Sunday, December 25, 2016

"I Love You!"

Reflection4Life December 25, 2016
“I Love You!”
For unto us a child is born; unto us, a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder. These will be his royal titles: “Wonderful,” “Counselor,” “The Mighty God,”  “The Everlasting Father,” “The Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 (TLB)
Scripture Contemplation: Isaiah; Luke 1, 2…

Merry Christmas! May this day be filled with joy and love and happiness and the reason for the season!
I Love You! That is it in a nutshell. The reason for this season was for man to know that they are loved. The birth of Christ was a gift from God, showing us His unwavering and unconditional love towards man. His gift to us so that we may not be forever lost in the clutches of the enemy and his warped, depraved, and empty existence. The Father sent His Son for us. If that doesn’t say I Love You, I don’t know what else does.
I declare and decree that today’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement for your heart, mind, and soul; bringing you peace and comfort to you. Celebrate the birth of the King—the reason for this season. Share the love today and each day. Be that walking reminder of who God is and whom He called us to be—a reflection of His love on the earth toward all man.
Yes! I love you! I love you very much. But no one, nobody, will ever love you more than God loves you. He loves you for who you are, just as you are before you even entered this earth. He loves you so much, that He had you in mind when He created this earth. He loves you so much He gave His only Son to enter the world that would reject Him, turn against Him, and crucify Him, just to save us all. He gave us the ultimate gift: a life for an entire creation’s redemption.
Don’t ever allow anyone to tell you that you are not loved. That, you are not special or thought of, or that your life does not have purpose or meaning. Are you serious? God has loved you before you were ever formed in your mother’s womb. He’s loved you from creation. And you are precious and important to him.
One of my favorite movies is, It's A Wonderful Life. I love many things about this movie. When Clarence says to George: “Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?” How magnificent is that? Don't think for a moment that you are not making a difference or that your life is not important. God knew that! That’s why He created you—to make a difference!
No matter what our life's circumstances are at the present; no matter what yours or mine may be dictating at the moment—GOD LOVES US AND OUR LIVES MATTER AND WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO TOUCH AND CHANGE THE LIVES OF COUNTLESS OTHERS! Remember that when you start to doubt why you are on this earth, and if your life has any value or meaning.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Remember that God does love you. You are one of His greatest gifts, as well. Just as His gift of Christ was to let us know He loves us, we, too, are His gifts to one another. To remind one another of the fact that God is among us, that He loves us, and that He has not forgotten us but is indeed thinking of us. You are blessed. Now…go and be a blessing!

©2016. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

"Remember Your Blessings!"

Reflections4Life December 11, 2016
“Remember Your Blessings!”
“And now, brothers, as I close this letter, let me say this one more thing: Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about.” Philippians 4:8 (TLB)
Scripture Contemplation: Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1; Matthew 21; Philippians 4…

We are just about at the end of another year. Another year that has seen many returns to their essence; to be home with the Lord. Many began this year not knowing how they would make it. There were others who took risks and stepped out on faith, making a huge difference in their lives and others. Whatever you do as this year ends—remember your blessings! Remember how much God truly did show up for you.
I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration; bringing peace and revelation to your heart, mind, and soul. Do yourself and your spirit a favor, think of taking a few days before the year is out and consecrate self to the Lord. Allow God to fill you, and anoint you for what comes next. Remember to thank Him for the many blessings and lessons.
It is hard at times to remember the good that we have experienced and received when we are too occupied with everything that has gone wrong. More often than not, there will be 100 things that went correctly, but we will only see and meditate on the one or two bad things that occurred.
Why is that? I believe it is because we are not thinking or taking on the thoughts of God as He has instructed us. In addition, we live in Satan’s playhouse; Surrounded daily by all kinds of people from different lifestyles and beliefs. We can sometimes get lost among all that is going on, and give in to the negativity that so thickly adorns the world we reside in.
This, Beloved, is why we need to meditate on the word and promises of God daily. We must spend quality time in His presence so that we can be strengthened in our resolve; in our hearts and minds concerning who God is, who we are in Him, and how we can daily live our lives not only remembering our blessings but also preparing for the continued blessings and directions of God in our lives.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Give yourself the opportunity to receive all that God has for you by remembering all that He’s already done, and all that He desires to do once you fully walk in those blessings with confidence. Recall how you thought you could not make it. Then remember how God showed up. When trials come, do not fret. Instead, remember what the King has already done. He has you. All the way. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2016. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

"The Lighthouse"

Reflections4Life November 27, 2016
“The Lighthouse”
“And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.” Isaiah 42:16
Scripture Contemplation: Job 24; Psalm 119:105; Proverbs 4; John 8; Romans 2; 2 Corinthians 4…

If there is one thing that is most certain, is God’s ability to see me through any tough and dark times. To be the Light in the darkness; the Compass in the wilderness; the Water in the desert; the Lighthouse through the storms and fog. I am most confident that I will make it through when the Heavenly Father is my anchor.
I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration; bringing peace and revelation to your heart, mind, and soul. Be encouraged to spend time in the presence of the Father this week. Listen more than you speak, and God will fill your spirit and soul with all that you need. Allow Him to be your compass. Follow His lead. He will never steer you wrong.
Whenever it would rain when I was a little girl, I would have the same dream. If it was not raining when I went to sleep but I had the same dream (which was more like a nightmare!) I knew as soon as I opened my eyes that it was raining. It was a strange phenomenon to me, that I would experience the same dream whenever it rained. I could only surmise, as I got older that the rain held some significance for me. I love the rain. I was the child that always wanted to play in the rain and always was told to come in out of the rain.
My dream was always the same. I am in an opera house where it is dark and there are heavy, dark brick red drapes covering all the walls. I couldn’t see anyone, but I could hear noises and I knew there was someone following me. After a while, I felt as though I was being chased, and I’d start running. I would stop sometimes to hide in the folds of the drapes. My heart would be racing, my breath coming fast. I could feel whatever was chasing me getting closer. I’d start running again. It was like a maze or a fun-house. I rarely looked back in the dream. I kept looking forward, searching for a way out. Then, in the midst of my running, I could see a sliver of light. I’d quicken my pace towards the light. As I got closer, I could see it was a door. I had finally made it to what appeared to be the back entrance and rushed toward the door, pushing on its metal bar to open it all the way. When I step out, I’m on a dock with lots of sailboats, surrounded by water, with the pungent smell of sea water hitting my nostrils, the sound seagulls flying above, and the sun shining so brightly that it’s not only reflecting off the water, I have to also shield my eyes from it shining so brightly in my face.
Beloveds, God is the Light that guides us out of all the dark places we may find ourselves in. He is the Compass when we are lost and have lost our direction. He is our Guide in the midst of nightmares who leads us to a place of safety—His loving arms. He is the Lighthouse that guides us safely through the storms as the water billows and the boat of our lives are tossed and loses visibility through the fog that often come and obstruct our view, sometimes making it difficult to dock safely at shore.
God is not only our way home. He is home. He is the still and steady voice that we hear in the midst of chaos. He is the point of direction when we cannot see our way out of situations and are not sure which way to go and not sure what to do. We seek for help from so many others, when God is the Source for all that we need.
We find ourselves, at times, in situations that we were not prepared for. Things happened suddenly and we are often blindsided. We wake sometimes, to devastating nightmares, wondering how we got there, and how we are going to get out. It often feels like we are running in circles, or into brick walls, or walking in complete darkness, unable to see our hands in front of our face.
These are the times, Beloved, when we must draw upon the word and promises of God. When we must remember that our help comes from the Lord. (Psalm 121) Regardless to what we may face in life. What obstacles, storms, roadblocks, fog—God will be the Light—the Lighthouse that guides us safely to shore every time. He will never fail us or leave us, but will always instruct us, if we are listening and take heed to what He is saying to us.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. The word of God is a lamp to our feet, lighting the path we should take. The word is God. God is the word. Therefore, He is our light. Let God be the light of your life. Allow Him to be the lighthouse that guides you safely to shore when your visibility is obstructed. Follow his voice—His light—you cannot go wrong with His light steering you home. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing.

©2016. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, October 30, 2016


Reflections4Life October 30, 2016
“The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd.” Hebrews 11:1-2 (MSG)
Scripture Contemplation: Matthew 8; 9; 14; 17; Mark 4; John 6; Romans 4; Ephesians 2; Hebrews 6…
photo by ©NotOnlyPhotos.

There are things that we want to change in our lives. Things we are not necessarily happy about. Please understand that you have the power to change the course of your life. It may not seem that way. You may even ask: “Do you know how many times you have tried, and still things remain the same?” I say to you, that things did not stay the same. It's just that you did not give it enough time [change] to take root and grow strength to produce the fruit of change that you were looking for.
I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration; bringing peace and revelation to your heart, mind, and soul. As you move forward in your week, may y come to the understanding that God has exactly what you need to get you from one level to the next. But you must be willing to be and give 100% compliance to whatever God asks of you.
We are always seeking for people to change their lives. For laws to change. For ideas and circumstances and seasons to change. We are always expecting other people to move. To move out of our way. To move towards us. What if you just need to move? To move and wait? To have patience for what you just did to have an actual impact.
There are two schools of thoughts we constantly war against. 1. Wanting immediate gratification. Moreover, 2. Never wanting to move out of current position. Beloveds, if you want a changed life; if you want something better, you want happiness, then you are going to have to learn two important lessons. The first being, that there will be no immediate gratification for what you want or what God has for you. Things are not going to happen overnight—not anything worth having and keeping. There needs to be a foundation laid that is not only strong but also durable and immoveable. Moreover, the fact of the matter is, greatness takes some time to mature and manifest. Learn your lessons. Learn who you are. Most importantly, learn who God is and what He wants.
The other most important factor; more important, in fact, than the first point is to MOVE. You are going to have to take a step out on faith. To move out of your comfort zones and stop pretending you are something you are not, at the cost of your health, sanity, and financial stability. Far too many of us are miserable in the position we are in. Yet, remain for what? Save face? To keep up with the neighbors who are struggling, too? It's time to move, Beloveds. Move to the place that God has designed to be the catalyst for your change and healing. Take a step of faith, and forget about everything and everyone around you. This is all about you, and what you truly want in this life. This is your Peter moment. God is calling you to step out the safety of the boat and walk towards him. However, unlike Peter, He wants you to keep your eyes stayed on Him. He wants you to only hear His voice and His directions, and block out everything around you that are designed to hinder and trip you up. This is your moment to move. To move with Holy Spirit, and break every yoke that tried to bind you to one moment and space in time.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. In order to get to that next level, next space, and the next path in life, you must be willing to move; to step out of your comfort zone and places of familiarity. There is something great waiting to manifest. Have patience and practice diligence. Moreover, remember: Faith without works is dead, and so works without faith dead. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2016. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

"Catch and Release"

October 16th, 2016
“Catch and Release”
“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” Ephesians 3:20-21 (MSG)
Scripture Contemplation: Deuteronomy 15; Isaiah 51:12-16; Zechariah 9:11-13; Matthew 4:18-20; Mark 1:16-18; Luke 5:5-7; Romans 8:18-21…

You are going to have to release what you have been holding to catch what God has for you. As you are catching, you should be releasing. You cannot hold onto both. You cannot receive the new, appreciate the new, accept the new, and hold the new, while your arms and hands are full of the old that God has told you to release a long time ago.
I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration; bringing peace and revelation to your heart, mind, and soul. Are you ready? Ready to release what you have been holding onto, for all that God has ordained for you; even if you do not know what it is…yet.
God has so much for us—so much to pour into our lives. So much newness, so much green grass, and fresh fruit, but we are too busy holding onto dead things. We have a scrapbook of dead and crumbling flowers to remind us of things that have passed so long ago. The truth of the matter is that we hardly remember the truth about what actually took place, and only recall the memory of a feeling that has changed so many times over the years, that we would hardly recognize that thing or time if we were standing in it again.
Catch and release. Prepare yourself for what God has waiting for you to receive. Be prepared to release old feelings, old thoughts, dead relationships, and dead ideas. People are stuck in the 80's, with its clothes, thoughts, ideas, and opinions, while God has progressed and He is doing a new thing, wanting us to catch the wave of Holy Spirit moving upon the face of the earth and in the heavenly, ready to pour into us a brand new download. However, you want God to install it into an ancient word processor when He is downloading to a completely new system that operates by voice detection and eye recognition. Come on somebody! God is doing a new thing and you have to release what you have been holding onto, with dear life in order to catch the move and timing of God.
Beloveds!—God has something awesome for you to receive in your hearts today. A word of truth to encourage you and prepare you for what He has in store for you. Yes. This world is waxing colder and more evil is rearing its ugly head. Yet this is nothing that the Father has not already told us about and prepared us for if we have been studying His Word and in intimate prayer, seeking His face and His will. For those who have maintained a relationship with our Lord and Savior, we know that this is all sign of the times. And we know that things will get worse for the world, but for God's children—those who have diligently sought Him; seek Him each and every day, and have an intimate relationship with Him, you understand that God is positioning you for the greatest season of your life. The greatest season to harvest. There are souls ready for the harvest, souls that need the true, sincere, unconditional love of God in their lives. Souls that need the truth—the unvarnished, unaltered, sincere, often raw, and stripping truth of the Lord in their lives at this very time. This very season of their lives. They are ready to CATCH what God has for them, as they RELEASE everything, anything, and anyone that has hindered them from not only hearing and receiving from God but from also living their absolute best life that God has ordained just for them.
Oh! Beloveds, we must release the ideas and ideologies and cease doing things our way, in order to catch what God is showing and teaching us to do. To live and walk in the blessed and best-ordained life that God has for us, we must do things His way. We have to determine to release the old and catch the new. And in order for this to work; for us to truly catch and not drop what God has for us—we must be willing to release all that we have been holding onto. All. Of. It.
Ask yourselves: Has my way been working? Am I living the life I dreamt or hoped I would be? Am I happy? Am I satisfied and content? Is my life causing a change in someone else's life for the better? Am I truly a walking epistle of the love and life in Christ? Are the things that I do and say reflective of what I believe in my heart or what I speak from my mouth? Do they line up and agree with one another? Am I living a life that is in agreement with heaven and the call on my life? Is my life a reflection of me believing in God and following His lead? Alternatively, is it a reflection of my fears and disobedience to the will and way and things of God?
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Beloved, we are as free as we desire and believe we can be. Our measure of faith dictates the things we do in our lifetime. There is absolutely nothing, which God will not do for us. For His children that are called by His name and have sold out our hearts and minds to Him. We must be in the position to catch what He has ordained for us, as we release those things that would block or hinder the harvest of God's promises coming to pass in our lives. You are blessed. Now go...and be a blessing!

©2016. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

"Whom Do You Love? Are You for Sure?"

September 25, 2016
“Whom Do You Love? Are You For Sure?”
“Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. Love doesn’t strut, doesn’t have a swelled head, doesn’t force itself on others. Isn’t always “me first”. Doesn’t fly off the handle, doesn’t keep score of the sins of others, doesn’t revel when others grovel, takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, puts up with anything.
Trusts God always, always looks for the best, never looks back, but keeps going to the end.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 MSG
Scripture Contemplation: Luke 15; John 15; 1 Corinthians 13…

Whom do you love? Are you for sure? Do you love them in a way that lifts them up, or that tears them down? How do you know it is love that you are feeling? Maybe it is not love but infatuation. We use that word love an awful lot. Have you really stopped to think about its meaning? What love really means? What love really is? Who Love is?
I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration; bringing peace and revelation to your heart, mind, and soul. God is love. He is the ultimate definition of love. Spend some intimate and quality time this week in the Father’s presence, soaking up all the goodness and love that can only be found in a relationship with Him. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain.
When you tell someone you love him or her, what are you really saying? What do you mean? Is it unconditional or conditional love? Sometimes we get it twisted.
To love someone unconditionally, you do not count their faults, flaws, and mistakes, then turn around and use it against them. It means that you know they are flawed and not perfect, yet you love them in spite of and decide that you want to share a life with them, accepting them just as they are and willing to grow with them and see where the journey of life takes the both of you.
Conditional love puts limits and conditions on our love. It says that if you do x, y, and z, then I will withhold a, b, and c, along with my love. You use love as a punishment; withholding affection until you are satisfied with the other person's actions. Conditional love says that there are certain conditions that must be met before you will give or show love to the other person.
Often times we believe our love is unconditional until a situation takes place or a person disappoints us and we are exiting the relationship, rushing into new ones, only to find ourselves repeating past behaviors.
Unconditional love is risky, requiring vulnerability. Many of us would rather hold on to the old wounds, allowing them to dictate our behavior and measure of love in all of our relationships.
Too many people say, "I love you" and do not know what they are talking about. They get unconditional and conditional twisted…leaving people hurt, angry, wounded, and jacked up for the next relationship, and finding it hard to love themselves.
Know and understand this: If you are not ready to be vulnerable, to give your all, to take risks, to accept people for who they are and where they are at in life at this time, then do not commit and do not say you love them. Moreover, whatever you do, do not marry them. Unconditional love requires a lot, especially vulnerability and acceptance. Think on it.
Who could be more vulnerable than God could? Here we are, His beloved creation, made in His image, and we ignore God. We reject Him. Our actions are sometimes anything but love. Yet, God has not given up on us. Our Heavenly Father, Knower of all things, especially our hearts and what we are going think before the thoughts come, knew that sending His only begotten Son would save many, but many would still reject it—reject Him.
God is love, Beloved. He is the embodiment of love. What love is, what it looks like, feels like, sounds like, tastes like…all God. We can exchange the name of God in our conversations like this: I God you. I will God you forever.
Beloved, when you tell someone you love them, think about what you mean, and what you would want it to mean when someone says they love you. If you are not, ready to love unconditionally; to accept someone for who they are right now, then do not make that commitment until you are certain, and are ready, until you can allow yourself to be vulnerable. Because loving someone is not always easy. It takes some sacrifice and compromise at times, and a certain strength and fortitude to forge ahead in love at times. Just remember: with God in you and all around you, you cannot lose with love, only gain.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Allow the true, sincere, unconditional love of God to not only penetrate your heart and mind but also allow it to lead you throughout each day; guiding and strengthening you in the ways of His kind of love, a love that this world so desperately needs more of. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2016. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, September 19, 2016

"You Already Are"

"You Already Are"
Do you believe me when I tell you that everything
©Ruthe McDonald.
you need to become the person you already are, is already residing in you? It's true. What part are you having trouble with? The part that says it's already residing in you? Or, 'the person you already are'? Let's look at that first, shall we?
The person God created you to be? That person you want to be? That person who totally has their ish together and are whole and confident in themselves? Yes. That person. THEY. ALREADY. EXIST. INSIDE. OF. YOU. The person you will yet be is already waiting within. Waiting to emerge, to be birthed, to be born, to be recognized and given permission to come forth. When God formed us in our mother's womb, He created us whole and complete. He created as He sees us—in His image, Flawless, full of wonder and splendor, and whole in our heart, mind, and soul.
Everything we need to birth this part of us? Everything we need to bring them forth? It is already residing in us. All we have to do is believe it. Trust God on this journey of life, as He reveals to us everything that He has hidden within us.
Why is it hidden? Because, when we come into this world, we're not ready for the magnificence of the person we're yet to be. It would overwhelm us. We need to grow and learn and most of all, come to God, on our own, developing a relationship with Him. Every day is an opportunity for us to allow ourselves to become who God created us to be. Some of us are scared, afraid to seek that part of us because we're afraid that they don't really exist. Oh! We exist, Beloved. YOU exist! Each trial and test we go through in this life—believe it or not—brings us closer to who we already are. Our true, authentic, God designed us finally coming forth.
You're still here because you have not given up. That part of you; the person you already are, will not let you give up. They're waiting their turn. When they finally emerge, it will be like: What took me so long?
©Ruthe McDonald

Sunday, September 18, 2016

"Why Are We Jealous?"

September 18, 2016
“Why Are We Jealous?”
“You lust and do not have. You murder, covet, and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask.” James 4:2
Scripture Contemplation: Joshua 24:19; Psalm 79:5; Proverbs 27:4; Galatians 5; James 4…

There is never a need for jealousy when you are secure and confident in what God has spoken concerning your life. The wicked will always seem to prosper when God is shaping and aligning you with His promises for your life. However, we must not allow the spirit of jealousy space into our hearts and minds, as it will cloud our judgment and make us miss what God desires to do in our lives.
I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration; bringing peace and revelation to your heart, mind, and soul. There is much more that resides in you than you probably realize. The only way to discover it is to be in connection with the heavenly Father. Work on your intimate relationship with God this week. Begin again and allow God to reveal to you the heart of the matter, and all that He has placed inside of you.
Why Are We Jealous? God has blessed every one of us with a measure of talents and gifts. He has created us equal, even if man divides us by skin tone, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and physicality. Though we do similar things, have the same kind of job, have the same talents—we are unique. In that, God designed us individually.
Why, Beloved, are we jealous of others—of their talent, gifts, anointing? Why do we covet what another man or women has, and seek to not just have what they have but to take what they have, in some cases? Why do we spend our time in a spirit of jealousy when we can be developing the gifts and talents that God has placed in us?
God designed us to go after what we desire in a manner that we work diligently and smartly. He intended for us to create and be ingenious and develop the gifts and talents that lay dormant in so many of us.
Perhaps some of us were robbed growing up; robbed of a sense of pride. Robbed of knowing what we are capable of because we never were told or encouraged. Our gifts and talents never nurtured or even recognized. There are so many reasons that many become adults, and still do not know what lies in them. What kind of talent and gifts lay dormant, waiting to be aroused?
There is no need for anyone to be jealous of anyone else's gifts or talents or success. The truth of the matter is we can accomplish the same things. We do not have to wish we were like someone or had the opportunities they have had, or were born rich like some others.
No, Beloved. Everything you need to be successful; to be wealthy; to live your life in such a manner that you exceed even your own expectations?—it is all in you, waiting to be recognized, awakened, and tapped into. The only way to accomplish this is to know God. When you know God, Beloved, you begin to know who you are, and the purpose He has ordained for your life.
We waste much time coveting what someone has when we can be developing what God has already placed in us that needs to be developed and tended to. Besides, what do we really know about another person’s life and how one has gotten where one is? Do you know the cost of their journey? Do you know what they had and have to deal with each day to be who they are? Do not be so quick to covet and be jealous of what others appear to have when you do not know the cost of their journey and what it took them to be the person you are just now seeing. Some things appear to happen overnight. When in all actuality, it has been a long and arduous road for many.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Be happy with who you are and excited for your journey. God has uniquely designed you and molded you for a life of not just greatness, but to do what only you can do. Though there may be similarities amongst others, there will only ever be just one you. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
© 2016. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

"Gratitude Makes All the Difference"


"Gratitude Makes All the Difference"

Thank you for all the Birthday wishes, prayers, and Blessings. Truly, it was an absolutely phenomenal day filled with much joy, love, and gratitude.

My last call of the evening was with one of my BFF's from college. It was such a pleasure speaking with her. Laughing, reminiscing, telling her husband to get out the room! LOL It gave my heart such joy and pleasure. We don't always get a chance to speak to one another daily. But we call each other on Birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. Or, if I have a dream about them, I will call to see what's going on and have a word of prayer.

I am grateful. My heart is filled with gratitude for all the love that I was shown. We take for granted—sometimes without knowing—the gifts we have in our lives. The relationships that so many crave for, we have, and sometimes do not honor or show gratitude for. And at some point, no gratitude will lead to a significant loss that is irreplaceable.

When you have a heart of gratitude, it makes room for other blessings in your life. It places you in a position to receive all that God has ordained for your life. I have witnessed a rampant case of entitlement; especially amongst young people and young adults. We give our children so much, in hopes that they will not experience the lack we may have while growing up. Yet, without balance, we do our children a disservice. They do not grow with a sense of gratitude or to value what they have been given. Instead, they feel entitled, lacking empathy, compassion, consideration, and respect.

Many become shallow, ungrateful, entitled adults and part of the problem we have with classism and elitism. We may not all have the same upbringing, financial status, or social experiences, but we all can be taught a heart of gratitude for who we are and what we have and respect for those whose experiences are different. Attitude determines altitude and it begins with gratitude.


©Ruthe McDonald

Sunday, August 14, 2016

"Break Away"

August 14th, 2016

“Break Away”

“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He will not hear.” Isaiah 59:1-2 NKJV
Scripture Contemplation: Psalm 1; Hosea 9; Matthew 25; Romans 8; 1 Corinthians 15; 2 Corinthians 6…
What is holding you back, Beloved? Who is holding you back? What has stopped you from doing what God has placed in your heart to do? What has hindered you from pursuing those goals and visions that have now gone dormant and silent within your soul and spirit? It is time to break away. Break away from all things that have gotten in the way of you walking in the will of God for your life. Break away from the things that have hindered and even corrupted you in the way of your thoughts and how you see yourself.
I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration; bringing peace and revelation to your heart, mind, and soul. I don’t care how long it’s been. As long as you still have breath in your body, it is not too late to humble yourself at the feet of God and receive all that He has for you and watch as your life turns around. Run to Jesus, Beloved. Run to the Lord and ask Him to have His way in every area of your life. And watch, as the blinders begin to fall off!
I won’t be before you too long today. I just want to give you a word from the Lord and encourage you. And to let you know that it is time to break away. Break away from people, places, and things that have hindered you from fully investing yourself in the will and ways that God ordained for your life.  It’s time to break away from your past, from lies spoken over your life, from the bad and corrupt company; from everything and anything that would try and separate you from the love and will of God in your life.
Many of us have fallen victim to ourselves. To the needs and desires of our flesh and have forgotten that we are more than flesh. We are also spirit. And our spirits need to be nurtured and fed. Too many of us are starving. We are malnourished because of the things we have allowed to dominate our lives that were not of God.
Enough is enough! It is time to take a stand. To stand up against the enemy. To reclaim your victory and start walking it. It is way past time to experience the fullness and goodness of our God. To allow God to love you and bless you in the manner that He has always wanted to do since He created you.
Why, Beloved? Why do we continue to allow people to rob us? To steal our joy and peace? To hinder our growth and development in the Kingdom of God? Why? And we cannot blame everything on the perpetrators without looking to ourselves first. It is time to hold a mirror up to our face, look ourselves in the eyes and start telling the truth—no holds bar.
We must begin to separate ourselves from those who are toxic to us. Toxic to our dreams and visions. Toxic to our relationship with God. Toxic to our hearts and minds. We must not be afraid to stand up for truth and for what is in our hearts. We must begin to break away from old habits, bad habits that will engulf our minds and immobilize us; keeping us from moving forward and getting all that God has promised.
When God says let go, Beloved? Do it. When He says it’s time to move? Then you move. When God says, it time to fight? Then you fight. Beloved, God knows all about us. He knows us when we need to break away from a situation(s) or person(s). Wake up and hear what God is saying to you. There is a whole new chapter being written, and you will determine the ending.
Do not stand in the way of your blessings manifesting by staying too long in a place that was only supposed to be temporary or a life lesson. Do not give up on yourself because you feel as though you’ve no control over a situation. God has put all power in our hands. Power to break chains. Power to move mountains. Power to save and change lives. Power to get your life together no matter how many mistakes you have made. It’s a brand new day. Brand new opportunities. Allow God to teach you what is needed. How to break away from those false people. Break away from dream killers and vision snatchers. Wait on the Lord and be of good cheer. And stop taking advice from those who never ever seen the real you. Or, are constantly causing you more pain than there are days Trust God. Really trust Him to make things work for your good.
Revelation 3:14, 20 NKJV “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him and dine with him, and he with Me.”
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Allow God to lead you. Trust Him where you cannot trace Him. God knows you. And He has your number. He’s been knocking for quite some time. Knocking on the doors of your heart, in your spirit. Waiting for you to answer; to invite Him in. And waiting for you to once and for all break away from anything and anyone that would seem to block your blessings. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2016. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

"And God Said..."

Reflections4Life July 10th, 2016
“And God Said…”
“…if My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
Scripture Contemplation: 2 Chronicles 7; Exodus 32; Numbers 23:19; Job 42; Matthew 3; Luke 15; Acts 3; Ephesians 6; 2 Peter 3:9…

We’ve heard everyone’s opinion. We know what we believe. Many are asking what to do now after you have done everything you can do? The world is waxing colder and evil seems to be prevailing. How do we handle the travesties of today’s world? What else can we possibly do? There is only one thing left to do, which should be the first thing we always do: Seek God and hear and listen to what He says. What is God saying in all of this hate and vitriol?
I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration. We must take the time to hear what God is saying, Beloveds. Trust that He is speaking loud and clear. Do not guess what God might be saying. Hear what He is saying by spending quality, intimate time with the Lord.
The anger and tension in this world are thick. In America, it is bubbling over with hate, distrust, fabrications, manipulations, unrepentance, disregard, and denial. All being spurred by a few mediums with their own agenda to keep people divided and with a growing sense of dread and unrest. People are looking for answers. They are tired of their efforts being ripped apart and trampled on, or cast aside. Who has the answer? God does. Always has and always will.
Everyone has an opinion. Some think they know what the problem is. Others are willing to find out and seek solutions for all people. And there are others who wish to put their heads in the sand and pretend that there is nothing wrong. That the hate and anger do not exist. That the wrong done to human beings on both sides of the spectrum is a fabrication. Then there are those that know exactly what to do and what is wrong, because they have the ear of God and the heart of God, and are not afraid to take an unpopular stance and say: “And God said…” It’s not the most popular or well-received solution—often ensuing in a debate. But when has God’s way ever been the most sought after or popular point of view and way of doing things? Never.
One thing I know for certain: God has addressed these issues. And He has told us and is telling us once again that it is time to repent as a nation. As a people. The blood of too many brothers and sisters are crying out to God. Crying out from the earth that has ripped their essence from their bodies—far too soon. Genocide is taking place, Beloveds. While evil is prevailing and leaving our children to pay the price for the sins of our fathers.
Some may argue that this platform is not the place to speak on this. Then what is, when God is clearly the only solution to what plagues us? Who, more than the children of God, has the ear of the Father? Were we not called to be the salt of the earth? The light to the world? Yet, the body of Christ has lost its flavor. The body of Christ is suffering from a conscious blackout; our lights going dim. I will not hide the truth and come before acting like nothing is wrong. Or pretending that what is taking place in America is not directly connected to the ball that was dropped by the church of God. By those professing to know and love God, and speak for God but have done nothing but to contribute to the despair, hate and vitriol in America today.
The charge was not given to those who do not know God, Beloved. No. The charge was given to those who say they know God and have a relationship with Him. It is time to repent. The Lord said, if My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
The charge is to us beloved. And we cannot act like there is nothing going on. We cannot sit by and point blame and not take responsibility for our own actions or inactions. To have nothing to speak up or stand up with those who are oppressed. Or, to act like it is none our business as long as it doesn’t come to our door. Woe unto us who have had any of those thoughts and feelings. Because that is not of the God I serve.
What we see in the world is a direct reflection of our actions. Of our sins and unruly and unrepentant hearts. How dare we say we love the Lord and have nothing but hate in our hearts for another of God’s creation? How can we deem to represent the body of Christ if in our hearts we don’t even believe in equality and justice for all? Last time I checked. Last time I was in a fellowship with God, He clearly still loves us all, and Christ gave His life for all, and not some or a select group of elite.
We are facing the consequences of disobedience, hate, unjustifiable ignorance, unrepentance, and even defiance. As I tell my husband, even though we may move on from a wrong—we move forward, try to do right—there are consequences to our actions. Though God forgives us, extends His mercy and grace, there are repercussions for what we allow to take place. Things must run its course and come full circle. Like kidneys being flushed during a dialysis treatment; the blood being washed, being removed from the body and returning—the consequences of our actions must run its course. Yet, God is there to shorten that time. He is there to walk us through if we would repent. If we would acknowledge our ways and our contribution to the world we live in. Whether through action or inaction.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. We no longer have the luxury of just sitting back and see what happens next. Seeing who the next victim may be. No. It is time for God’s children to repent, confess our sins, turn away from the evil that men do. To admonish when we see wrong and injustices, and to not sit in judgement of anyone. To not make excuses for sin or deplorable behaviors. Not only because what is right or what God desires. But because we KNOW what is right and seek to please God and bring healing to land that so desperately needs a touch from God. You are blessed. Now go….and be a blessing.

©2016. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, January 31, 2016


ctions4Life January 31, 2016
“And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours. It was right that we should make merry and be glad, for your brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is found.’” Luke 15:31-32
Scripture Contemplation: Luke 15: 11-32

Are you someone that celebrates the accomplishments and victories of others? For real. You know; not the fake “smile-in-your-face-but-scowling-behind-the-back” kind of celebrate? But the honest to goodness, sincere I-am-truly-happy-for-you kind of celebrate? Because there are way too many walking around harboring hate in their heart and soul over the accomplishments of others when the Father is instructing us to be happy for one another when we meet those milestones in life.
I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration. Let your heart and mind be fixed on Christ each day. Allow God to work in you and bring you to a place of peace and happiness. Celebrate the accomplishments of those around you. Be happy for them, as God prepares you to succeed in your goals and passion in life.
There are some haters in our midst. Those who would love nothing more than for us to fail at everything we do. In fact; each time we accomplish or reach a goal, they will smile in our face but talk about us behind our backs, suggesting that our accomplishments are not as they seem.
Some of us need to be careful because we are those very haters. What?! Yes! Some of us only need to look in the mirror to see that we are the haters. The ones that have difficulty celebrating the accomplishments of others. The ones that moan and complain often that God is not moving fast enough or answering their prayers. The ones that find fault in all that others do but find it most difficult to see or accept their own faults and flaws.
We should celebrate the victories of those around us. Be happy for the fulfillment of their goals and their accomplishments. Learn to rejoice when someone who was lost finds their way. Celebrate the victories and milestones met by those you know worked very hard. And while you are celebrating another, the things you need are being taken care of.
I love the parable of the prodigal son. Though he squandered all that he had, he had the wherewithal to humble himself and go back home. His return was celebrated while the son who remained home and dutiful and obedient to his father felt sore about the celebration being held in his wayward brother’s return.
The older brother reminds me of those who have been working hard their entire lives to reach a goal; to make their dreams come true. And as they are working diligently, here comes an up and coming new-comer, who accomplishes in a short period what that other person has been working towards for years. Kind of like being an actor for thirty years. Working hard at your craft. Always nominated but never winning. Then here comes a young actor; their first shot out and they are not only nominated but win the coveted award. Doesn’t seem fair, does it? But that’s life sometimes. Who’s to say what obstacles that young actor has gone through? Who’s to say that they didn’t merit the win at that time? It was their season. It may have been their only season.
Because another person wins, doesn’t necessarily make you a loser. It just isn’t your season. When you take the time to genuinely celebrate the accomplishment of others, it opens the doors and makes room for your own blessings to manifest. It’s called humility. Even though you may feel you deserve recognition for all your hard work, be patient. Wait for your season. We all have one. Allow the seeds of your life that were planted to take root and get strong, so that when your fruit comes forth—in due season—it will be good fruit free of blemish, and full of abundance.
Celebrate the accomplishments and milestones of others. Be supportive. Be the person that takes joy when others succeed, while knowing that your season is right around the corner. Celebrate the return of those to the fold; to the household of God. Welcome them with open arms. Let them know and see that you are there for them, to help celebrate not just their accomplishments, but also their lives.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. There is no room for hate or shade when you are walking in God. No room to feel slighted or left out. What God has for you is for you. Rest assure; God is not rewarding bad behavior or a jealous spirit. But He does celebrate with those who celebrate others and lift one another to their highest level of best. Celebrate one another. Celebrate as you wait patiently for your season to come to pass. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing.

©2016. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

"No Time for Jealousy!"

Reflections4Life January 24th, 2016
“No Time for Jealousy!”
“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for love is as strong as death, Jealousy as cruel as the grave; its flames are flames of fire, a most vehement flame.” Song of Solomon 8:6
Scripture Contemplation: Deuteronomy 29; Psalm 37; Proverbs 24; Proverbs 27…

I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration. It's Not Easy Being Green! And you do not have to be. Allow yourself time in the presence of God. Let Him reveal to you who you are and how deeply and fiercely He loves you just as you are.
Jealousy! What a vicious character. Warping one's mind to think things that are not necessarily the truth. One morning as I was going through a few things (In the middle of packing—we were moving), I came across an old notebook with some notes that I had jotted down. The topic of discussion: Jealousy and what to do about it.
I was taught to believe that jealousy is a wasted emotion that can wreak the most havoc if allowed to go unchecked. I also know that jealousy’s ugly root hides in the guise of insecurities. When you are insecure about anything...Beware! The green eyed monster is not too far behind
I've experienced battles with the green-eyed monster; we all have. If you say you haven't, I'm apt to believe that most of what you say isn't the truth. I learned it is not easy being green! Jealousy takes a lot of energy. What was I jealous about, you might ask? Well, keeping it honest and real...I have dealt with a weight issue what seems like FOREVER! At that time, I was maintaining, losing a few pounds here and there. Then enter a co-worker. Who, by the way, in my opinion, did not need to lose an ounce! However, she felt she did and so she started this new "diet" (I so hate that word!)  She started dropping the pounds faster than I could blink.
Now enters jealousy.  She was looking wonderful and when I looked at myself...Blah! I could hardly stand to be in the same room as her. I wished she'd just be quiet about all her success! But in all actuality, I was angry at myself for what seem to me at the time—as my failure. I found myself not being very social with her, as I was previously. In fact, I found myself pulling away from many activities that I was doing at the time.
My God! What was happening to me? Jealousy! That green eyed monster nearly cost me a friendship, and almost caused me to put back on the few pounds I did lose! Because if you didn't know it, let me tell you now: jealousy can easily lead to self-pity, and for many people in that state—they eat to suppress the feelings that they are trying to evade. Lord, help me, please! I really had to get a hold of myself. So, I started writing my "feelings" in my journal, and appropriately named it: It's Not Easy Being Green!
I made a grave mistake that many of us do: Comparing myself to someone else. We should never compare ourselves to anyone else. Besides, you don't even know what that person may be going through. Or, what it took for them to get where they are at. Their shoes may not be such a great fit. By comparing ourselves to another, we open the door wide for that spirit of jealousy to come in and take root.
Jealousy is a very strong emotion that, if not checked, can wreak all kinds of havoc in our lives. Whether it is a relationship, friendship, acquaintances, or strangers—we do not have to be envious of another person’s progress, success, or relationships. God has assured us that what is for us is for us. We do not have to stoop to a level of self-loathing, or hating on someone, or trying to attack, malign, or sabotage another’s personal success. When we know who we are; know our worth and have self-value, we do not compare ourselves to another person’s growth. When we know and believe in our own self-worth, we quickly abate insecurities. When we trust in the love of those we are in a relationship with—we understand that whether or not they stay—it is not a reflection of our self-worth.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Love who you are. Be who you are without regret, insecurity or inhibition. Do not allow a spirit of jealousy to blind you to the God’s truth concerning you, or all the plans He has ordained for you. Search your hearts and know this truth: You are worthy because God said so and that’s all that matters. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2006 and ©2016. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.