Reflections4Life Sunday, November 30th, 2014
“Stop Lying to Yourself”
“Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.” Psalm 51:6
Scripture Contemplation: Joshua 24:14; Psalm 15:2; Proverbs 12:22; John 8:32; Acts 5; Ephesians 4…
We can tell ourselves everything is all right. We can tell others everything is well. We can even attempt to tell God that we are fine. Even though we know God already knows. Yet we say these things when we are lying to ourselves. Lying about how we feel, about our troubles, about who we are and what we want. If you want to sincerely be free; to be healed and delivered; then you must come to the conclusion that you must stop lying to yourself.
I declare and decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Allow Holy Spirit into those secret places that you have even hidden from yourself. Let the light of God shine bright on those areas that need to be exposed, and healed, so that you may truly begin to live the life that God has ordained for you.
Sure, we can lie to everyone around us, and even convince them that we are well and happy with our lives. We can even convince ourselves that all is well, but that won't last long when God loves us way too much to leave us in a state of denial and lying to ourselves.
God has so many ways He desires to bless us, that He will not allow "us" to not face the truth, but ensure we stop lying to ourselves, and begin living the life He's ordained for us. Yes. There are things that have happened in our lives than have hurt us deeply. Situations and circumstances have arose to shake us to the core. Yet, we can no longer run from the truth or lie to ourselves if we expect to really move forward. We have to face the truth about who we are and what has been happening in our lives. There is healing that comes once we finally stop running, and start dealing with what is right in front of us.
The truth of the matter is, what we don't confront will continually show up in our lives. We will never be able to outrun a lie, when truth is always present demanding payment in full. If we say we are in a relationship with God, and we say we desire to live the life that God has ordained for us, then we must understand that everything about us must be lined up with who God is, and the path He has designed for us to walk.
Truth and lies cannot abide in the same place. Light and dark cannot occupy the same space. One will block out the other. When we continually lie to ourselves, and are not honest about what is in our hearts; it makes it fairly easy for others to lie to us also.
I don’t know about you, Beloved, but I don’t like being lied to. I have always maintained that I’d rather be hurt from the truth, than to be damaged by a lie. With the truth—though it may hurt and sting—it’s still the truth and will bring healing. But with a lie, it will cause havoc and pain that have yet to be seen. It will breed mistrust, doubt, and fear. Tell the truth. Let it be known from the beginning.
I don’t like lying. It is something that bothers me to the core; especially because I do not want to be lied to. We do reap what we sow. There was a time, however, when I lied to myself. I lied about what I wanted in life. I lied to myself about being happy. I was going through the motions of life, and doing what was expected of me. But I was not living my truth. I was not being authentic to who I am and who God ordained and called me to be. The end result was chaos, heartache, and sickness.
For a long time, my past held me in bondage. Things had occurred in my life that I never told anyone for a very long time. I carried those things, those memories for such a long time, that it was like a noose around my neck; a heavy weight in my heart. And in all honesty, it was quite painful and frightening to face.
In my mind, all I could think about was the pain and hurt I endured. And to think about it, only brought the memories of those feelings right back to the surface. Something that I did not want to feel or face. But, when you desire to move forward; when you truly desire in your heart of hearts to have what God has promised you; then at some point you’re going to have to be honest, stop hiding, stop lying to yourself, and face your truth.
It is part of the healing and deliverance process. To confront the things that we have buried and have evaded for far too long. To be able to look in the mirror, and speak the truth to ourselves. To say without censure what it is that we feel about our lives; about the people in our lives; about the things we have experienced, suffered, fought through, and even escaped.
When we stop lying to ourselves, and admit that we need help; that we need deliverance; that we are not happy, or that we have been lying about who we are—then and only then can we truly begin to live our truth. To live our authentic selves without fear of rejection. Because once you face your truth, and stop the lying; then it will no longer matter to you what anyone else thinks or says of you. The truth is liberating on all levels. And there is nothing the enemy can hold over your head or use against you, when you have bared your all to the Father, and accepted your own truth.
Be free today, Beloveds. Don’t give the enemy one more moment of your time or space in your head or heart. It is time to evict him, and for you to take back the keys of your life that Jesus gave to you when He defeated hell and death. You have an inheritance with the Father. But you must be walking in truth; your truth to fully appreciate it and receive the full benefits.
I decree that the spirit of peace and prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. There is nothing more liberating than living your authentic life. To walk in the truth of who you are. To have confronted your past, its hurts, disappointments, and have Holy Spirit pour into you his comfort and love. You are worthy of all that God has ordained for you. Receive it with an open and truthful heart. You are Blessed. Now go…and Be a Blessing!
©2014. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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