Sunday, February 16, 2014

Reflections4Life: "You Already Are"

Reflections4Life  February 16th, 2014
“You Already Are”
“And let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:4 NIV
Scripture Contemplation: John 1; Romans 8; 2 Corinthians 1; Hebrews 4…
I heard a lecture the other day concerning changing one’s perspective on self. It was interesting. The lecturer gave some pointers on how to begin the transformation on seeing one’s self in a different light. To see one’s self as flawless. The very first thing he said, was to say to yourself and believe: That There Is Nothing Wrong with Me.
The lecturer went on to discuss various points, and talk about what he was taught as a psychologist, and how they are taught to help their patients identify and accept what is wrong with them, so they can work on improving their lives.
It was a fascinating lecture, to say the least. To see what he was taught, and what he now believes. As he spoke, the Lord reminded me that has been His message to all of us from the beginning. That, He has created us whole and complete. That, we already are who He says we are; we just have to accept it, believe it, and begin walking in it.
I declare and decree that this week’s Reflections is a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. May you walk in the knowledge and wisdom of the Father, that you are already everything you need to be in this life. It is a matter of accepting, believing, and walking in your true identity that God has created you to be.
My relationship with the Father began at a very young age. I accepted the Lord as my Savior at the age of seven. But in my heart, I was already in a relationship long before that. I didn’t necessarily feel different, but I definitely felt set apart. But as I grew up and life happened, I forgot the simplicity of what I knew as a child; skewed by life experiences and what others were teaching.
As we navigate through this journey of life, we may find ourselves choosing sides and conforming to certain ways and thoughts of life. Some of us may find that we share much in common with others, while others feel no connection and isolated. And the lessons we learn may propel us toward God or away.
We may find ourselves living a life apart from God and doing things based upon our background, upbringing, what we were taught, exposed to, or told to do. Our environments help to shape us. But it is what we believe about ourselves and says to ourselves that make us. I firmly believe that we are not a product of our environment, but a product of our thoughts. There have been many that have risen above and out of deplorable environments. Their environments help to shape who they are, but it was their mindset/thoughts that made them.
What you think about yourself will come to pass. What you think on constantly will manifest. What you believe is what will be. A mind is a powerful tool. It is a powerful weapon. Is there no wonder why we are instructed to renew our mind daily? Why we should put on the mind of Christ? (Romans 12:2, Ephesians 4:23) Or, charge us to pull down every stronghold; bring into captivity every negative thought? (2 Corinthians 10:4)
How different would your life be if you believed that you were everything that you already needed to be? What if you believed that you are already whole and complete? What would you do with that knowledge?
Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live]. AMP
Depending upon our circumstances and situations in life, it may be hard to believe that we are already made whole and complete. That, we are already everything that God has ordained us to be; especially when we are not looking through the eyes of God but of man, and when we, ourselves, believe that we are only what we see in the mirror and what others have labeled us to be.
The world is the complete opposite of God. Why would we accept what this world has to say concerning who we are over who God declared us to be? This is a negative world we live in. It will always declare what is wrong before what is right. It will always point out your flaws before it recognizes your beauty. It will always want to fix what it believes needs fixing, before accepting or accentuating that which is good.
We are more than flesh, we are also spirit. The flesh will always war against the spirit. It will always fight against God and who we are in God. When we are connected to Holy Spirit, we come to an understanding that who we are in Him can and will be manifested in our daily lives when we accept it with all of our heart. God made us in His image. He breathed His breath into us. The true essence of who we are lies in Christ. And when we come to the Father and believe on Jesus, then the true essence of who we are is awakened. Who we are, who we will be, and who God ordained us to be is made alive.
Far too long we have judged ourselves by the standards of this world; always falling short of the mark. We struggle to become someone when God has created us whole and complete. When we connect with who we are spiritually; when we identify with the spirit of God in us; when we see ourselves whole and complete; then all else in our lives must line up with that knowledge. Everything must come in alignment with who we are; who the Father created us to be.
When you know the truth about who you are, and where you come from, it brings with it confidence and strength. The struggles you have had, and the battles you have faced, only become part of your arsenal to help someone else recognize their greatness and who God already created them to be. We have been sleeping a long time. It is time to wake up and throw off the covers that the enemy has placed over our heads to keep us from seeing the truth about ourselves.
I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity have found permanent rest in your lives. You already are a beautiful masterpiece. The Father has created you in His image and breathed His breath into your body. His spirit moves and lives in you. See through His eyes, and accept the gifts that He has given unto you. The price has already been paid in full. All you have to do is believe, receive, and walk in the truth. The true essence of you is found in what God has declared and decreed of you, and not what man thinks or says of you. You are Blessed. Now go…and Be a Blessing!
©2014. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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