Sunday, June 02, 2013

Reflections4Life: What Would You Do?

Reflections Sunday, June 2nd, 2013
What Would You Do?”
But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 10:33
Scripture Reading For This Week: Psalm 23; Proverbs 3; Isaiah 12;Isaiah 65; Matthew 6; Matthew 10
We are faced with many choices in our lives. There are roads leading to various destinations; some proclaiming to get to the same location. Yet, there is only one road that leads to God. Only one way to get to heaven, and that is through Jesus Christ.
I am going to do something totally different today. I am sharing with you something written by Patricia Harris. She is a teacher, a pastor, an evangelist, a prophetess, and a mighty prayer intercessor, who just happens to be my mother. Yes. I am blessed to have this woman not just as my mother, but as a friend and encourager.
I declare and decree that this week's Reflections will be a continued and constant source of encouragement for your heart, mind, and soul. Do not let anyone deter you from the path that God has ordained for you. The enemy comes in many ways, but God will expose them all. Let God lead you. And know that He does answer prayers.
What Would You Do?
Suppose someone offered you five million dollars tax free? But with one condition: for one day you could not mention the name of Jesus. Even if someone came to you and asked, what does it mean to be saved? How does one get saved? What would you do?
Perhaps you have been praying for a breakthrough, and are backed up in so much debt. Possibly you just received a great offer for a business deal, and all you needed was capital. Maybe your mortgage is over due, and you're about to go into foreclosure; what would you do? One day not to mention the name of Jesus.
Suppose you went to visit a friend in the hospital, and when you get there, the doctor says they have maybe a few hours or day, at best, left to live. You know they've never received Jesus in their heart. Here you stand, with the question whether to say: just let Jesus come in, or Jesus loves you, that would bring them comfort. What would you do? In your ear it's ringing: Five million tax free dollars!
Perchance you have been praying for years, kept believing for a financial windfall. You begin to think, this could be your blessing. What will it hurt—just one day not to say anything at all? You begin reasoning with yourself. You'll give twenty percent to the church; you'll do this and that. But then you are told, you don't have overnight to think about it. Your answer must be within the next six hours.
Your phone begins to ring off the hook. Bill collectors are calling one right after the other. Your car just broke down. The house you wanted and needed just became available. It has the right amount of rooms. You don't have to do any work to it. Just one day not to mention the name of Jesus.
Maybe you're home-bound, and you can't get out, and a knock comes on the door offering you five million tax free dollars, and all you have to do is not mention the name of Jesus for one day. Your child comes home from school, he brings a friend home with him. They say: Dad/Mom, my friend wants to know about heaven. One day not to mention Jesus. What would you do? You ask the Father what you should do, but you don't hear anything in your spirit.
How about a husband and wife. Neither of you were saved when you got married. But now, you, the husband are saved but your wife isn't. You love your wife deeply. She loves you deeply. Before you were saved, you promised that when you became financially able to, you were going to send for her parents, bring them to the States and give them a real home. You have the opportunity with this five million dollars; but one day not to mention Jesus. What would you do?
Perhaps it is your child that stands in need of a life and death surgery. They require the best doctor and best care in order to make it. It's going to cost $250,000. This is your only child. $250,000? You'll have that and then some. Just one day not to mention the name of Jesus. What do you do? What do you say to your child, when you explain the situation, and as your child, he answers you and says: God got this, Dad. Just give me Jesus.
At the end of the six hours you make your decision; either saying yes or saying no. Not realizing it was a test, you were entertaining angels unaware.

Wow! Talk about powerful! What would you have done? Could you say you would have passed the test? We all have needs. We all are faced with some difficult decisions in life. But would you deny Christ to get what you wanted when God says that He knows what we need?
Matthew 6:8 “Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.”
There are times when we have denied Christ without even realizing it. Those times when we have acted other than a child of God. Those times when we have ignored the tugging of the Holy Spirit. Those times when we have not followed His instructions. Those times when we have not visited the sick and shut in, or those in prison, or have ignored hungry.
Matthew 25:42-45 “For I hungered, and ye gave Me no meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave Me no drink;43 I was a stranger, and ye took Me not in; naked, and ye clothed Me not; sick and in prison, and ye visited Me not.’44 Then shall they also answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when saw we Thee hungering or athirst or a stranger, or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister unto Thee?’45 Then shall He answer them, saying, ‘Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to Me.’”
I decree that the spirit of peace and prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives: spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, and financially. Believe in the word of God. Believe that His promises for you are coming to pass. Do not deny Him,or else He will deny you. Stand up for God. And stand your ground against the devil. Got got you covered. And He is meeting every need. Youa re Blessed. Now go...and Be a Blessing!

©2013. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.


Harold Michael Harvey said...

I would answer no. However, it is a constant battle to overcome the temptation to dismiss the will of God and the presence of God just to obtain an earthly desire.

Ruth Cox aka abitosunshine said...

I do not need to mention the name "Jesus" in order to live and portray my life with him in it. In fact, the challenge would be to practice what is preached rather than to preach without putting it to practice.

Ruthe McDonald said...

I'd have said no, as well. Also, I agree, Ruth. We often preach much but do not practice what we preach. That is a challenge for many of us. It's not so much what we say or don't say that many people are watching for. It is our actions and what we do with what we have been saying.