Sunday, April 02, 2017

"A Reflection of Self"

Reflections4Life April 2, 2017
“A Reflection of Self”
"He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted." Isaiah 53:3, 4
Scripture Contemplation: 1 Samuel 17; Isaiah 11; Isaiah 53; Matthew 9; John 5;6; 1 Peter 2:6-7

It is difficult for some to see their own reflection; the truth of who they are staring back at them. Not the person they have adorned and made up so others would like love, and accept. No. But who they truly are without the masks, who they see themselves to be. Sometimes the truth hurts. What hurts the most for many; is the truth of who they are; the person that they have hidden from everyone else.
I declare that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Open your heart and ears to God, so that you will receive all that the Father has ordained for you. Many times the truth hurts, yet the healing that comes forth overshadows any pain that experienced. The word of God is a healing balm to our wounds. Allow God to soothe your hurts as He reveals the truth of who you truly are.
Bible Study This Week
During one of my Bible studies, I received a revelation. I was enlightened to something that I had not seen before. It was amazing the insight God poured into my soul and spirit. It made me look at myself in a different light. It also answered some questions I had, while shining the light on a few other revelations. We can read a Bible many different times and receive a new word each every time. I thank God for His teaching, and for the revelations that the Holy Spirit brings to my heart and mind.
The Bible says that Jesus was not a man that stood out attractively. He was not one that anyone would look upon and think handsome or desirable by his physical traits alone. It even suggests that people turned away from him. Though "Hollywood" has glamorized what they believe Jesus to look like and to make sense of why so many would follow him (other than the message of salvation.) He was none of those things. He, in fact, turned many off.
Revelatory Moment
Here's why: When they saw Jesus, they saw a reflection of their sins. Jesus was a mirror; a walking reflection of what many tried to hide. What turned many away was not His unattractiveness but instead, the reflection of their own ugliness that sin had created in them.
Imagine, if you will, being in front of a mirror that hid nothing but exposed every flaw, every sin committed, every ugly thought; how would that make you feel? Most of us would avoid that mirror; begin to despise it and definitely try to destroy it.
Jesus was a reflection of the ugliness that resided in the souls of man. A reflection and reminder of their sin. When they looked at Jesus, they saw the truth. The truth of their hearts. The truth about the secrets that were hidden from others but never hidden from God. For those who could stand to look at Him, they saw more. They saw redemption, hope, love, and forgiveness and was able to see Jesus for who He truly was—the Savior. That is what made Him so beautiful. That is what drew them and kept them. Unconditional love looks very good. Forgiveness looks grand. When Jesus did not judge like so many others, they saw hope and grabbed onto it.
Today’s Application
Many of us make the same mistakes today when we look at someone. We reject them because of what they appear to be or accept them for the same reason. We look at people and some of us see our own weaknesses and sins staring back at us. We see our mistakes and failures. This causes us to judge, ridicule, and push people away. Others may feel insecurity. A spirit of comparison comes and we found ourselves coming up short in our own eyes. This often causes people to hate and despise others. What has happened is that comparison has led to a spirit of covetousness and jealousy. We hate people for the reflection we see of ourselves, or for the failures and shortcomings, we feel about ourselves.
We also reject God because we fear He will reject us as man does, or judge as we judge ourselves. We are afraid to come to the Father and be truthful because, with God, He will not allow you to hide from the truth but will have you admit to it, confess it, confront it, and deal with it that let it go. But the first step is admitting it. That is often where most of us fall short because we do not want to admit to being broken of falling short. Yet, without this step, we continue to deny what we see and known as truth in our hearts and miss out on the blessings that God has for us.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Allow Jesus to be the reflection that you see in your actions. Take responsibility for actions. Be accountable in moving forward. Confess, repent, and allow God to show you how He sees you. You are who God says you are, not what your natural eyes reflect. For we are more than flesh and bones, we are also spirit, made in the image of God. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing.
©2017. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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