Reflections4Life™ April 7, 2019
“God Cannot Lie”
“God is not a man, that he should lie, Neither the son of man, that he should repent: Hath he said, and will he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and will he not make it good?” Numbers 23:19
Scripture Contemplation: Joshua 1; Numbers 23; Job 5; Jeremiah 29; Ephesians 3; Philippians 1...
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©Ruthe McDonald. |
Do you trust God? Do you believe what God has spoken concerning your life? Do you believe He is able to do just what He said? Are you confident in God? Do you walk in confidence and faith? Or, are you bound by fear and unbelief? Know this truth, Beloved. Hold it in your heart, remind yourself daily: God cannot lie.
I decree and agree with Jesus, that this week's Reflections will be a continued source of inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. That you will believe with all your heart that this is your season to believe and walk in the promises of God. That, you will know in your heart and believe with all your soul, that whatever God has promised you, He is making happen.
I understand clearly those times when you feel that what you have been waiting for is not going to happen. I clearly identify with the thought, that maybe God has forgotten you. Perhaps what He has promised is not going to happen. I know what it is like to wait and wait, and feel your faith get a little shaky; to the point that you almost stop believing. I have been there, Beloved. However, I held on by speaking the word of God, by meditating on His word, by praying, fasting, and surrounding myself with like-minded people.
In this world, we are surrounded daily with people and things that are contrary to our walk in God. We are faced with wickedness, fear, doubt, and unbelief. We often walk a fine line while navigating this narrow path every day. Yet, we must continue to believe in our God. We must continue to walk in confidence, in faith, knowing that God has us covered. That, what we are waiting upon is going to happen. In the meantime, there are obstacles to contend with. Many battles we will fight. However, through it all, we can overcome and see the promises of God fulfilled in our lives if we follow God's instructions.
Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Times will get hard sometimes. Our path will get a little bumpy. Things will happen in our life that will look nothing like the blessings of God. In fact, it may even look like we do not serve God or that there is a God. Yet, God tells us that this is a faith walk. We cannot walk this walk, or run this race by what we see. We must believe and walk by faith. Endure the hard times and have courage, believing that God will see us through every time.
Grant it, it can feel as though we are hit constantly on all sides at all times. That, just when we get over one hurdle and one test, and come through one difficult time, there is another one right behind it. Making you feel as though you cannot catch a break. The fact of the matter is it causes you to feel as though God is removed far from you, as though He has abandoned you.
These are those times Beloved when God is conditioning our heart. These are the times when our faith is being developed. When God is preparing us for what lies ahead. These are the times when we are so close to the manifestations of God's promises in our life happens. The enemy is hell-bent on causing us to lose focus and give up; to walk away from our miracle, from our blessings and promises.
Don't you let that happen! Don't you dare come this far and give up on God, when God has not given up on you! God has equipped us with everything we need to make it through this race. He has already assured us the victory. Jesus made us that assurance when He went to Cross and defeated hell and death.
Everything the enemy is doing is designed to get you to forfeit your promises. He is strategic in his war against you. You must be strategic in your prayers and faith. Do not grow weary while doing the will of God. Though those times of weariness come, shake it off by remembering the promises of God. Don't just read the word, pray the word. Stand firm in what God has told you. Now is not the time to get quiet. You must declare and decree what God has spoken concerning you. Declare His word to the atmosphere.
Surround yourself with those who can encourage you and not commiserate with you. Remember all that God has already done for you. We often forget past victories because of the severity of the current circumstances. People change, circumstances change, but God does not change. He will keep His promises to you. He will complete in your life that which He has started.
I don't care what it appears to be; what it looks like at the moment; you can believe with every fiber of your being, that God is not a liar. He cannot lie. He will do just what He said. We must believe. We must have courage. We must have faith. And, we must learn to pull down the strongholds and evil imaginations that the enemy uses against us. Greater is God in us that he that is in this world. If God was not so great, and your life was not so precious and valuable, and destined for greatness, as well, the enemy wouldn't take another look at you. But I have a feeling that just as Job, God has been bragging on His children again. If God believes we can pass these tests, and be all He called us to be; then it's about time we start believing it and believing in Him with all our heart and soul.
I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives: spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, and financially. Whatever you take from today, remember this: God cannot lie. He has already worked things out for you. His promises will happen. Stay in with a heart of faith. Believe in Him with all your heart. Trust Him where you cannot trace Him. Continue in prayer and meditation. And, leave the enemy to God. He knows just what to do. You are blessed. Now go...and be a blessing!
©2019. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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