Reflections4Life August 4th, 2013
“Call Unto God”
“This is God’s Message, the God who made earth, made it livable and lasting, known everywhere as God: ‘Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.” Jeremiah 33:2-3 MSG
Scripture Contemplation:Judges 16:27-29; 2 Samuel 22; 1 Kings 18; Psalm 18;37; Hebrews 5:6-8...
Have you ever had those times in your life when you are so overwhelmed and you just do not know what to do or where to go? I know I have. And it is in those times that I cry out even the more, and call unto my God who I know has the answers. Even if the answers are not the ones I was expecting or recognize.
I declare and decree that this week's Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Call unto God and He will answer you. Go before Him with an open heart, and allow Him to fill you and direct your paths. Trust Him; He knows what is best for you. Learn to trust Him where you cannot trace Him.
There are just times when we really do not know which way to go. We do not see a way out of our situation. Many have come to the end of their ropes and are just about ready to let go and give up. Don't! Do not let go unless you are letting it all go into the hands of God! Do not give up and walk away and do something that you may regret because the road ahead of you seems to be so dark, or the road you're on just seems to be too much to bear. God has you, beloved! He has you, and this is where you must call unto Him, and believe that He will answer you and deliver you. You just have to believe and hold on. Even in the darkness.
Isaiah 65:24 “Before they call out, I’ll answer. Before they’ve finished speaking, I’ll have heard.”
God has you, beloved. He knows all about you. He has answered your prayers before you even asked them. Before you even finish speaking it, He has already heard you. How many of us truly believe that God has heard our prayers and that He is answered? How many of us can honestly say that our level of faith is still in the same place when we encounter very difficult times? Or, when we have been waiting and waiting for the promises to come to pass? Has your faith grown or faltered? Tough times will come, and they will try your faith and bring forth what's really in your heart.
I love the Lord. I love Him with every fiber of my being. And I am the first to admit that there were times when my faith was shaken. It wasn't taken, but it was definitely shaken. From all that I had endured, and all the heartache and tests and trials; I began to wonder if I missed something? Was there something that I wasn't doing? Did I miss the mark? Was my faith really not strong enough? Then the Lord let me know, that there are times when our faith will be tested. We will go through moments of stretching and pain, and grief, but we must know to call unto Him, and allow Him to stretch our faith, and grow our faith in these times of adversity.
The saying is true: No pain, no gain. Even in our walk with the Lord. Jesus was not exempt, and neither will we be. There will be trials and hard times in this life. However, they will never outweigh the love and joy and the victory that is in this life, if we would believe and hold on and trust God. And learn to call unto Him first and foremost. Our faith is strengthened through adversity. The tests and trials allow us to see what is in our hearts and what we truly believe.
Do you call unto God first when something happens, and you don't know what to do? Or, do you seek the counsel of man, asking your family, friends, counselors, etc., for answers and direction? Our first call should be unto God. He is there waiting for us to just ask Him; to call upon His name and seek Him so that He may show us what to do; where to go, and what steps to take, and even whose counsel to seek.
So often, God is the last one we call upon. We often go to God last, after we have gone to everyone else seeking for the answers that only God has. We must learn to go to God first in all things; whether they be big or small, we need to take them all to the Lord. We must seek out God; seek His will and answers concerning our lives and the road we need to be taking. God should be the first stop, not the last.
I know this, beloved, that God has something wonderful to tell us when we come to Him. He has the answers that we seek, to the questions in our lives. He has the solutions to the difficulties we may be facing. And He wants to be our first call so that He may direct our paths and lead us to the right place and people. If only we would trust the counsel of God and believe that He has what is best.
I know for certain that the enemy revels in the fact when we do not seek out God. For even He knows that those who seek first the Kingdom of Heaven will be privy to his machinations, and less likely to fall for his lies and traps. I know it can be difficult to hear or see your way out when everything seems to be going the opposite of what we have believed and hoped for. I also know the pain and hurt that comes when it seems like you can never seem to get away from heartache, trials, and tests; feeling as though just when one ends, here comes another one, threatening to take the very life out of you.
I say to you, beloved, stand strong and call unto God. Tell Him everything that is in your heart and soul. God can handle it! He is big and mighty God. And once you are finishing pouring out, be still and listen. God is going to answer you and He is going to show you some things that will give you exactly what you need to make it through. I'll be honest with you: He will not stop the tests, but He will direct you and tell you how to get through and how to come out stronger and wiser. He will also give you something so phenomenal to hold on to, that it will stir your faith, and give you the very ammunition that you need to defeat and destroy the enemy once and for all. You just need to be certain that God is your first call and not your last.
Troubles will come. Storms will arise. But I can promise you this: God will have you through it all. Put your trust in Him, and do not go by what it appears to be, but what God has spoken it to be. Lean not on your own understanding, but put all your trust in God who loves you more than anything and anyone.
Proverbs 3:5-6 “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.”
I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has found a permanent place in your lives: spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, and financially. Let God be your first call. Trust Him to lead you to where you cannot trace Him. Be confident in the Lord, knowing that He has not abandoned you, but has only the best for you. Don't try to figure things out on your own. Go to God, and allow Him to speak to your heart and show you marvelous and wondrous things. You are Blessed. Now go...and Be a Blessing!
©2013. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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