Reflections4Life March 23rd, 2014
“Do You Really Want To Know The Truth?”
“Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.” Psalm 51:6 (NKJV)
Scripture Contemplation: Joshua 24:14; 1Samuel 12:24; Psalm 15:2; Psalm 25:10; John 14:6…
How many times have you asked the Father what to do? How many times have you prayed to God, seeking which way to go, or what you might have done wrong so you could correct it? I have, quite a few times. But it was only when I have been honest with myself and searched my heart that I truly heard the Father, and understood what to do next. If you are not first willing to look within yourself, then you must ask: Do you really want to know the truth? The truth can be quite painful but at the same time liberating if you truly are ready to move forward, and receive all that God has ordained for your life.
I declare and decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Allow God to illuminate your heart with the truth. Don’t be afraid to search your heart and find out what is there. Allow the truth to free you, and set you on the path to your God ordained life.
What is it about the truth that scares some people? It is true: the truth can be painful. But it is also healing and liberating. I have always maintained that I would rather know the truth and be hurt than to be told a lie and find out later. The lie would be far more hurtful, to me. I believe that when you are told the truth; though it may hurt, you at least know what it is you are dealing with. You can build on that and make the proper decisions. With a lie; one has to continue to lie just to cover up that one lie. Then when the truth is revealed (and it always is), there is so much room for pain and damage that you may never be able to recover the relationship.
During my life’s journey, I have come to understand that many, including myself at one time, do not really want to know the truth. Why? Because the truth can be painful. Because it causes one to have to take responsibility. Perhaps it may reveal that we are the one that is holding up our blessing. And, we may be fearful to uncover all that we have been suppressing in our lives: past hurts, old wounds, abuse, and etcetera.
I openly admit that at one time, I was the master at hiding the truth from myself. I hid it so well that I did not even know who I was anymore. I had lost my own identity and was living my life to please others. Living the life that I thought would make others happy. The truth is—my past is filled with hurtful things that I just wanted to forget; pain that I wanted to stay buried. And if I were to face the truth about why I was not happy in my present, and why I felt stagnated, then I was going to have searched myself, and hear my truth which I wasn’t sure I really wanted to know.
Here’s what I know for certain: Whatever you do not confront will continue to show up in your life in different ways until you decide to deal with it once and for all. It will show up in your relationships, your career, your sleep, and your daily habits. It will be like an annoying itch that you cannot reach until you finally find a way to scratch it.
If we sincerely want to live the life that God has ordained for us, then we must walk in truth. In order to fully embrace what God has for us, our hearts must be prepared to handle all that goodness and awesomeness. But when we have things hidden in our hearts; truths that we do not want to confront; then we hinder the move of God in our lives. We stop ourselves from living our best life possible.
To thy own self-be true. Many of us hate to be lied to. I say many and not all; because there are some that want to be lied to. It enables them to continue to live their own lie. But I digress. Many of us hate to be lied to, but we will lie to ourselves. We will hide from our own truths, and do all that we can to avoid searching our hearts and bringing up and out those things that have hindered our lives from moving forward.
The sad truth is, too many of us have become comfortable in dysfunction. We have become comfortable in living an unfulfilled life; a stagnated life. Oh, we say we want more. We will profess that we want to go further. We say that we desire all that God has for us. Yet the truth of the matter is; we are afraid. We are afraid to step out of our comfort zone. We have become tied to our excuses and too familiar with our fears.
It’s time, beloved. It’s time to face our truths. It’s time to confront our pasts. It’s time to search and know our hearts. It’s time to know the truth, so we can be liberated, strengthened, healed, and delivered. What we refuse to confront will only keep showing up until we are forced to face it.
Allow God into those hidden places. The places that you have feared to tread for fear of uncovering the truth. Let the truth set you free. Let God become your truth. You are not alone in this journey. And your journey doesn’t have to only consist of pain, heartache, and disappointments. No. Your journey can be filled with joy—even in the midst of pain. Laughter—even in the midst of sorrow. Hope—in the midst of despair. God is your anchor. He will not lead you to a place to abandon you. He desires to wash away your shame and to give you beauty for your ashes if you will take the step to know and face your truths.
I decree that the spirit of peace and prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. Know the truth; it will set you free. Face your past. Confront your fears. With God with you, you cannot lose. Yes. It may be painful, but Christ will be the balm that soothes your wounds and brings healing to your heart. Trust Him. He’s never lost a case! It’s time to live your best and most authentic life now. God loves you. And His love washes away all the hurt, pain, lies, and sin. You might not believe this, but it’s the truth: You are Blessed! Now go….and Be a Blessing!
©2014. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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