Reflections4Life Sunday, February 2, 2014
“But By His Spirit”
“So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the Lord of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6
Scripture Contemplation: Zechariah 4; 1 Corinthians 2…
I am fairly certain that in and of myself, I am no one. I have no power. I have no real wisdom. I have no way to persuade you of the love and kindness of God. I understand, that apart from God, I have nothing. All that I would attempt to do of myself and of my own might is futile.
What about yourself? Do you believe that you have, aside from God, power? The kind of power that makes a difference? Sure, you may say that there are countless godless people on this earth that have power and have made a name for themselves. Some of them that are even morally upstanding. That may be so, but the word tells us that it rains on the just and the unjust alike. And that the gifts are without repentance.
I’m talking about the ability to change hearts, to renew minds, to restore hope…for eternity. I’m talking about living a life that is sold out to Christ, and gaining the understanding that all that you do or will ever do, is not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of God. I’m talking about knowing the heart of God. Knowing the thoughts of God that He only reveals to those in a relationship with Him.
I declare and decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. May the Spirit of God rest in you and connect with your spirit, that you may know and understand the will of God for your life, and also the things of God that can only be revealed through His Spirit.
I am far from a know it all. Nor do I pretend or believe that I know everything or that I am always right. Although, I have been accused of such. Why? Because when I have said something it rang true? Or, because what I have spoken has come to pass? Or, because I struck a nerve and made you feel uneasy with the truth that you believed no one knew?
Trust me, it is not I, but the Spirit of my Father that resides in me. It is the Christ in me that knows all things. And when I yield to Him, He reveals things that I need to know or He desires for me to know. I am not psychic; my spirit is just connected with the Spirit of God.
1 Corinthians 2:9 “But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
For those who have no relationship with the Father, they can never know or even comprehend the mind of God and what He has prepared for His children. They could never fathom it. But for those of us who love the Lord; who have entered into a relationship with God; there is much God has prepared for us and has to reveal to us.
Many of us do not connect with God. Sure, we talk to God. We pray to God when we have a need. We thank Him, occasionally, when things are going well. But we have no real relationship with the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit.
We live our lives with limited intimacy with our Creator. Even as Christians, we have this “I can do anything” or “I don’t need any help” kind of attitudes that separate us from the guidance and protection of the very One who came to save us.
Revelation and illumination of the Word come when we understand that it is not by our own might or any power we may think we have that gets things done. It is all by the Spirit of our loving God, who has ordained a life for us that is far more greater than one could ever imagine if we would just yield and connect with the Spirit of God.
God is with us. He desires for us to know what He knows. There is never a need for us to compare our lives to another and feel inadequate or unworthy when we serve a great God who has availed Himself to us and has made it possible for us to walk in confidence and wisdom, because of Christ who lives in us. Nor do we have to walk in the wisdom of the world and sell our souls.
1 Corinthians 2:10-13 (MSG) “The Spirit, not content to flit around on the surface, dive into the depths of God, and brings out what God planned all along. Whoever knows what you’re thinking and planning except you yourself? The same with God—except that he not only knows what he’s thinking, but he lets us in on it. God offers a full report on the gifts of life and salvation that he is giving us. We don’t have to rely on the world’s guesses and opinions. We didn’t learn this by reading books or going to school; we learned it from God, who taught us person-to-person through Jesus, and we’re passing it on to you in the same firsthand, personal way.”
We live in this world, but we are not of this world. And we have a precious gift that guarantees us the victory each and every time: Christ Jesus. The unspiritual will never understand the things of God. They will never have access to the gifts of the Spirit, and the wisdom that comes from walking in Him.
Most certainly there are those in this world that seems to have it all. But only what you do for God will last. And those that are walking in the Spirit, understand that this (earth) is not where it ends. For there is an eternity that we are working towards. And what we do here upon this earth; what we believe; determines where we spend our eternity.
Stop trying to figure out this world, your life, and how to get to the next level. Stop trying and start yielding. Yield to the Spirit of God. Become one with your Creator. And all that He has ordained for your life will come to pass. His Spirit will connect with your spirit and will reveal marvelous things that you would have never imagined. Trials and tests will still occur. Tragedies may happen. But you will not have to get through it of your own might or power. Holy Spirit will be there with you; guiding you, comforting you, and teaching you.
I decree that the spirit of peace and prosperity has found permanent rest in every area of your lives. We can never outdo God. We can never know more than the Father. Nor do we have to walk in ignorance and uncertainty. When we yield to the Spirit, He will fill us with His wisdom and tell us things that will change our lives forever. God has some things He desires to share with us. Things that will help us to become who He has ordained us to be. And things that will help us expand the Kingdom of Heaven. There are many waiting for the truth. And you are the epistle that God wants to write His truth in, so that when people see you, they see God, and know that they, too, can have a life that is full of joy and peace despite any circumstance they may have experienced or are in. Be the Word in this earth. Let the Christ in you come forth. Let the Spirit do His will. Yield. You are Blessed. Now go…and Be a Blessing.
©2014. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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