Sunday, December 15, 2019

"Don't Kill The Seeds"

Reflections4Life December 15, 2019
“Don’t Kill the Seeds”
“Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.” Matthew 13:32
Scripture Contemplation: Isaiah 61; Joel 1; Matthew 13; Mark 4; John 12; 1 Corinthians 3; 15

We are all works in progress, on assignment from heaven to remember who we are and whose we are. In the process, we are serving others reminding and showing them the love of God. Throughout our lifetime, we are planting seeds. We believe, love unconditionally, and allowing God to do the growing. We must be careful not to kill the seeds we plant in others by holding them to a timetable or what we believe is right and wrong. We are just to plant seeds, love unconditionally, and not judge.
I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration to your heart mind and soul. Let those you love know that you love them…just the way they are. Practice patience, while showing kindness and unconditional love. Trust God to do the watering, weeding, and the growing.
We often want so much for the people that we love. If we sincerely love them, we want the best for them; the best for our children, our spouses, our friends, and family. If we are well-intentioned, we desire for them what we often desire for ourselves; happiness, fulfillment, joy, peace, and unconditional love—just to name a few. It can be difficult to see our loved ones making mistakes or poor decisions time after time. It is also easy, to say hurtful things in the heat of a moment, killing the seeds we had planted.
Do not hold them to a standard that God did not dictate. Everyone’s walk is different. Everyone’s come-to-Jesus moment is not the same. We all have seasons in our lives. A season for all things. Just because we do not see or recognize what season a person may be in, in their lives, does not mean God is not working in them. People are going to fail. We are going to make wrong choices. Hopefully and prayerfully, they are not life-ending, but instead, life lessons on our journey to becoming who God ordained us to be.
Everyone that is to know God personally and intimately will come at their ordained time. We cannot rush a person’s journey or progress. We cannot push our ideas and beliefs on those we love and others and expect a favorable outcome, or for that person to listen, trust, or believe in us. Sometimes, it is the person that loves, prays, and continues to live their lives of faith, who makes the most impact. Living by example and quietly praying can save many lives.
Beloved, God knows each of us. He knows the hairs upon our head. Nevertheless, more importantly, He knows our heart. He knows when we are ready fully to commit. He understands when we are tired of being tired, hitting brick walls, and chasing illusions. God’s grace is sufficient for us, and as we spend time with Him, we will understand the power of not only sowing seeds but also trusting God to be the Gardner in the garden that we sowed good seeds into. He knows how much watering and pruning is needed. As well as, how many seeds have died and need to be uprooted and the soil cleansed and turned.
My Beloveds, I decree that the spirit of peace and prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. Plant your seeds in unconditional love. No matter what their journey consists of, how many times they may fall or seem far from the right path; allow God to be the Gardner who knows how to water, prune, and inspect whether the seeds are still viable. Trust God. Trust the process. God has not lost His touch, nor His unconditional love. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2019. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.


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