"Gratitude Makes All the Difference"
Thank you for all the Birthday wishes, prayers, and Blessings. Truly, it was an absolutely phenomenal day filled with much joy, love, and gratitude.
My last call of the evening was with one of my BFF's from college. It was such a pleasure speaking with her. Laughing, reminiscing, telling her husband to get out the room! LOL It gave my heart such joy and pleasure. We don't always get a chance to speak to one another daily. But we call each other on Birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. Or, if I have a dream about them, I will call to see what's going on and have a word of prayer.
I am grateful. My heart is filled with gratitude for all the love that I was shown. We take for granted—sometimes without knowing—the gifts we have in our lives. The relationships that so many crave for, we have, and sometimes do not honor or show gratitude for. And at some point, no gratitude will lead to a significant loss that is irreplaceable.
When you have a heart of gratitude, it makes room for other blessings in your life. It places you in a position to receive all that God has ordained for your life. I have witnessed a rampant case of entitlement; especially amongst young people and young adults. We give our children so much, in hopes that they will not experience the lack we may have while growing up. Yet, without balance, we do our children a disservice. They do not grow with a sense of gratitude or to value what they have been given. Instead, they feel entitled, lacking empathy, compassion, consideration, and respect.
Many become shallow, ungrateful, entitled adults and part of the problem we have with classism and elitism. We may not all have the same upbringing, financial status, or social experiences, but we all can be taught a heart of gratitude for who we are and what we have and respect for those whose experiences are different. Attitude determines altitude and it begins with gratitude.
©Ruthe McDonald
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