Sunday, January 31, 2016


ctions4Life January 31, 2016
“And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours. It was right that we should make merry and be glad, for your brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is found.’” Luke 15:31-32
Scripture Contemplation: Luke 15: 11-32

Are you someone that celebrates the accomplishments and victories of others? For real. You know; not the fake “smile-in-your-face-but-scowling-behind-the-back” kind of celebrate? But the honest to goodness, sincere I-am-truly-happy-for-you kind of celebrate? Because there are way too many walking around harboring hate in their heart and soul over the accomplishments of others when the Father is instructing us to be happy for one another when we meet those milestones in life.
I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration. Let your heart and mind be fixed on Christ each day. Allow God to work in you and bring you to a place of peace and happiness. Celebrate the accomplishments of those around you. Be happy for them, as God prepares you to succeed in your goals and passion in life.
There are some haters in our midst. Those who would love nothing more than for us to fail at everything we do. In fact; each time we accomplish or reach a goal, they will smile in our face but talk about us behind our backs, suggesting that our accomplishments are not as they seem.
Some of us need to be careful because we are those very haters. What?! Yes! Some of us only need to look in the mirror to see that we are the haters. The ones that have difficulty celebrating the accomplishments of others. The ones that moan and complain often that God is not moving fast enough or answering their prayers. The ones that find fault in all that others do but find it most difficult to see or accept their own faults and flaws.
We should celebrate the victories of those around us. Be happy for the fulfillment of their goals and their accomplishments. Learn to rejoice when someone who was lost finds their way. Celebrate the victories and milestones met by those you know worked very hard. And while you are celebrating another, the things you need are being taken care of.
I love the parable of the prodigal son. Though he squandered all that he had, he had the wherewithal to humble himself and go back home. His return was celebrated while the son who remained home and dutiful and obedient to his father felt sore about the celebration being held in his wayward brother’s return.
The older brother reminds me of those who have been working hard their entire lives to reach a goal; to make their dreams come true. And as they are working diligently, here comes an up and coming new-comer, who accomplishes in a short period what that other person has been working towards for years. Kind of like being an actor for thirty years. Working hard at your craft. Always nominated but never winning. Then here comes a young actor; their first shot out and they are not only nominated but win the coveted award. Doesn’t seem fair, does it? But that’s life sometimes. Who’s to say what obstacles that young actor has gone through? Who’s to say that they didn’t merit the win at that time? It was their season. It may have been their only season.
Because another person wins, doesn’t necessarily make you a loser. It just isn’t your season. When you take the time to genuinely celebrate the accomplishment of others, it opens the doors and makes room for your own blessings to manifest. It’s called humility. Even though you may feel you deserve recognition for all your hard work, be patient. Wait for your season. We all have one. Allow the seeds of your life that were planted to take root and get strong, so that when your fruit comes forth—in due season—it will be good fruit free of blemish, and full of abundance.
Celebrate the accomplishments and milestones of others. Be supportive. Be the person that takes joy when others succeed, while knowing that your season is right around the corner. Celebrate the return of those to the fold; to the household of God. Welcome them with open arms. Let them know and see that you are there for them, to help celebrate not just their accomplishments, but also their lives.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. There is no room for hate or shade when you are walking in God. No room to feel slighted or left out. What God has for you is for you. Rest assure; God is not rewarding bad behavior or a jealous spirit. But He does celebrate with those who celebrate others and lift one another to their highest level of best. Celebrate one another. Celebrate as you wait patiently for your season to come to pass. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing.

©2016. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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