Sunday, April 09, 2017

"Betrayal of the Mind"

Reflections4Life April 9, 2017

“Betrayal of the Mind”

“Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord.” John 12:13

Scripture Contemplation: Psalm 118; Matthew 13; Mark 11; Luke 4; 20; John 12…

Happy Palm Sunday!

There is freedom when you walk in your truth, and no longer live to please and placate others but live your life, as you will, with a desire to please God alone.
It would be wonderful if those who love you would always understand and accept you, for who you truly are, and not for whom they think, you are or who you should be. However, people are people, and sometimes they just do not get it, nor do they see it, and sometimes, they will see what they want to see.
I declare that today’s Reflections bring comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. As we celebrate Palm Sunday, let us remember the road to our redemption and the cost. Hold in your hearts, that the price has been paid already, and there is no one left to charge us when Jesus has handled the bill.
There are people—some in our lives, and some not—that have the tendency to put us in a box; seeing us through one lens when there are so many different components to who we are. As we celebrate Palm Sunday, may we be able to identify with the life of Christ. Many saw Him as Rabbi, teacher, friend, and miracle worker. Some saw Him as a threat. However, few saw Him as the Son of God or the Savior. For many, He was defined only as the carpenter’s son, no one special; nothing more or less. Having placed him in a box in their mind and hearts, they could not receive from Him the blessing of His truth. For Christ, it hurt that they could not believe; not for His sake, but for theirs. Jesus knows who He is even when others do not and cannot accept it.
I am grateful for all that, Jesus has done; for giving His life; for sticking to the plan and not being deterred by the opinions of those who only knew and could only see and accept Him as the son of a Carpenter, and not for the promised Savior that was prophesied.
Yet, I would be lying if I said it did not hurt when those you love seem to have a betrayal of the mind and cannot see you for who you truly are and when the truth is right in front of them. It hurts my heart at times, to live and walk in my truth and those who say they love me and know me, treat me like a stranger and readily accept the lies of the enemy and cause rifts to come between us; sometimes irrevocable.
It is seen as a betrayal of the mind to begin to believe in your heart the deceiving whispers of the enemy when the character of the person you say you know and love; who has been there to support you and stand by you when everyone else has abandoned you, is maligned by false actions perpetrated by the enemy. However, as children of God, we know or should understand that times like this will occur in our lives. Though it will hurt and break our hearts, we will not only heal and get stronger but also identify the more with our Savior.
Can you imagine being Christ, having poured out your heart and unconditional love; having healed, delivered, saved, and fed the people you love, only to have them betray, accuse, deny, and crucify you over false accusations? To have the same people you fed with the miracle of five loaves and two fish, turn on you because the enemy has warped their minds.
Yet, we know and understand that was part of redemptions plan. Christ already knew what was to come, but it did not mean he stopped loving them, or doing the things He did, or ministering to them even though He understood that their minds would be twisted concerning Him.
That is where many of us have to get to today in our hearts and minds. We must determine in our hearts to love anyway and in spite of. We must learn to kneel in prayer and truly place these situations in God’s hands. Yes, beloved, it hurts. It hurts to have everything you have done in love forgotten or looked at as shady because the enemy has decided to play mind games. However, we must look to God and learn how to push forward and continue to pray for those we have loved and have given ourselves and time to freely.
People will place us into boxes. They will be blinded and deafened by the lies of the enemy. Those we love will be fooled sometimes by the whispers and manipulation of the enemy. For whatever reason, God is allowing it. If God is allowing it, then we know there is a greater purpose going on that we just have not seen yet, or has yet to be revealed. In the meantime, do not allow these circumstances and situations to cause you to suffer from a betrayal of the mind. Stand firm in your truth and the promises of God. You may have to pray longer, fast a few more times, close your mouths in retaliation or in defense of yourselves and just allow God to be your fence, your deliverer, your healer.
I thank God for the mother I had. She encouraged me to stand in my truth and discover all of me, and be comfortable in my skin. She knew I was more than what people saw or believed. She understood a box could never contain me. God created so much greatness in me, that it won't allow me to be defined by a few titles that some give me. No. I am a child of God with many different attributes. Walking in my greatness, enjoying and discovering the many facets of me. Though I may endure heartache because some that I have loved, have helped, and have stood by over the years, believe lies about who I am, or accept the machinations of the enemy as truth; I must continue to love and pray for them. Even if now, it is from a distance, because at the end of the day, God is still in charge and His will shall be done.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Do not allow the opinions and the shortsightedness of others to confine you to a box. Do not stop praying and loving those who have been blinded by the enemy, and their minds betrayed and warped by his attacks. Pray for them diligently and believe God for their deliverance. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2017. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.                         

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