Reflections4Life™ April 23, 2017
“Do Not Stay Too Long”
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Galatians 5:1
Scripture Contemplation: Hosea 14:4; John 8; Romans 5; 8:2; 1 Corinthians 2:12; 7:21…
© Author Ruthe McDonald
I declare that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. There is so much that the Father has ordained for our lives; so much that He desires us to see and experience. Yield to Holy Spirit. Give God your all this week and follow His instructions, with the knowledge that are indeed free from anything that would hold you back.
I am convinced that at times we stay too long in situations that God has long freed us from. We have prayed and prayed but we are not listening to Holy Spirit. The answers have come for many of us, but sometimes our hearts want what our heart wants and we do not hear the subtle voice of God telling us to move on or to let go. Or, what His instructions on how to begin to fix what may be wrong.
There are times when we look back over our lives and get stuck in the past. We stay too long reminiscing only to be stuck as time passes us by. Instead of living in today, we are reliving our past and unable to move forward.
Many times, we hear what we want to hear and see what we want to see, based upon the strong desires in our hearts and what we desire God to do for us. Then, when things do not work out the way we want, or we suffer and heartbroken—we get angry with God and ask why He allowed going through these things. Yet, it was not God but our choices and unwillingness to move forward, let go, move on, and see what God has before us.
Sometimes we just stay too long because we are afraid of the unknown and too familiar where we are at. We are afraid of what may lie ahead of us, that thing we cannot see. Yet, God has been admonishing many of us to move on into what He has declared for our lives. What He has waiting for us.
Beloveds, there is no growth and no surpassing our full potential when we are stuck in a place of familiarity because of fear, comfort, easiness, and even love; a love that would blind us to what is best for us. Let me ask you this: What if your child, who you have never been separated from, had a severe drug problem and God had opened a door for them to receive professional help but it meant they’d have to leave for a year with no physical contact with you for six months, would you do it? Would you think that was the answer or would you keep praying because your child has never been out of your reach physically? More than likely, I am gauging that your answer would be yes. That is your child and you would do anything to get them the help they needed.
So, then why is it so hard to do the same thing for ourselves? Why do so many of us find it difficult to do what is best for us and let go and let God? Why do we stay too long in situations that bring harm to our heart, mind, and soul? Why do we get stuck in what was and turn a blind eye to what is, when God has so much He wants to establish and manifest in our lives?
We have prayed but our prayers are not for God's will to be done. They are prayers that ours will be done. That God will adhere to what we want based upon what we believe we want at the time. However, here is the rub with all of that; God sees what we cannot see. He knows what we do not know. Yet, if we yield to Him and listen to His instructions, we will be in a far better place than we are right now.
There is so much that God has for us but we are staying too long in situations that are slowly killing us; killing us spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and yes, even physically. Some of us are in desperate situations where we have prayed and prayed, and God has already given us the answers but because it was not in alignment with how we want things to go, we eschew it. Then there are those of us stuck in the past; staying too long in our memories of what once was that we are blinded to the glorious present or bright future God has ordained for us.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Do not stay too long lingering in the past how things used to be. You may forfeit what is right in front of you for the memories of things long gone. Do not stay too long in situations because your heart doesn’t know how to let go or because you are afraid of the unknown that awaits you. Obedience to God is far better than what you are afraid to sacrifice. When God tells you to release all things into His hands, let go of what you are holding so tightly, knowing it’s time to go. You are blessed. No go…and be a blessing.
©2017. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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