Sunday, June 20, 2021

"Through Our Father's Eyes"

 Reflections4Life™ June 20, 2021

“Through Our Father's Eyes”
“You are the one who put me together inside my mother’s body, and I praise you because of the wonderful way you created me. Everything you do is marvelous!
  Of this, I have no doubt.” Psalm 139:13-14
Scripture Contemplation: Psalms 139; Malachi 1:6; Luke 11; Ephesians 6; Hebrews 12…

I take this time to extend my gratitude to each and every father that has held up the banner of fatherhood by doing their best. Though you are not perfect, and mistakes have been and will be made—it is your heart, so filled with love that encourages and inspires me. I salute you and pray God’s continued blessings upon your life. Happy Father’s Day!
I pray today’s Reflections to bring comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration. It is my fervent prayer that you will begin to see yourself through the eyes of God. May any blinders be removed this week, as you seek the face of God and His divine will for your life. See what God sees and embrace what He already ordained for your life.
I am of the belief that if we could all see ourselves through the eyes of our Father, we would not only understand how much God truly loves us but how strong and capable we truly are. That, there is not one thing we cannot handle with not only the knowledge that God is on our side but with His perception of who we are.
I don’t believe most of us even know—let alone believe—how the Lord God sees us. We have a bad habit of attributing our thoughts and ways to that of God. We—perhaps unintentionally—place God on the level of man when it comes to relationships and how He sees and treats His creation. We could not be further from the truth.
Oh, Beloved. If we would only believe even a millimeter of how God sees us; our lives would be changed forever. There would be no stopping us. Each day would be a barrier-breaking day. A day in which we truly stepped into the realm of the Holy Spirit and fully recognized our power, and that we certainly and indeed can do all things through Him who strengthens us.
Perhaps you do not know the love that our Lord hoards towards you. Maybe you have become lax in your senses and are blocked from seeing or even believing what God says of you. That you are wonderfully and fearfully made in His image. That He loved you so much He gave His only Son for our lives. That He created in you a new thing and will guide you through the completion of what He has placed in your heart. That He has an expected end for you. To see you prosperous and whole in every area of your life.
The Father loves you, Beloved. He does not see you as you are—undone, with many faults and flaws and idiosyncrasies. No. He sees you as righteous, whole, complete, and shining the light of His perfect glory residing within you and over you.
My father believed in me. He told me I would do and accomplish great things. That I would be successful in every area of my life. I didn’t question him. It was my father, after all. The love of my life. (And yes; I am unequivocally and shamelessly a Daddy’s girl! J)  I never questioned his love and belief in me. So, how much more should I take God’s word concerning me? God, the Father, the Creator, the One who shaped and formed me and breathed His breath into my body and gave me life. The One who sacrificed His Son just so I may have life eternally. The One who sees what I cannot see; Who operates outside the realm of time. The One who says be, and it is?
Beloved, God makes no mistakes. He sees you in a way that defies our human logic. He sees us as complete work. He does not see us as we are, but who were are to be: whole and complete in Him. Oh, if we could look through the eyes of our Father more often, and believe what He sees, we would be free from so much unnecessary heartache and tension; worrying about nothing. We would be free to soar like eagles and walk in the realm of blessings that are manifested each and every day. Don’t you want that? Don’t you want to be free and walk with the knowledge that God has of you?
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Spend quality, intimate time in the presence of God. Allow Him to reveal to you what He says concerning you. Learn His ways and allow His perception and truth of you, become the vision you hold onto as you navigate your life’s journey. See yourself, once and for all, through the eyes of our Father. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing.

©2021. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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