Sunday, August 18, 2013

Reflections4Life: Let The Healing Begin

Reflections4Life August 18th, 2013
Let The Healing Begin”
He healeth the broken in heart, And bindeth up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3
Scripture Contemplation: 2 Chronicles 7:14; Job 5; Psalm 30:2; 147; Luke 9; John 5; 1 Peter 2:24
Many of us are walking around with wounded hearts, wounded souls, wounded spirits. Our wounds are so deep and so painful, that they are affecting our physical and mental health. Today is your day to let the healing begin. God has called for you to be made whole. He desires to heal every wound, bring peace to your heart and mind, and wholeness to you once again. Will you allow Him that today?
I decree and declare that this week's Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind and soul. This is your day to be healed. This is the hour for your healing to manifest. For, you to receive the wholeness that you have been seeking, and the answers to your prayers.
Not accepting or living the truth can cause pain and deep wounds. A lie is never good. Whether we are telling a lie to others, or to ourselves, or if we cannot accept the truth or live our truth; we are creating not only wounds in ourselves, but wounds in others. The truth will always set us free; even if the truth is painful. As well, we really have no control over other people's actions. People will be people, and their actions can and do affect others. The consequences of other people's actions can often bring hurt, harm, and deep wounds for those of us that are apart of their lives, or who are innocently in the vicinity of what's taking place.
God desires for us to be whole and to walk in our healing. He desires to bind up every wound and restore our hearts and our faith. Yet, the healing process doesn't always look like we expect it to. And, the healing process itself can be sometimes painful. However, with God on our side, we can and will make it through to the other side of the pain and wounds, and walk in our healing and deliverance.
Truth Be Told
The truth can hurt, but it is also healing and liberating. There is a truth that has to be spoken and realized. We must be in a place to hear God's truth concerning ourselves and others. Many of the wounds we have, have been inflicted by our own actions. When we do not accept the truth, or receive what God is saying and have been disobedient, we open ourselves to the consequences; consequences that could have been avoided had we listened to God and received His truth.
How many of us can testify to doing the opposite of what God spoke to our hearts? I can. How often has the Father spoke the truth to our spirit concerning a person, place or thing, but we ignored His warning and truth, and allowed our flesh and emotions to lead us on a path that was not ordained by God? Do recall the truth He was telling us about that man, or woman? How about that road not to follow, or that job not to take, or that advice not to follow? Yes. God has spoken to us many a time, trying to keep us from harms way. But we rejected His truth, because we allowed our flesh to overrule the spirit. And because of this, we are faced with the consequences of our actions. And it is indeed a painful and hurtful lesson that we often learn. Leaving us with scars and wounds. And for some, the scars and wounds are so deep, that we have a hard way of seeing our way out.
Repent. That is the beginning of your healing. And as you deal with the consequence of your actions, learn to forgive yourself. Stop beating yourself up. God has forgiven you, and it is time to forgive yourself so that your healing can fully manifest. Don't allow the enemy to hold your past against you. In whatever form he comes in: your thoughts, people, memories—move forward with the confidence that God has forgiven you, and you have a brand new day ahead of you, with the life lessons you have gained to keep you from making the same choices.
Forgiveness Is Key
Perhaps you have been wounded by someone you love. Maybe you have been wounded by the church or those professing to know the Lord, and you find yourself unable to trust anyone. Give that to God also. Chances are great that we will not escape this life without being wounded or greatly disappointed by someone we love and hold in high regards. If it happened to Jesus, then you can believe that it will happen to you, too.
Forgive. Forgive that person for what they have done to you. Not for them, but for yourself. I can tell you now; that person or persons may never change. They may continue to be who they are. But you do not have to allow yourself to be bound any longer by their actions. When we do not forgive, those emotions begin to foster bitterness and anger in our heart and soul. And once bitterness and anger unchecked takes up residence, it blocks us from receiving what God has ordained for us. It blocks our blessings, and immobilizes us. We cannot move forward, and become stuck in a place and time. All the while, the person who has hurt you has moved on.
Free yourself. Understand that hurt people hurt people. And chances are good that if you hold on to that pain and anger, and you do not forgive, you will become just like that person and begin to hurt others; whether you meant to or not. It is a debilitating cycle that can be cut off with your one decision to forgive.
A Painful Process
Beloved, you are right on the edge of your breakthrough. You are closer than you think to your healing manifesting, and your prayers being answered. How can I be so certain? Because I have been where you are more than once. Because I know that God desires you to be whole and complete, and your prayers to be answered.
Have you ever had a wound that when you went to the doctor, the treatment for the wound seemed to cause more pain? Or, what about a broken arm, leg or nose? Oftentimes for correct healing to take place, the doctor has to either reset or break the bone again in order for proper healing to take place. It is very painful, but in the end, the bones or the nose heals properly.
You've listened, and have been obedient. You have accepted the truth, told the truth, repented, and even have forgiven. But still, the pain lingers and the heart still aches. The Father says to you today: let the healing begin. Part of the healing process can be painful and uncomfortable.
It is a process, beloved. But you can be assured that God is there with you. And He is bringing you through. And once you set in your heart and mind following what God has spoken, and to believe what He has spoken to you; your tests will soon be your testimonies. Those wounds will become a banner by which you can tell another brother or sister that God will do the same for them, as He did for you. So, do not give up. Though the pain seems unbearable right now, know that God will do just what He said, and He is bringing you through this, making you stronger, and wiser for the purpose He has ordained for your life.
I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has found permanent rest in your life: spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, and financially. Be encouraged. Your healing has begun. Let the truth be in your heart and mouth. Walk in forgiveness. Trust the process. God knows just what He is doing. Be made whole today by the truth of what God has spoken to you. You are Blessed. Now go...and Be a Blessing!
©2013. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.


Unknown said...

I totally agree. Thank your for sharing your insight.

Unknown said...
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Ruthe McDonald said...

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!

God Bless!