Sunday, February 22, 2015

"Lessons My Mama Taught Me"

Reflections4Life February 22, 2015

"Lessons My Mama Taught Me"

I am doing things a little different this Sunday. I pray that this week is filled with much joy and happiness for you. May you treasure the gift of love and take advantage of the presence of your parents. Because you never know when there will be no tomorrow.

I can only write today's #Reflections4Life because of what my mother has taught me. I cried for a very long time this morning. How can I write or even think of anything when my heart is so heavy? When, it hurts so bad I can't catch my breath? Then I remember what my Mama taught me. The lessons I have learned and gleaned from her. She was a very wise woman. I am still processing the fact that she is gone. It's still not real.

I chose this pic, taken nine years ago. It was one of my Mama's favorite, primarily because she took it!

I was sitting on the foot of her bed. She said she had some beautiful children. I wasn't feeling so beautiful at the time.

That day, she poured her love and into me as only a Mama could. She reminded me of true beauty, the beauty of the heart and its value. She told me how proud she was of me and the things I had accomplished and was venturing into. She reminded me of the importance of loving myself and having an intimate and solid relationship with God. That, our time with the Creator should always come first and from the heart, and not as a last resort. She taught me the importance of saying no. Not to allow people to monopolize and take advantage of my huge heart.

My mother taught me that when you walk with God, and have an intimate relationship, it eradicates negativity in your life, it strengthens you for the road ahead, it prepares you for the many ups and downs and the unexpected. It allows you to see through different eyes. 
What she taught me also, is that life goes on. And should she leave this earth before Christ's return, to know and remember: to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. That she has the better deal out of the two of us.  And that, I may grieve and mourn but life goes on. To do what I do, and do it well, because she will be watching from her new view from the heavens above.

How can I not move forward and be comforted with these kind of lessons?


Unknown said...

You're a Unique Soul! Aunt Pat IS Unique Soul! "One Day At a Time". Your strength is Shining Brightly! I Love You Ru!

Ruthe McDonald said...

I love you, too!

Even M said...
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