November 16th, 2014
Your Mouth”
“Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but
what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to
the hearers.” Ephesians 4:29
Scripture Contemplation: Joshua 1; 6; Psalm 19:14;
Matthew 4:4; 15:18; James 3; Titus 1; Jude 1...
How often do we pay close attention to the words that
are coming from out of our mouths? How many of us dare to put a watch
over mouths, so that we bring no harm to others or ourselves? The
words that we speak can bring comfort or pain. It can bring forth
healing and even death. It is time for us to listen carefully and to
watch our mouths.
I declare and decree that this week's Reflections
is a continued source of encouragement and enlightenment for your
heart, mind, and soul. Allow your time spent with the Lord this week
to be filled with reflection. Reflection upon the things that come
from your mouth. Allow Holy Spirit to guide your tongue, and to make
you hyper-aware of the things you say during a normal course of the
day. It can be the difference between life and death...literally.
Growing up, I always heard my Grams and my Nana, as well as my Mom say: watch your mouth. As children, we can try our parents sometimes and say something that is sassy or even disrespectful. The first warning was always watched your mouth. There really wasn't a second warning; just a pop in the mouth and punishment.
I believe today many of us need a spiritual pop in the mouth to remind of us the things that we are saying. It is not just the harm and hurt that we are bringing to others; but the harm we do to ourselves that many of us are not even aware of. So many times we have prayed and asked God for something, and in the next breath we totally wipe out our prayers, because our mouths defeat us. Instead of speaking the word of God and blessings over our lives, we speak negativity and curses. Instead of life, there is death.
Proverbs 18:21 Death
and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will
eat its fruit.
How many times have we heard this passage of scripture,
only to forget it in the light of a days activity? How many times
have we spoken things that are filled with negativity and the exact
opposite of what we are believing God for? If we want what God has
for us, we're going to have to start speaking like our Father. We are
going to have to put a watch over our mouths, and speak what God
speaks concerning us.
We also have the power to effect the lives of others. When I think of this specifically, I often think about what we say to our children. What are you speaking over the lives of your children? Do you inspire them? Encourage them? Speak positive affirmations? Do you declare and decree what God has spoken? Do you bless them or do you curse them?
My parents always told me what I could be; encouraging
my endeavors even when I, myself, was filled with uncertainty and
doubt. My father was bold and told me what I WOULD be, and WOULD
accomplish in this life. He spoke a life of blessings over my life.
He spoke the father's blessing over his children, just as Jacob did
to his children.
The words that we speak into the atmosphere have the
power to bring life or death. And can bring healing or destruction.
Many words have caused strife and the life of people. I never
understood that old saying I heard growing up: Sticks and stones
may break your bones but names will never hurt you.
What a load of crap! The words we speak can cause
irreparable damage. Words can kill. Its evidence in the number of
cases of bullying and the continuing increase of suicide amongst our
young children. Words do hurt. They can do so much harm and destroy
many lives. Words spoken in a lie can change lives forever. It can
cost lives, as well.
So yes, words do hurt and can can bring devastating
harm. We must learn to guard our mouths and train our tongues to
speak words that are edifying, and truth that is not destructive, but
healing. To say what needs to be said in a manner in which a person's
life is not torn down or destroyed.
If we desire the life that God has ordained for us, then
we must also learn to0 watch our mouths concerning the things that we
speak and declare of ourselves. Do not speak the opposite of what God
has spoken. Edify yourself with the word of God. Speak God's truth.
Watch what you allow to pass through your lips and into the
atmosphere. You have the power to prophesy over your life. To speak
life—abundant life—to your situation and circumstances.
Beloved, speak what God says about you. Let those words
fill your heart and the atmosphere. Practice speaking what God says.
Train your tongue to edify and not destroy. A word spoken in kindness
can change someone's life forever. A comforting word can save a life.
A word of wisdom can bring clarity. A word of encouragement can bring
joy and happiness.
I declare and decree that the the spirit of peace and of
prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. Watch your mouth,
Beloved. Be aware of your conversations and the words you speak. They
can be the difference between life and death. Life or death to
dreams, hopes, and visions. The difference between life and death for
a soul; for someone's life. Think on the things of the Lord, allowing
it to fill your heart, so that it will begin to flow from your lips.
How can we praise God with the same mouth that curses and bring
destruction? The choice is always ours. You are Blessed. Now go...and
Be a Blessing!
©2014. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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