Sunday, January 24, 2016

"No Time for Jealousy!"

Reflections4Life January 24th, 2016
“No Time for Jealousy!”
“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for love is as strong as death, Jealousy as cruel as the grave; its flames are flames of fire, a most vehement flame.” Song of Solomon 8:6
Scripture Contemplation: Deuteronomy 29; Psalm 37; Proverbs 24; Proverbs 27…

I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration. It's Not Easy Being Green! And you do not have to be. Allow yourself time in the presence of God. Let Him reveal to you who you are and how deeply and fiercely He loves you just as you are.
Jealousy! What a vicious character. Warping one's mind to think things that are not necessarily the truth. One morning as I was going through a few things (In the middle of packing—we were moving), I came across an old notebook with some notes that I had jotted down. The topic of discussion: Jealousy and what to do about it.
I was taught to believe that jealousy is a wasted emotion that can wreak the most havoc if allowed to go unchecked. I also know that jealousy’s ugly root hides in the guise of insecurities. When you are insecure about anything...Beware! The green eyed monster is not too far behind
I've experienced battles with the green-eyed monster; we all have. If you say you haven't, I'm apt to believe that most of what you say isn't the truth. I learned it is not easy being green! Jealousy takes a lot of energy. What was I jealous about, you might ask? Well, keeping it honest and real...I have dealt with a weight issue what seems like FOREVER! At that time, I was maintaining, losing a few pounds here and there. Then enter a co-worker. Who, by the way, in my opinion, did not need to lose an ounce! However, she felt she did and so she started this new "diet" (I so hate that word!)  She started dropping the pounds faster than I could blink.
Now enters jealousy.  She was looking wonderful and when I looked at myself...Blah! I could hardly stand to be in the same room as her. I wished she'd just be quiet about all her success! But in all actuality, I was angry at myself for what seem to me at the time—as my failure. I found myself not being very social with her, as I was previously. In fact, I found myself pulling away from many activities that I was doing at the time.
My God! What was happening to me? Jealousy! That green eyed monster nearly cost me a friendship, and almost caused me to put back on the few pounds I did lose! Because if you didn't know it, let me tell you now: jealousy can easily lead to self-pity, and for many people in that state—they eat to suppress the feelings that they are trying to evade. Lord, help me, please! I really had to get a hold of myself. So, I started writing my "feelings" in my journal, and appropriately named it: It's Not Easy Being Green!
I made a grave mistake that many of us do: Comparing myself to someone else. We should never compare ourselves to anyone else. Besides, you don't even know what that person may be going through. Or, what it took for them to get where they are at. Their shoes may not be such a great fit. By comparing ourselves to another, we open the door wide for that spirit of jealousy to come in and take root.
Jealousy is a very strong emotion that, if not checked, can wreak all kinds of havoc in our lives. Whether it is a relationship, friendship, acquaintances, or strangers—we do not have to be envious of another person’s progress, success, or relationships. God has assured us that what is for us is for us. We do not have to stoop to a level of self-loathing, or hating on someone, or trying to attack, malign, or sabotage another’s personal success. When we know who we are; know our worth and have self-value, we do not compare ourselves to another person’s growth. When we know and believe in our own self-worth, we quickly abate insecurities. When we trust in the love of those we are in a relationship with—we understand that whether or not they stay—it is not a reflection of our self-worth.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Love who you are. Be who you are without regret, insecurity or inhibition. Do not allow a spirit of jealousy to blind you to the God’s truth concerning you, or all the plans He has ordained for you. Search your hearts and know this truth: You are worthy because God said so and that’s all that matters. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2006 and ©2016. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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