Reflections4Life January 26th, 2014
“What Are You Saying?”
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. Be on guard, so that your hearts will not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day will not come on you suddenly like a trap; for it will come upon all those who dwell on the face of all the earth.” Luke 21:33-35
Scripture Contemplation: Proverbs 4; Lamentations 2; Matthew 6:25; Romans 6; 8; Ephesians 4...
We are only on the 26th day of the new year, and I can aptly say that it has been one revelation after another; along with tests, trials, and attacks from the enemy. Yet, the revelations and the goodness of my God outweigh the bad each and every time.
Through every attack, every trial and hardship, one thing has ringed the most in my soul: “What is my life saying about God?” What am I saying (my actions, my deeds) when I am going through a battle? Is my speech of defeat? Is it negative? Does it speak of faith? Is my life reflecting who I say God is?
There will always be trials in our lives. However, when those trials come, what are you saying? What is your life, your walk, speaking of you?
I declare and decree that this week's Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. May you be cognizant of the what your life is saying to you and your relationship with God. May you continue to walk in the goodness and promises of God, no matter what comes your way. May you stand strong in the Father, who enables you to withstand all matter of storms.
My beautiful friend went home to be with the Lord on yesterday morning. Her transition has me thinking, going over my own life. I suppose we do that when someone we love passes. We look at our own life and our own mortality. Yet, for those of us in Christ, we know that death from this earth is not the end; just the beginning.
I thought about how my dear friend lived her life. What an example of Christ she portrayed. Her life touched many people. Her love extended far and wide. To me, her life spoke of kindness, love, forgiveness, hope, faith, and laughter, even in the midst of excruciating pain. She leaves a legacy of greatness for those who loved and knew her. But more importantly, she lived it. Every day; even through sickness and pain, she would reach forward and bring light and laughter to others.
This train of thought left me wondering—how many of us are aware of what we are saying? Do we pay attention to what our lives are speaking? Do our lives line up with what our mouths have been confessing? Do our lives exemplify the life we say we are living in Christ? Would anyone know by our actions alone, if we were believers and loved the Lord? Would our life lead another to Christ? Would they want to partake in the goodness of God just by what our lives have been speaking?
I believe that actions are truly louder than words. People will hear what we say, but they look at what we do. There are many that have shunned a relationship with God because we, believers, have not exemplified a life that would draw others unto Christ. Perhaps it is because we have not fully believed ourselves. Maybe we have not totally sold out our heart and soul to Christ.
This is what I know for certain; God has many things He desires to do for us upon this earth. Many prayers He desires to bring to fruition. Many blessings He desires to manifest in our lives. Yet, for many of us who call ourselves believers, we have fallen short in our faith. We have suffered some setbacks, and have yet to fully come back. We have fallen, and have given up trying to get back up. And in this state, we have developed a spirit of self-pity, self-doubt, unbelief in God, and no trust in what God has spoken concerning our lives.
Sure; we will go to church, and say the right words, but our hearts are speaking loud and clear. Our hearts are affecting our actions. And the message we are portraying is not one of faith, love, trust, and belief. But one of doubt, fear, regrets, and unbelief.
When are we going to let go and really let God have His way? When are we going to honestly trust in God and give Him all of us? When will we go through a test or trial, and maintain our position in the Lord, and not back down, but continue to hold onto faith and God's unchanging hands?
It's been three weeks now since my body has been attacked by the flu. I have never had the flu before. And let me tell you; it kicked my behind! Yet, I continued to pray and believe God for my complete healing to manifest. This past Friday, I had to go to the hospital. I was having trouble breathing, my chest was tight, this cough would not leave, my voice is still not back. I just prayed they wouldn't keep me since I do not have a fondness for hospitals.
Six hours in that ER. As I was hooked up to an IV (I was severely dehydrated), taking a breathing treatment, blood tests, urine tests, x-rays, and all that good stuff; I just kept saying I wanted to go home. I sat in that room for two hours by myself. During those two hours before the nurse came back, I heard different people coming in. When I first arrived, there really was no one there. But by the time I was ready to leave, it was packed. I sat there, and I heard God say: pray. I admit I felt myself feeling sorry for myself. But I knew what many others don't know: that prayer works and that my God is a healer. So I got out of myself and began to pray for those around me. I prayed for their healing. I thought of my dear friend, wondering how she was doing and prayed for her comfort.
During this time of sickness and recovery, I have learned so many things about people and myself and reminded of the goodness of my God. I know that it is very easy to give up and be negative when your body is wracked with pain. But, it takes much more strength and faith to keep praising God through the affliction. I learned that if you don't ask for help, or reach out to others in your time of need, then how can you receive what it is you need? God places us here for one another. We cannot do everything alone. Also, this is a great time to find out who people really are, and what lies within their hearts. God is awesome. He will use ANY situation to show you His grace, and the truth about yourself and others.
I want my life to speak well of Christ. I desire to be that walking epistle that draws others into a relationship with the Heavenly Father. I desire to not only leave a legacy, but leave a legacy of greatness by totally surrendering to God, and allowing Him to use me; even in my most testing and trying times.
What are you saying? What is your life speaking of you? What is your legacy? Do people see the love of God when they encounter you? Or, are they turned off by your attitude? Do your actions line up with your confession? Has life overwhelmed you so that you have given up? Well, I have good news for you; if you are able to read this or hear this, then you are alive, and that means you still have the opportunity to let God turn it all around. Your past does not matter to God. Your past, any mistakes, does not define who you are. What God says about you, defines who you are. You are not your past. You are who God says you are and has ordained you from the beginning. So, let God change your dialogue. It's time.
I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. Your life has been speaking for you a long time. Let God reboot you, and give your life a new sound and a new word. You are more than your past and your experiences. You are who God says you are. It is time to let your life start speaking the truth. The truth of who you are, and who God is. Tests and trials will come. Not to destroy you, but to break you and shape you into the vessel that God calls His masterpiece. Let your life speak well of you and God, and draw others to the saving grace of Christ. You are Blessed. Now go...and Be a Blessing!
©2014. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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