Reflections4Life™ November 5, 2017
“Can I Get a Testimony?”
“And they overcame and conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, for they did not love their life and renounce their faith even when faced with death.” Revelation 12:11
Scripture Contemplation: Exodus 23; Deuteronomy 5:20; Psalm 132:12; Acts 8; 2 Corinthians 13; Hebrews 10:14-16…
©Ruthe McDonald.
When is the last time that you recall hearing a church have testimony time? Do churches still have that? I know that some churches, due to a “time constraint” no longer have in their “program” a time for testimonies. I have been hearing a lot of complaining, talking about a whole lot of other things, but I have not heard too many testifying of what God has done in their lives. Can I get a testimony?
I declare that this week’s Reflection is a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for the heart, mind, and soul. I challenge you this week that whatever God has worked out for you; whatever He presses upon your heart to share—share it. Share the goodness of God this week. I dare you to testify and let someone else know how good God has been to you. Let them know of the goodness of God. Do not be ashamed of what you may have gone through, also do not be stingy with telling others of God’s grace and mercy. We overcome by the word of our testimony.
Beloved, this is what I know today: there are power and healing in our testimonies. There are far too many people waiting on a word from God and guess what? We are that word! God uses us—believers, overcomers, beneficiaries—of His love and kindness to go out and share the good news of not only the saving grace and love of Christ but also the goodness of God and His favor and what He has brought us through.
Did you not know that we do not need a title, a position, a degree, or anything to minister the word of God? No. We do not need that to reach others. We also do not need to be perfect, have it all together, or pretend to have all the answers. All we have to do is share what God has done in our lives. Let someone else know that what they are going through, God can and will see them through. You know, because of what God has done for you.
Do you know how many men, women, and children are walking around—some in your own home—feeling alone, depressed, some even at the point of despair and wanting to take their own lives because they feel alone, forgotten, weird, or ashamed of things that nine times out of ten were not even their fault. Here some of us are; acting all perfect, sanctified as if we always had it all together and cannot relate.
We need to tell the truth, destroy the enemy’s plot to rob one more life and share our testimonies. I am not telling you to bare your secrets; those things that are only between you and God. However, I know there is something that you can share with someone to lift him or her up. To encourage them; even if you think it is insignificant. What may seem insignificant to you can be the very thing that someone else needs to hear.
God did not bless us, Beloved, for us to keep our mouths closed. He did not deliver us so we can stand smug and self-righteous with an air of piety and act like our lives are perfect and have always been perfect. God did not bless us, meet our needs, take us from poverty, give us food on the table, clothes on our back, and restore our health, renew our minds, for us to act like we did it all on our own, or pretend like we have never been through hardships.
It is reminiscent of growing up in a rough neighborhood, having dreams to make it out. When you do, you never look back, even though you know you may still have family there, and others—children, teenagers—who are like you were, and could benefit from seeing that someone can and did make it out; that, their beginning did not have to define their future. That God will open up doors if that is what they truly desire.
Yet, too many do not want to remember where they came from. They want to act as if they always had it together. They want to act as if they do not know what welfare, government cheese, second-hand stores, the neighborhood bodega or corner store are. Neither do they want to acknowledge that instead of learning about depositing a check and saving money, they were only used to a check-cashing place, and having to choose which bill to pay and what had to wait.
Come on now! Tell the truth about your life experiences and put all shame behind you! God wants to deliver people through our testimony today. He wants to use us to bring hope, healing, deliverance, and strength to a hurting people, to someone who is barely holding on and wondering if there truly is a God. Our testimony just may save a life!
Listen, I have a testimony that I have burning inside of me that God has not released me to share just yet. However, I have other testimonies that I share on occasion. Such as experiencing molestation as a little girl, physical and mental abuse, being told I that my dreams for my life were too lofty. My father being murdered. I’ve been on welfare after receiving a degree, fired for standing up for my truth, on the brink of losing my home within days before God opened a door, feeling depressed because I felt like my life was not as I hoped and planned. Feeling rejected, abandoned. Feeling like a total failure, feelings of self-loathing, self-hate, severe depression, as if God was not listening to me; feelings of hopelessness, and pain so deep it took my breath. This is in not only my distant past but also some recently. Yet GOD! His grace is sufficient and it is incumbent on me to tell someone else the good news of God’s grace and favor! I cannot keep this truth to myself, especially knowing that it has the ability to bring comfort and hope to someone else.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. God is a restorer, Beloved. God will do for you what you and no one else can ever do if you would give Him the chance to do it. Do not sit on your testimony. Someone is waiting on you, to hear what you have to say because your words and your testimony matter too. In case, you forgot: You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2017. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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