Sunday, March 02, 2014

Reflections4Life: "Crossroads"

Reflections4Life March 2nd, 2014
Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:13-14
Scripture Contemplation:Proverbs 10:29; Obadiah 1:13-15; Matthew 6; Matthew 7; Revelation 3...
At times in the journey of our lives, we will come to a crossroads. And at these crossroads in life, we are going to have to make a decision—a decision that will not only impact our own lives, but those we love and associate with; those we may minister to; those we may have a responsibility to, and it will have a definite impact on our relationship with God.
There are various times or seasons in our lives when these crossroads appear; when these life changing moments occur. And it is in these seasons that we make a decision that will affect the rest of our lives. It will determine the direction in which our life's journey will continue. Are you at a crossroads today? Have you sought the Father and His wisdom? A crossroad is nothing we should ever take lightly, but always be prayerful about.
I declare and decree that this week's Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration to your heart, mind, and soul. As you stand at the crossroads of your life, may you be wise in your decision in which way to go. Lean not to your own understanding, but trust in the Lord to direct your path.
What is a crossroad? A simple definition is an intersection of two or more roads. What is a crossroad in life? It is a point that you come to in life when you may not be certain of which is the right path to take. It is a moment when you come to a point in your walk, your life, your career, etcetera. You are hit with the proverbial fork in the road. And you have to decide, which path is going to bring you to the life that you desire. Which path is going to lead you to where you need to be.
There are two things about crossroads. One is that you may not be able to see down the line of its path. You cannot tell exactly which road is going to lead you to the desired life because at the start of the crossroads everything looks the same. Each path seems good or the right choice. And often times you do not know until you choose the path if you've chosen the right path for yourself.
The second thing is that there are crossroads that you know which is the right path to go. You know what you need to do. But often, the path that you should go is not the easiest path to take. It is narrow. At times it can seem restricted, lonely, and unpopular. While the other path seems to get you where you want to go sooner and with merriment. But the thing about that particular wide path of ease; you cannot see the hidden pitfalls and traps. You cannot see all the detours, detractors and the heartache and pain; because in the beginning, everything feels good and right. And what most who choose this path do not realize is, it's a dead end with a circle that goes round and round, and the only way out is destruction and death.
Are you at a crossroads today? Which crossroads are you at? The one where you are not sure? Is the crossroad where you are certain of the path to take but are having trouble making the right choice?
We've all been there. We've been at the fork in the road where we are not certain which path is going to lead us to where we desire to be in life. This is where we must allow our faith to lead us. Where we trust God where we cannot trace Him.
It's not an easy task. Mostly because we do not want to make a mistake and choose the wrong path. But, here's the wonderful thing: we can trust God to lead us. We can walk confidently in faith and trust that whichever path we take, God will be with us and guide us. And that, whatever road we take, as long as we stay connected to our Father, and lean not to our own understanding, we will be exactly where we need to be.
Or, are you that person that knows which road to take, but are having a difficult time in making the right decision? Many have been there as well. You know what road you should go. But it is not appealing to your flesh right now. You know what decision would be right, but there is a battle going on between your spirit man and the flesh.
You may even be running away from what you know is right. Trying to escape the responsibilities of this life. But be certain of this: whatever path you take, you are not the only one affected by your choice. Those you love are affected. Those God has assigned you to. Everything in your life will be affected by your choice between right and wrong. So, when you know which is the right road to take, and you choose the other; you do so with the understanding that, yes, the choice is yours, you are free to make it—but there will be consequences, and not just for you.
Life is going to be filled with many choices. We will stand at many crossroads. And we may not always choose the right path. Yet, God is faithful to bring us to where we need to be. To get us back on the right path. However, when we come to the crossroads in life, all we have to do is stand still and listen to the Father's instructions. Follow what He tells us. Be confident and have faith.
Sometimes we have to make a split second decision; unable to give long thought to what we should do. It can be a life and death situation. Have faith in the Father that you will make the right choice. Believe in yourself. For God has placed in us everything that we need to make it in this life and to make the tough decisions that come with this life.
The choices we make today will not only affect our lives and those in it. But it will have an impact for generations to come. We are all connected. Life connects us and the choices we make. If you are not sure which path to take when your standing at the crossroads, ask the Father and search your heart. Then take a leap of faith. If you're at the crossroads, and you know what is right, but maybe feeling fearful; let it go, and understand that, yes, the choice is always yours to make. But obedience to the Father will always trump sacrifice. And that the choice you make today, have sure enough consequences for not only you but others also.
I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity have found permanent rest in your lives. Life is a journey with crossroads. We may not always be certain of the path to take. But when you walk by faith, you know that God will never lead you astray. Do not be afraid to do what is right. Do not be afraid of a daunting task, when God said He's already declared you the winner. It's just your turn to pick up the cross. Remember: Jesus was at a crossroads in the garden of Gethsemane. He chose. And because of Him, we are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Our sins were forgiven. And eternal life gained. You are Blessed. Now go...and Be a Blessing!

©2014. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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