Sunday, March 29, 2015

"Out The Box"

Reflections4Life March 29th, 2015

“Out The Box”

“Then He looked at them and said, “What then is this that is written: ‘The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone’?” Luke 20:17

Scripture Contemplation: Psalm 118; Matthew 13; Mark 11; Luke 4; John 12…

Happy Palm Sunday!

There is a certain freedom that comes when you walk in your truth, and stop living to please and placate others, but live your life as you will, with a desire to please God alone.

Certainly you would love for those who love you to always understand and accept you for who you truly are, and not for whom they think you are or should be. But people are people, and sometimes they just don't get it, nor do they see it. And sometimes, they will see what they want to see.

I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. As we celebrate this Palm Sunday, let us remember all that led to cost of our redemption. And hold in our hearts, that the price has already been paid, and there is no one left to charge us, when Jesus has handled the bill.

People have the tendency to put you in a box; see you through one lens when there are so many different components to who you are. I suppose, as we celebrate Palm Sunday, one may be able to identify with the life of Christ. Many saw Him as Rabbi, teacher, friend, and miracle worker. Some saw Him as a threat. But few saw Him as the Son of God or the Savior. For many, He was defined as the carpenter’s son. No one special. Nothing more or less. Having placed him in a box in their mind and hearts, they could not receive Him any other way or receive the blessing of His truth. For Christ, it hurt that they could not believe. Not for His sake, but for theirs. He knew who He was; even when others did not and would not accept it.

I cannot help but to be grateful for all that Jesus has done. For giving His life. For sticking to the plan and not being deterred by the opinions of those who only knew and could only see and accept Him as the son of a Carpenter, and not for the promised Savior that was prophesied.

How many of you have allowed people to place you in a box? How many have allowed the opinions and the need for another's acceptance to determine what you do and what you believe about yourself?
I thank God for the mother I had. She encouraged me to stand in my truth and discover all of me, and be comfortable in my skin. She knew I was more than what people saw or believed. She understood a box could never contain me. God created so much greatness in me, that it won't allow me to be defined by a few titles that some give me. No. I am a child of God with many different attributes. Walking in my greatness. And enjoying and discovering the many facets of me. I pray the same for you. Blessings.

My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Don’t allow the opinions and the short-sightedness of others to confine you to a box. To, make you limit yourself to one fact, so you may please and be accepted by others. God has created greatness in you. There is more inside you and about you than what meets the eye. More than where you come from or what you were born into. You are who God says you are, and who you believe yourself to be. No limits. Dare to live outside the box. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2015. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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