Sunday, September 14, 2014

"Detoxifying Your Life"

Reflections4Life, September 14th, 2014
“Detoxifying Your Life”
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 (NASB)
Scripture Contemplation: 2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 51; Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 15:33;           2 Corinthians 7:1…
There are times in our lives when we must take a step back, stand still and evaluate who and what are in our lives, and the purpose they are serving. Not everything and everyone in our lives are good for us and the path that God has ordained for us. Even those things and people that seem good, seem right, seem to be working out; could be the very thing that is stalling us, keeping us from moving forward in the life that God has ordained for us.
There comes a time when we must detoxify our lives; purge ourselves of the things that have been poisonous to our lives, our goals, and our vision. Sometimes it is not what we are doing that’s wrong, sometimes it’s the people, places and things we have surrounded ourselves with.
I declare and decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Allow the Father to lead you and show you the places in your life that need detoxification. Let Him lead you through the process, so you can be ready to receive the abundance that God has ordained for your life.
Life can throw us some hardballs and twisted curveballs. One moment we can be riding high, and the next, we are down and out for the count. Yet, one thing remains the same: God’s love for us, and His wisdom and instruction that never fails.
With our life’s journey come many ups and downs, along with bumpy rides and rocky roads. However, if we will yield to the Father’s instructions we will be able to navigate the storms and trials of this life and be the better for them.
Along our life’s journey, mistakes and missteps will occur. We will sometimes trust in the wrong people, go the wrong way, get stuck in a place, and fumble at times. Yet, it is nothing that we cannot overcome and get through, as long as we follow what God is telling us to do.
I have learned in my journey that it is not necessarily what one is doing that’s wrong or stalling the process of our reaching our destination. No. Sometimes it is the people, places, and things we have surrounded our lives in. Not everything is good for us. Not every person has good intentions towards us. Not every place is the right place to see our visions come to pass.
We must be intimate with the Lord, seeking His will daily, and following His instructions so that we know what we should do if we ever find ourselves in a place of stagnation. The solution can be as simple as moving, changing a routine, or letting some people go.
Many of us do not even know this, but our lives have been clogged with poison. There are toxins that must be purged from our lives in order for us to move forward and receive the full manifestations of the blessings of God.
Far too many of us hang on to people when God has told us to separate ourselves from them. There are places we have stayed when God has spoken to our hearts and told us to move on. There are things in our lives that God has told us to let go of, and we haven’t. Obedience unto God will save us unnecessary sacrifices down the road.
One of the things I know for certain is that not everyone is meant to go where I am going. Not everything I have is meant for the next level. And not every place I reside is the place for me to grow and move forward. There are people I must separate from. Things I have to let go of. And places I need to move away from, if I truly desire to walk in the ordained life God has for me and mine.
No. it’s not easy. Especially when you have become attached to certain people, places and things. Don’t get it twisted: there may be nothing wrong with the people, places or things. They may very well be good people, great places, and helpful things. HOWEVER, they are not good for the plan that God has ordained for YOUR life. Sometimes we cannot see the problem, because we are not looking through the eyes of God. This is where we must trust God where we cannot trace Him. This is where we must believe in God with or whole hearts, even when we may not understand…yet.
Beloved, it’s time…it’s time to move forward into the promises of God for our lives. And part of moving forward is learning to let go and truly walk in faith. In order for you to get to that next level, and to be where God has called you to be, then you must be willing to accept the truth about some things, and have a willing heart to do as God has ordained.
I decree that the spirit of peace and prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. Stagnation is a sure sign that a detoxification must take place in your life. Allow God to lead you through the purging process. Follow His instructions; even if it means walking away from some people, moving from certain places, and letting some things go. Remember: whatever you have to give up only pales in comparison to what God wants to give you. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2014. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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