Sunday, June 13, 2021

"It's Time To Live Again"

 Reflections4Life™ June 13, 2021

“It’s Time to Live Again!”
He then told me to say: Dry bones, listen to what the Lord is saying to you, ‘I, the Lord God, will put breath in you, and once again you will live. I will wrap you with muscles and skin and breathe life into you. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’” Ezekiel 37:4-6 CEV
Scripture Contemplation: Job 22; Psalm 19; Psalm 51; Ezekiel 37; Joel 2…

How long will you mourn the past and missed opportunities? How long will you regret the mistakes and failures? How long will you allow the things said and done to you to hold you hostage? How long will you remain bound to the death that resides in the past? How long, Beloveds? It’s time to live again!
I pray today’s Reflections will bring comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration. God has something mighty special for you, Beloved. He has much to give to you today and each day that follows if you will allow Him to. Let this week be a week of revelation to your heart, mind, and soul. Allow the breath of God to breathe into every area of your life you have given up on, and thought was dead.
I had the opportunity to read a wonderful word of prophecy using the Scripture on, “Dry Bones”, in the book of EzekielIt resonated so deeply with my soul that I should have recognized it was preparing me for something to come. That, it was also a reminder of what God wanted me to do.
I cannot lie—I have experienced disappointment after disappointment, which I am certain many of you have, as well. So much pain, hurt, loss, strife. I know it has only been by the grace of God that I am still here. That I am alive. But that’s the blessing and the curse: to be alive but not living. Oh, Beloved, you cannot possibly begin to fathom how much that hurts me to say. But I cannot and will never lie to you. I will never write you something that I have not or am not dealing with, or God has not ordained for me to share. Ezekiel 37 was burning in my heart and soul. I could not sleep because my mind was overcome and heavy from things that not only that day but a culmination of years.
Everything came crashing down on me, heavy upon my heart and mind. I literally felt its weight in my chest and on my shoulders. Like a boulder was on top of me, trapping me, pinning me to the bed while my heartache increased and the tears began to flow and I cried out to God like I have not done in a very long while. Yes. I pray. Everyday. Every night. I pray for others. Yet, I openly admit the prayers for myself have been lack. More on a repeat button that could be recited in my sleep. That’s not God. Nor is that what He wants for us. He doesn’t want us to just be alive, living day to day like a program we are completing. To be alive but not present. Harboring and holding onto hurts from the past. Stuck in a place where no matter how much you work or achieve something, there is no joy. The Father doesn’t just want us alive, He wants us to live. Living life to the fullest. Living our purpose, fulfilling our dreams and visions.
God is well aware of our trials and tests. He is well acquainted with our griefs and our scars that seem to hold us hostage. He is well aware of our valley of dry bones where our dreams and visions and spirit of hope lie dormant. They’re not dead. They lie dormant waiting for us to speak the word of God over them. Waiting for us to speak life into them once again. Waiting for us to remember them, seek them, see them, believe in them once again.
Oh, Beloveds, there is a valley full of our hopes and dreams, our plans and visions that we have subconsciously given up on. That, we have allowed—for whatever reason—to dry up and not be vital any longer. The reasons really no longer matter. It is the past now. All of it can be behind us if we let it. We have right now, Beloved. Today. The gift of the present. Though God has plans for our future. Though we may see the future; all we really have is right here and right now. And what we do and believe about today will profoundly affect what occurs or does not occur tomorrow.
It is time to live again. It is time to be present and actively living. If you want to be healed, to be made whole, to give and receive the best, to walk in the sure promises of God, then we are going to have to live again, and not just be alive. And be willing to be vulnerable with a teachable spirit, with God guarding your heart.
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You, for another day of life. Not just to be alive, but to be living, on purpose with purpose. Father God, there are many of us that have suffered so much heartache and pain recently. We have suffered so much that we have allowed our hopes and dreams and visions to fall asleep. To lay dormant amongst the valley of dry bones. Today, Lord, I humbly come before you and ask for your breath of life. For you to breathe into those dry and dead places in our lives that we thought were gone. Yes, Lord, we gave up. Some of us gave up and didn’t recognize it. We have just been alive but not living. We have allowed our past, people, things, and hurts and disappointments to stop us from reaching, believing, and living the life you have ordained for us. No more, Father. No more lack will we accept in our lives. No more will we be satisfied with just being alive. No, Father. We desire to live. We desire to be made whole, spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially. Lord, we speak to the dry bones in our lives. We speak to our forgotten dreams and visions. We speak to our bodies, our minds, and souls, and we command them to live, in Jesus’ name. We thank You, Lord, for breathing life into our dry bones. We thank You, for Your hand upon us, as You fulfill our promises in our lives. We are here, Lord. We give our heart and soul to You. We place our trust in You; even when we can’t trace you. In Jesus’ name, we pray and stand in agreement with. Amen. Amen. Amen.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. It’s time to speak to our dry bones. It’s time to tell them to live once again, so we can be alive and living in our purposes and blessings. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing.
. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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