Reflections4Life™ October 7, 2018
“A Love Letter from God Revisited”
“The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.” Zephaniah 3:17
Scripture Contemplation: Micha 7; Zephaniah 3; Malachi 1; John 3; Romans 8…
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©Ruthe McDonald. |
There are times when we have to rewind and remind ourselves of why we believe, stand for, fight and love the way we do. Beloveds, there is so much going on in our lives today. So much hurt, disappointment, and pain in the world, with emotions running over, leaving many wondering: Where is God? Why would God allow these things to happen? When will it all stop?
It is my sincerest pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart mind and soul. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration. There is power in knowing and believing how much God loves you; especially when you are going through. Allow the love of God to consume you—fill every part of your heart and soul. Knowing and understanding His love can and will change things in a blink of an eye, however, you must hold on and not give up. Do not give up in the midst of the storm. Even at its worst and most painful, God is there and He will see you through.
God reminded of an earlier Reflection based upon a letter written a few years before. This morning, He spoke to my heart to share it once more, at this time. It was what I needed to hear, also, this morning. I pray it encourages and strengthens you as well.
A Love Letter from God
Oh, the power of the love of God. It is consuming. It is overwhelming. It is healing. It is phenomenal. It can be indescribable. But there is no doubt, that it is love—a powerful, consuming love.
A love letter from God is received when you have searched and questioned if there is a God. A love letter from God comes when you feel that there is nothing left for you. A love letter from God comes when you have been abandoned by all that you know and love. A love letter comes when you are in the valley of despair. A love letter even comes when you are on the mountain-top; filled with joy and wonder. A love letter from God comes when you have questions that need to be answered and when your heart has sought Him with completeness. A love letter from our Heavenly Father, comes when you desire the truth and the heart of God.
A love letter can be heard in the quietness of your supplication to the Father. You cannot miss the love letter when you set yourself to be in His presence. Permit me to share with you a letter of such...
To My Beloved,
It gives my heart extreme pleasure to shower you with my love. I know that there are times when you question if I exist, or if I love you at all. I love you. I love you unconditionally. I love you just as you are.
I've seen the struggles that you suffer. I see the pain that you are in. My heart aches for you. My beloved, I have not abandoned you; nor have I forsaken you. The prince of this world has set out to destroy and deceive you. To try and manipulate you. But remember: Greater am I in you, than he that is in this world.
Take courage. Stand strong and know that I love you with an everlasting love. Many have come to try and deceive you, and destroy your faith. But I have planted in you an incorruptible seed: my love. I have formed and fashioned you. I breathed into you, me. I made you in my image and I set you apart for greatness. So don't be fooled by the enemy's lies; it is only a trap to discourage you and to take your focus.
Beloved, I encourage you to remain focused. To be steadfast. Just as Christ overcame the world; so can you. I know it's difficult at times. I know that you grow weary. I know the evil that persists in this world. But I have sent you a comforter, My Spirit, that will lead and guide you and teach you what to do.
Many times I have spoken that the battle is not yours. Yet the adversary of your soul and of the Kingdom has convinced you that it is YOU that need to fight. No, my beloved. I will fight and have fought your battles. Your position is to pray, praise and worship. If I am lifted up, then I will draw all men unto me.
So many have left my flock. So many of you have been wounded by other sheep and shepherds that I have left to tend my flock. I am sorry for your pain and the wounds inflicted upon you. I'm sorry for the lies that have caused you to run. Know this my beloved: that I love you just the way you are. It is not you that I hate, but the sin that I abhor. It is not the addict that I hate—but the addiction. For it keeps you away from me. It is not the homosexual that I hate—but the act of homosexuality. For it was not my design. It is not the adulterer or fornicator that I hate—but the act of the sin. For it keeps you separated and opens doors to more evil, and causes wounds beyond belief. It is not the liar or the thief—but the act of lying and stealing. For no liar and thief shall enter into heaven. My beloved, it is not the sinner but the sinful acts that I hate. How can I not love and accept my creation? How can I not love you when I am in you? Yes, there is room at the Cross for all; but sin must take its rightful place—nailed to the Cross.
I can be the balm that heals your wounds and stabilizes your footing. You question my strength and love. My power, my strength, my love, is shown in my gift to you; the gift of my Son, Jesus the Christ—the Anointed One. I also gave a gift when I formed you: the gift of choice. You can choose to believe or not. You can choose to walk in righteousness or not. You have the power because I placed choice in your hands. And with this power comes responsibility.
I'm sorry about your disappointments. However, make no mistake, my beloved, that I have and am causing all things to work out for your good; for each and every one that loves me, and has believed on me; even when your path was dark and you could not see. I reward them that diligently seek me. And those that stand in faith and have taken my word and hidden it in their hearts.
I know that you struggle. I know that you have pain. I know that you question my love for you and how I can love you so, and allow the world to be in such disarray. I know. But had you been meditating on my word, spending time in my presence, then you will know that this all, I have prepared you for. This, I have told you of. I warned you that the heart of man would wax evil. That there would be wars and rumors of wars. I warned you that there would be deceivers coming in my name. I told you that there would be perilous times. But I also told you, that I would be with you. I would be with you always.
My love for you does not stop because you are suffering. My love for you has not ceased because you have suffered a loss. My love for you grows abundantly with each and every day. You are a part of me and I have called you by name.
It does not matter how many times you fall—get up! And trust me to lead you. There is one thing that no one else truly knows but me: Your heart. I know your heart. I know your soul. I know your cries. I know the fears. Now it's time for you to know true love.
Seek me. Seek early. Seek me each and every day. Spend time in my presence. I've missed you. I've wanted to talk with you for so long. Will you open your heart? Will you open the door? I've been knocking for a while. Just know: I never tire. So I will keep knocking. I will keep loving. I will never leave. All you have to say is Yes, Lord.
I love you,
Your Heavenly Father
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Let the love of God consume your heart, mind, and soul. Seek the Father each day. Invite Him into those hidden places where all the fears and scars and wounds are. Allow His love to envelop you and bring complete healing. God is waiting just for you. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing.
Original ©2015, ©2018. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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