Reflections4Life, December 28th, 2014
“The Lessons Learned, the Badges Earned”
“Take a lesson from the fig tree. From the moment you notice its buds form, the merest hint of green, you know summer’s just around the corner. So it is with you: When you see all these things, you’ll know he’s at the door. Don’t take this lightly. I’m not just saying this for some future generation, but for all of you. This age continues until all these things take place. Sky and earth will wear out; my words won’t wear out.” Matthew 24:32-35 (MSG)
Scripture Contemplation: Psalm 34; Proverbs 6; Mark 13; Hebrews 8; James 5…
I can barely believe this is the last Sunday of the year! Wow! As I look over the year and the many things that have happened—good, bad, ugly, wonderful—I know it all has served as lessons. And for many of us, we have definitely earned some badges of honor along the way.
I declare and decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. As you reflect upon this year, and all the lessons and tests, and trials and triumphs; let your heart be filled with joy, and the knowledge that God not only brought you through it all, but He was right there with you, and continues to be with you right now.
Every test, trial, hardship; even our triumphs and accolades have served as life lessons that we can bring into the New Year. Whether they taught us what to do, what not to do, who to listen to, who not to listen to, what we truly desire, and what we should move on from; it was all valuable lessons that can help us to navigate a New Year, not with resolutions, but decrees and declarations. Declare and decree what God says of you. Declare the will of God shall be done, and decree that you will walk in wisdom, doing and living your best life.
This wasn't an easy year for most. We saw many changes and causes, and people coming together, as well as be divided, but that's to be expected with changes. The world is constantly changing, and so are we. Hopefully and prayerfully we can take the changes and become better human beings that are less moved by emotions, but more inclined to action by our spirit.
Many of us will look back and wonder how we made it! There were some sketchy days, weeks and months when we did not know how we would make it to tomorrow, let alone next week, next month or a next year. Yet here we are. In the land of the living by the grace of God.
Yes. We have been hurt this past year. We have experienced disappointments. We have been let down, lied to, manipulated. We’ve lost loved ones, been separated from those we love, been rejected, and let down by those we call family and friends. But we’re still here. In the land of the living. We may be hurting, but we’re alive to feel it. And as long as we have breath in our body, the blood flowing through our veins; we have an opportunity to see that joy comes in the morning.
Every hurt, disappointment, loss, heartache and betrayal can serve as life lessons in our journey. Every relationship we have whether it worked out or not, taught us something. Every day we are upon this earth, we are being given life lessons. Lessons that we can learn from to help cultivate and propel our lives in the direction that God has ordained.
What a sad predicament to live a life where lessons are never learned. Where, we perpetually live the same situations over and over again; have the same kind of relationships over and over again, and wake with the same disappointments all because we didn’t take heed to the lessons that our life has been teaching us all along.
Until we learn the lessons well, we will never pass the tests to get to the next level of life that awaits us. The problem for most is that we run from life—from its lessons. We deny what’s in front of us and live in a world made up of lies we’ve created to get from one day to the next. It’s like that movie, Groundhog Day, where the main character relives the same day over and over again until he begins to learn the lessons that he was ignoring all of his life. The lessons of life, love, selflessness, and respect for himself and others.
This year has presented us with lessons that we can learn and glean from. We can take these lessons and walk into the New Year fully armed and prepared to live life differently and according to what God has ordained. Too many of us, however, will repeat the trials and tests of this past year because we deny what’s right in front of us. We deny the problems and situations that have been compounding for years and years.
We have a choice, Beloved. We have a grand opportunity to face the truth, take the lessons (even the most painful ones) and learn from them. Learn who we are. Learn who God truly is. And then begin to live the life that God has ordained for us all along. Sure, we may have to let some people go from our lives. We may have to walk away from some situations and people. We may have to sever some ties professionally and financially. We may have to move away. If you want to be free in the New Year; if you truly want what God has ordained—then there are some hard decisions that will have to be made. Just know, however, that God is there with you. He is right there with you through it all. Trust Him.
Thank you for spending this year with me. I have truly enjoyed your company and the pleasure of connecting with some very wonderful and beautiful souls. My prayer for you is that your New Year will be filled with answered prayers, safety, ingenuity, integrity, joy, peace, success, and an abundance of sincere Love! Blessings to you and yours!
I decree that the spirit of peace and prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. Take the lessons you learned this year to help you be free in the New Year. Wear your badges of triumph well. You earned them! Don’t dismiss the lessons of this year, or deny your experiences. You cannot have a “clean slate” in the New Year with debris from the past causing lumps under the rug, so to speak. Confront it. Confess it. Deal with it. Take its lessons and move on from it. God will be with you through it all. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2014. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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