Sunday, October 19, 2014

"You Can't Fake It Forever"

Reflections4Life  October 19th, 2014

“You Can’t Fake it Forever”

“As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever.” 1 Chronicles 28:9

Scripture Contemplation: Joshua 24:14; 1 Samuel 12:24; Isaiah 1; Mark 12:30; John 8…

If were to be totally honest with ourselves, we would more than likely confess that there are many areas in our lives that we are faking. Many are in relationships right now that they truly do not desire to be in. And for whatever their reasons, they are faking it.

Many of us have entered into a relationship with God on false pretenses. We want what God can give us, but we do not desire the change He desires to bring to our hearts and minds. There are many things that we can fake in our lifetime, and probably get away with. However, when it comes to relationships and a relationship with the Almighty God—you can’t fake it forever.

I declare and decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for heart, mind, and soul. God desires the truth in our inward parts. He wants us to walk in truth and sincerity. Allow Holy Spirit to expose the truth of your heart so that you can really start to live the blessed life that God has ordained for you.

Yes. We fake it. We fake relationships. We fake credentials. We fake what we know, who we are, where we’ve been, and who we love. The proof of all the fakeness is evident in the many broken relationships that we are either a party to or a witness of.

At what point in ourselves do we decide to lie? Some not only lie, but determine in their heart and mind that being false is the only way to get what they want. It is sad state of affairs when you cannot be yourself; when you cannot accept people for who they are and accept yourself for who you truly are.

What is even worse, is our vain attempts to fake a relationship with God. Yes. There are many whose heart are not with God. But on the outside, they appear godly and righteous. They have the appearance of a true believer, full of grace and faith, but it is only for appearances sake, so that they may get whatever it is they are coveting.

Make no mistake: There is no fooling God. He sees you for who you are. Though it may appear that you are getting away with a heart of deceit; you only fool yourself because God knows all things.

Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.”

Many of us enter into relationships with our heart and mind already made up. We're either going to be honest or false. We're going to give our all or fake it until we get what we want. With God, there is no faking it. There is no gray area. It's yes or no. Cold or hot. Black or white. Either you believe God or you don't. God desires all of us. Our heart, mind, soul and body. There is no faking when it comes to a relationship with God.

Yet, the heart of a person can be so calculating and deceitful. Why would anyone want to use the kindness and the love of another with no intentions of reciprocating that which was freely give? We do this to God each and every day we profess to love Him and worship Him, but live our lives as though we never met Him.

Jeremiah 17:9-10 “The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful, a puzzle that no one can figure out. But I, God, search the heart and examine the mind. I get to the heart of the human. I get to the root of things. I treat them as they really are, not as they pretend to be.”

What’s that famous Abraham Lincoln quote? — "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." I’d like to add that you cannot fool God at any time.

God knows us through and through. He knows the intentions of our heart. And though many may believe they are getting away with their deceit, sooner or later the truth will be revealed. I am of the belief that God gives people the opportunity to get things right. I believe He gives each person the ample chance to repent and humble themselves, and to do the right thing. He gives a warning in secret; speaking to the heart and mind. Then He sends a messenger with a word of knowledge. Lastly, exposure for all to see takes place.

Many want the benefits of knowing God, but do not want the intimate relationship or test and trials that come with the promises of God. Many may be able to fake a relationship for an undetermined amount of time. But sooner or later you will bear fruit that will tell the truth of who you really are.

Luke 6:43-44a “For a good tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit.”

No matter who you are. No matter how good your game is. No matter how many times you thought you got away with being false—you cannot fake it forever. The simple truth is; God. Already. Knows. He knows who you are. He knows your heart. And He knows the day you will be exposed. It’s just a matter of time. And for certain, we all reap what we have sown.

So—what are you going to do? Who are you going to be in this life? Are you going to real, honest, and sincere? Or, are you going to fake your way through relationships just to get what you want? Sooner or later the truth will be learned, and in the end, there will be only one loser: you. Get real. Get right. Get Christ…for real.

I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. There is no faking with God. He already knows the truth. He knows the heart and the mind. We do not have to fake who we are, when all we have to do is accept Christ and walk in the truth of who He has created us to be. There is nothing that anyone has or will ever have that can compete with the wholeness that comes from knowing and being in a sincere relationship with our intimate God. He accepts you just as you are: faults, flaws, and all. You are Blessed. Now go…and Be a Blessing!

©2014. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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