Reflections4Life™ August 27, 2017
“Every Step is Victory”
“The steps of a [good and righteous] man are directed and established by the Lord, and He delights in his way [and blesses his path].” Psalm 37:23
Scripture Contemplation: 2 Samuel 22:37; Job 14:16; 31; Psalm 18; 37; John 5:6-8; James 5:16
I declare that this week's Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Know and believe that it is in every step we make up in our heart and minds to take each day that brings the vision to pass. Celebrate every step taken; every step conquered, pursuing your goals and visions one day, one-step at a time—one victory at a time.
I wish you could see my heart today and what has been stirring in my spirit, so you would have a first-hand account of my truth, but all I have is my word to share with you. I pray that the fruit of my mouth and of my actions speak for themselves. I hope the words I write are illuminated by our Creator and it brings encouragement and inspiration to you today because you recognize your own truth within them.
The heavenly Father reminded me that it is imperative that we not focus on a future result and the ultimate win of accomplished goals and visions, but to instead focus on the daily wins. The triumphs made each day. The result of what we desire, the ultimate goal being met, is comprised of the steps of the journey that it took to get there. One day at a time still holds fast and true. We are to celebrate the victory of each new day we are granted, each step that is accomplished. It is in the individual steps we take that ultimately culminate into that goal and dream that waits it appointed time.
Here is what I have also learned and been reminded of, beloved, that the first step is always the hardest. Somewhere in the middle of the journey, it will get harder still. Then when we are about to see the vision completed, it will get hard again and the enemy will do everything he can to make us give up just when we were about to meet the finish line.
Yet, here’s the thing: We must actually take that first step. That first step towards greatness, healing, peace of heart and mind and our goals and visions. Oh, that first step often looks daunting, not because we are necessarily looking at the first step, but are looking at the entire staircase. Our minds and vision are on the results and the big picture. That can be a deterrent for many of us. It can stop most before they even get started because the dreams and visions seem too big or overwhelming.
The Father says to take victory in every step; to look at the vision and goals as a series of daily steps. One step, one day, at a time. So, I determined to look at each day as not only a challenge to be met but a challenge to be won and celebrated, bringing me one day, one step, one triumph, one victory closer to the manifestation of my visions and goals. I encourage you to do the same.
I realized that the focus I had on the big picture was hindering my progress in daily tasks. It is so easy to get caught up in the vision of where we want to be and go and do, that the journey—along with its lessons—are sometimes missed, forgotten, or bypassed, which in turn only makes our goals and visions seem that much further away and sometimes impossible.
If we can look at our life’s journey as a series of steps instead of an entire staircase to conquer, then the tasks we need to accomplish will not seem as difficult or daunting. Yes, we will be met with obstacles and situations that will often make us feel as though we are stuck or going in the wrong direction. However, that is a part of life; a part of a series of lessons that we must learn in this life; lessons that will strengthen us and prepare us for the manifest blessings.
This is what I am learning and coming to understand; Conquering one step at a time is a whole lot better than trying to conquer an entire staircase of forty to eighty steps at once. That is too overwhelming and the chances of my giving up and failure are that much greater. That is not an option for me. I will take my stance and concentrate on that one, step, and I will celebrate the victory of conquering that one step as I go on to the next.
It is not impossible for God to leap frog us the entire staircase or a few steps. If He does—great! His promises are just manifested that much sooner. However, I, myself, will not seek to skip or take on any more steps than He has ordained because I am in a rush to the finish line. I will move accordingly, following the steps that God has ordained for me, and relish in every single step accomplished and victory gained because I understand that single victory is part of the whole vision coming to pass.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. The first step is a change of mind and the words we speak to ourselves. There is so much before us; ahead of us. There is a victory in each step we take. So celebrate the milestones of your journey, for they make the vision complete. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2017. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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