building a history together, is a blow to the enemy’s plans. His plan is to kill, steal, and destroy. If he can destroy that bond; keep any history from forming, then, he has a greater chance of destroying an entire legacy, generations that would come from that powerful connection and unconditional love.
We have a choice today, Beloved. We can either listen to the enemy, look at our history through muddy lenses tainted by the enemy’s machinations. Or, we can hold onto the promises of God, recognize our history with the loving Father, and walk in the powerful connection that His unconditional love has afforded us. No day is the same. We will face obstacles along the way but we do not have to face them alone. We have a history with our God; a history that has been forged and anointed in the unconditional love of God. It is up to us to follow through, remembering whose we are and what God has already done.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Know your history with the King. Have confidence in God’s love for you and the conviction to walk in the power and authority that He has afforded us through the death and resurrection of Christ. Unconditional love is powerful; creating a history that is forged in power and unbreakable. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing.
©2017. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, July 09, 2017


Reflections4Life July 9, 2017
“The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” John 10:10
Scripture Contemplation: John 1, 3, 6; Isaiah 2:22; Joshua 22:5; Ruth 4; Psalm 16…
©Rue Fox

Life; it is all around us, even among death. As one life transitions, another life is being born into the world that will either draw them to God or away from the ways of God. Because no matter what path is chosen in life, God is always there in our midst knocking on the doors of heart, covering us even when we have rejected Him.
I declare that this week’s Reflections are a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Rejoice in the Lord for life. It may not be everything you want it to be. You may have needs and are waiting for your prayers to be answered. In the meantime, celebrate the gift of life that God has granted you in spite of the ups and downs and hiccups on the road. Let this week find you thanking God for every single moment, every breath, and every opportunity to seize this gift of life and become all that God has ordained.
We are faced with many difficulties in our life’s journey. Sometimes it feels as though the world and God are against us. We ask God, why. Why me, Lord? What have I done to deserve a life with so much heartache, pain, and disappointment? Why does it feel like the enemy is always winning? We question if God is even here; if He is listening. Yet God reminds us that He is with us even when we cannot feel Him or trace Him. We are often touched by the evil, the sin that people commit. Their actions affecting us.
God has given everyone the freedom to choose his or her path in life, to choose to do right or to do wrong. Often times, people’s choices have a profound impact on our lives. Sometimes the consequences of their actions touch our lives in very painful ways. Yet, it does not mean that God loves us any less, or that He is not there with us through the storms. We must conclude to live our lives with such a determination that no matter what we experience, what comes to us, we will strive to live our best, making the most of what we have.
Life is not a guarantee but a gift each day. Life is not fair but God is just. Some people live their lives with no regard for anyone else’s life, let alone their own. The Father reminds us that it rains on the just and unjust alike. We may have difficulty reconciling in our minds the goodness and love of God when we have either experienced hardships or devastations personally or witnessed it among our loved ones and even perfect strangers. Yet, that is where faith comes in.
Though we do not understand now the cause, continued heartaches, disappointments, and hurts we sometimes suffer; we must continue to look to God to strengthen us and to make us stronger in our weaknesses and to carry us through those dark times when we feel abandoned and rejected by our Creator. We must diligently remind ourselves of the promises of God because it is easy to forget when we are faced with a storm so devastating it feels like we are going to drown.
God is there in the midst. Though it seems like He is not listening or answering our prayers, He is. The fact that we are still alive, in the land of the living, breathing another day testifies to His love and belief in who we are and what He has ordained for our lives. All we have to do is accept it. Trust Him where we cannot trace Him and live this life to the best of our ability by giving it our all and surrender all to Him each day we are granted. The Father will protect us.
The very things we have endured and have overcome are the very things that set us apart and prepare us for the call and anointing that God has placed on our lives. It brings life to our testimony and is the story behind God’s glory shining in our lives. Our harvest will come from the pain, trials, and tests we have endured. We will rise up, bless the name of God, and thank Him that we yet again, have triumphed and have defeated the plans of the enemy to destroy us and separate us from the Love of God for all eternity. I have read the book, Beloved and the ending is the same: WE WIN!
The enemy will continue to use his limited time on this earth to try and stop us any way he can because even he knows he has already lost. Occasionally you just have to throw your head back and laugh at the enemy! Oh, he tried it! However, God has already declared us the winner. We just have to believe it, and walk in that knowledge with all manner of confidence. No one and nothing can stop God's blessings on our life but us! No one has that kind of power unless we give it to him or her by falling for his or her lies. So...go on and laugh at the enemy and liars that tell you that you cannot. Walk with your head held high, basking in the love and light of your Creator; walking in the greatness that is already in you! Celebrating this life He has given you!
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Life is a gift and what we do with our gifts has an effect on the people around us. The choices we make will always have an impact on others, whether directly or indirectly. Though the life being lived by others may have impacted us, God has made a way for us to escape, endure, and move on: through Jesus Christ our Lord. We are free. As with anything in life, it must first start in our minds and our hearts. When we are free there? Everything else follows. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2017. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, July 06, 2017

"Reflections4Life...Getting Ready To Celebrate Ten Years!"

Celebrating Ten Years of Reflections4Life Blog & Ministry!

Volume 3 is almost here! Thursday, July 27, 2017. A compilation of daily devotions to encourage, inspire, uplift, and to cause a heart and mental shift in your life; preparing you to receive and walk in the promises of God.

I can hardly believe that I have been blessed by God to share His word and love through Reflections for the past ten years! God has been so wonderful. He has been good to me and there is so much coming in this tenth year.

For those who have been fellow-shipping with me for a while, you are aware that I did a series of Reflections Videos. (My YouTubeChannel) I will be starting those up again this year, as well as a Podcast and an App. I look forward to the revamped website, where you will be able to connect with me even more! Sign up for our Newsletter, Bible Study, Workshops. Be able to check out our shop and make a purchase for you and/or your loved ones, and the ease of making a donation, and sign up for monthly giveaways! There is so much more!

I am so excited for this tenth year. I am just excited over what God has done in the past ten years and the people I have connected with, fellowship with, pray with, have Bible Study with! My goodness! I can hardly wait to see where the Heavenly Father is taking us the next ten, twenty, thirty years! God is just so Awesome! What an amazing God!

Stay tuned for future notices on how you can be a part of the celebration and purchase a copy of:
Reflections4Life: What Love Teaches Me Volume III

With Love and Warm Regards,

Sunday, June 25, 2017


Reflections4Life June 25, 2017
“Consider yourself fortunate if God All-Powerful chooses to correct you. He may cause injury and pain, but he will bandage and heal your cuts and bruises. God will protect you from harm; no matter how often trouble may strike.” Job 5:17-19
Scripture Contemplation: Job 5; Isaiah 3; Luke 12…

There are days that I forget how fortunate I am to have the Lord on my side. I forget because I sometimes take my eyes off God and forget His promises and His word because I have allowed the circumstances and situations to overwhelm me. Instead of stopping, praying, and meditating on the Word of God, I meditate on all that is wrong; forgetting how fortunate I am that I serve a God that has already worked all things out for me.
I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Do yourself a great favor his week—humble yourself before the Creator and seek His face as never before. Let Him pour into you and you release all the things you have been holding in. It’s confession time and time to be made whole.
How fortunate are we to serve a God that loves us unconditionally? How awesome is it to know that we have a Father that does not judge a tenth as much as others and we judge us? Though you may be going through some very difficult times and facing things you may have never faced before; know that you are not alone. No matter what it looks or feels like, God is with you in the midst of it all. Because He is, we are fortunate. Fortunate that we have a Creator that knows everything about us; what we need; how much we can take; and when we are ready to receive what He has to say and give to us—His children—though we may be ornery, sinful, prideful, and rejecting Him and His ways.
Throughout my life’s journey, I have come to learn of the love, care, and concern that our Father hoards in his heart towards us. There were so many times that I have judged myself so harshly that I missed the blessing of God right in front of me. I was taught religion and that God was a vengeful and jealous God. Yes, that He loved us and sent His only begotten Son. However, I was not taught in the beginning about the depths of who God is. How huge His heart and love is concerning all of His creation.
None of this was taught but learned through a personal experience with God. It amazes me every day just how deep and wide the love of God truly is, and just how fortunate I truly am that He chose me. That, He holds me close to His heart and communicates with me one on one. Hat, He understands me and loves not in spite but because of. Because He is God. He is my Creator. My Friend. My Savior. My Redeemer. My King. My Everything.
Beloved, when you have an encounter with the true and living God, you will know. It is something that cannot be taught, bought, or experienced through another person’s story. It is through a first-hand account experience you will never forget. Your life changes forever. Even if you walk away and reject Him, you still will never be the same after a personal encounter with your Creator. It is like receiving a kiss on the lips from Heaven. Your heart is touched in a way that no words could accurately express. An encounter with the true and living God leaves you breathless, excited, hungry, and thirsty for more; for more of Him; more of His presence and more of His love. Then and only then will you know how blessed and fortunate you truly are.
I am so grateful today! My heart is bursting with so much love and gratitude for our Creator. If you have fellowshipped with me for a while now, then you know part of my story, my testimony. Oh! Beloveds, there is so much more to the story behind the glory of God in my life. So much more to the testimonies. As time goes forward, I look forward to the Lord releasing me to share it all. I will share this: I was saved at seven years old. I understood with all of my heart and soul that God was real. I had an encounter with God at the age of three. I was already His. My heart already believed and received Him. My young life was filled with just as much pain and sorrow as it was a joy. It was because of my relationship with God; His covering, that I made it through my younger years without going down a dark path that so many other young women have gone after experiencing all that I have. His loved saved. I am indeed fortunate. Fortunate that I had an encounter at such a young life. It saved my life, spiritually and physically, and most definitely mentally. God is more than good, He is great!
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. We are indeed fortunate to have a Father that loves us so much that He reaches and knocks at the doors of our heart; inviting us and giving us the freedom to accept or reject His offer. He stands with open arms, ready to receive us. How fortunate we are to have a Creator who will move heaven and earth just to get to us, wherever we are. We are never far from His reach or can escape His love. God is there; always. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2017. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, May 07, 2017


Reflections4Life May 7, 2017
“To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt-offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he-goats.” Isaiah 1:11
Scripture Contemplation: Proverbs 15:22; 20:18; Ecclesiastes 3; Isaiah 14; Romans 8:28; 2 Corinthians 9; Ephesians 3…
©Ruthe McDonald.
I declare that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. In all that you do, let there be a purpose behind. Give it a purpose so that it may meet what is intended. Seek the counsel of God; seek out wisdom to guide you and each purpose will manifest according to the will of God for your life.
I do not think many of us really stop to think about the purpose behind the things we are doing. Others may ask us what our objective is because humans have a tendency to be skeptical of a person’s intent. Which is quite understandable considering the corruption we see all around us. Yet, rarely do we ask ourselves or search for the purpose and intent of hearts when we seek to or are doing something.
Oh! There are reasons. We understand the concept of reciprocity or giving to receive. Nevertheless, have we put a definite purpose behind our actions? There must be an objective, the desired result for what we do. Think of it as a resume. The first thing we often list is our objective, our purpose for our work experience and skills what we hope to gain. Maybe if we asked ourselves [what our purpose is] more often, we would not become so overwhelmed when we face difficult and hard times in what we are doing, because we have a clear picture of the end game in mind.
If we understand our purpose/objective the reason behind our everyday actions, then perhaps we can concentrate on, and remember our purpose, our intent when all hell breaks loose, and we find ourselves under fire and questioning whether what we are doing is worth it.
Knowing our purpose gives accountability and stability. It helps focus and anchor us in the midst of things falling apart or going not quite as planned or envisioned. It also gives a determination and sense of what it will cost those God has called us to and ourselves if we gave up or stopped what we were doing.
2 Corinthians 9:6-8 (AKJV) But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly, and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work…
This scripture passage is not solely speaking of giving monetary. It is about giving of your service, your time, your counsel, knowledge, and wisdom. It is about being of service in the Kingdom of God and the reason behind why you are doing what you are doing. It is about your heart service and the reasons behind your actions.
What is the pay-off? What are we seeking to receive as a result of what we are doing? We have our purpose now. We know the intent and what we are expecting to happen to result from having given our actions a purpose. Now, what is the payoff? What are we seeking in return for our discipline, time, and effort? What accomplishments and benefits do we hope to see? Using the example of our resume once again, when you apply for a position, you have stated what you can bring and add to the company. What do you expect the company to give to you? Other than a paycheck or a salary, what are you going to receive resulting from your dedication and hard work?
Why do you do what you do? If we do not know the why or are doing it because that is what someone else wanted us to do; then we need to take a step back and evaluate our motives and go back to our purpose/objective. Especially if everything seems a bit, overwhelming and we want to give up instead of fight, forgetting about the cost.
Beloveds, there is a reason why we all do what we do whether we understand it, accept it, or acknowledge it. There is a definite purpose behind our actions. Whatever our objectives are, it will determine the willingness and the depths to which we are willing to go to see our actions through to the end. We must ask ourselves, what will the cost be for us not to accomplish our objective? Who, other than ourselves, will suffer by us not completing our purpose?
If there is one thing I have learned in my journey of life with God, is that I am not on this earth for myself. I am here to serve. That, my life story is not my own to hoard and keep hidden. It a story meant to be shared to bring encouragement, enlightenment, strength, hope, and healing to others. I am a walking Epistle, an Ambassador for Christ. My purpose is to live my life unapologetically without fear and with selflessness, understanding that there will be difficulties along the way. Mountains and valleys along the journey, and hearts and minds that God has called me to reach. My purpose is to reach as many souls as I can while living the life that God has ordained for me. And to give not because I feel pressured or fear ramifications from God but because I know the love and care of my heavenly Father and desire to share it with the world.
My motivation is to see the Kingdom of God expand and lives changed for the better. My payoff is eternal life with my Heavenly Father, the satisfaction of accomplishing my life goals, walking and living in happiness and joy, and pleasing my heavenly Father. To live the life of my idea and vision of happiness for me. Yours may be different than mine but this is the pay-off that I expect to receive.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Whatever you do, know the reasons why you are doing it. Let your purpose be made known. Seek the counsel of Holy Spirit and those that God has placed in your life. Wherever your journey takes you, purpose in your heart that, God is leading you to the exact place that He has ordained you to be for that specific time and place. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2017. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

"Undisputed Champion"

Reflections4Life   April 30, 2017

“Undisputed Champion”

       “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you will have            tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Scripture Contemplation: John 16; Romans 12; 1 John 2; 4; 5…


If there is anything that I have learned it is that no matter what you are faced with; no matter what comes your way if you are in God and believe what He has spoken to you, you will come through. It may not feel like it. It may feel as though you have lost the battle. Yet, because Christ is, so are we: Undisputed Champions.
I declare that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Whatever you are faced with in this life, always remember that as long as you are in Christ, you have already won and the enemy has already been defeated. Walk in the knowledge that God has granted you the victory long ago.
This is what I know: EVERY situation in life is an opportunity to learn something new; to learn something new about yourself, about our Heavenly Father, and how low the enemy will go to seek and destroy you and all that you believe.
There is definitely a mental war against us. In a weakened state, where your defenses are down and you can barely think clearly, the enemy will find a way to slip in and try to undermine who you are, as well as your authority in Christ. Very subtle in his machinations, the enemy will most certainly try to have you doubt God, the power of prayer, and all that Christ did and secured for us by going to the Cross. If the enemy cannot get you to doubt God, he will try to get you to doubt yourself. He will have you question your faith, your walk, and your belief.
As we both know and should understand, the devil is a lie! He has already been defeated, and we are the champions. No matter how hard he tries. How he may try to rewrite history; he cannot. He is the undisputed LOSER! And we, in Christ, are the undisputed CHAMPIONS.
1 John 4:4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
I thought this morning, about writing Reflections and concluded that sometimes we have to be reminded of what God has spoken to us and about who we are and whose we are. We belong to the Father. We belong to God who has secured our victory on every level. We have to learn to walk in our salvation and victory every day with the understanding that the enemy is always lurking, looking for ways to destroy us and attack the Kingdom of God.
Yes, greater is He who is in us than he who is in this world. There is nothing the enemy can do to change the fact that Christ overcame the world. Because He did, we can. Because Christ defeated death and the grave and gave us the keys of life, we are the winners should we believe on Him, and walk in His light. Certainly, we will have our moments in the world we live in, We will we be attacked on every side. We will suffer terribly at times. We may lose everything at one time or another. Yet, it does not change the fact that we are the victors. The death and resurrection of Christ sealed our victory for eternity.
Whatever it may be that you are facing today; whatever attacks the enemy may want to come at you with; just remember that God already declared you the winner. Because Christ is, you are…an undisputed Champion.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. There is nothing more comforting than knowing that the war has been won. The battle is indeed the Lord’s, and we can claim the title of undisputed Champion. Do not accept the lies of the enemy. You have already won and he’s already been defeated. Now go claim your title! You are Blessed. Now go…and Be a Blessing.
©2017. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.