Saturday, February 18, 2023

"Run to God"

 Reflections4Life™ February 19, 2023

“Run to God”

“God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind.

Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” Numbers 23:19

Scripture Contemplation: Psalm 31; 34; 139; Romans 10; 12; 2 Corinthians 10; Jude…

©Ruthe McDonald

I declare, this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart mind, and soul. Let it resonate in your heart and soul that there is safety in the arms of God. In the presence of the Almighty is where you will find the answers that your soul seeks. However, you may not receive the answers right away but be comforted in knowing that God not only hears you but has already answered before you called.


Psalm 34:17, 18 “When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”

Half the battle in our lives is learning to give God everything. We can talk to God about anything. We can bring everything to Him. Everything. All of our concerns, our questions, our wants, and desires; whatever may be causing a disturbance in our spirit, in our lives. Every hurt and pain. God not only desires for us to but also encourages us to. Lay it all on the altar.

I understand that for many that is a scary thing to contemplate—everything. God is not holding us back when it comes to laying it all on the altar, at the throne before Him. It is our continued lack of trust and inability and/or fear to be vulnerable. We struggle to tell ourselves the truth. God already knows it. Most have been so hurt and disappointed by people we love and trust that it is hard for us to trust God, or anyone that God sends into our lives to help bring healing, and show us His unconditional love and trust in a human connection.

Our faith in people has often translated into our faith in God. Instead of running to God with all of our cares and concerns, and pouring everything at the altar, as He has asked us to—we hoard the hurts and disappointments. We ruminate over them like sick children, until it becomes a part of us and we cannot let God in, nor release anything. We have built a wall between our hearts and God. 

Somewhere in our minds, we blame God for allowing things to happen in our life. At the same time, the enemy has been whispering his lies; whispering that God does not care does not love us, that He has abandoned us. Which is a total fabrication that the enemy often uses to sow seeds of doubt, to get us to stop praying and bringing everything to God. The enemy’s ultimate goal is to stop us from believing in God, in His promises, and in love; closing us off to all the goodness and greatness, that God has ordained for our lives.


Romans 10:10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth, one confesses and is saved.

Believing is the other half of the battle. There is power when we believe in God. It strengthens us when we believe in and stand on His word, in all that the Father has spoken to our hearts and the visions He has granted us. 

It is not about what we see with our natural eyes but what we can believe in our hearts without first seeing. The world says that seeing is to believe, seeing with your natural eyes. God says that first believing in what He has spoken, brings to fruition what you first believed without having first seen. That is faith.

This is exactly why the enemy tries to infiltrate our minds. It is his playground, our battlefield. The enemy knows that if he can plant seeds of doubt in our minds and we continue to think and meditate on those lies and negativity, it soon becomes a belief in our hearts. Whatever we believe in our hearts becomes our truth and only God has the power to change and remove the lies that we have accepted and now justify as truths.

Our minds are powerful vessels; our thoughts are a conduit of the life that we not only desire but what God has promised. This is why God admonishes us to renew our minds daily (Romans 12:1-2) to think of pure and good things (Philippians 4:8) and to pull down strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4-6).

When we believe in what God has spoken to our hearts, we meditate on it, on His word, and His promises, we are strengthening our faith muscles. We are building a defense that the enemy will not be able to penetrate. We have the power to manifest what we believe in our hearts. The problem for many is that they have been stuck in a negative space for so long, they believe that nothing but bad or negative will take place. They end up self-sabotaging their lives because where faith once was, now resides fear and unbelief. The perfect cocktail for the enemy to wreak devastating havoc and destroy one’s mind and heart if possible. I say this because here is what the enemy forgets and what so many of us forget: there is absolutely nothing on this earth or below it or above it that can ever separate us from the love of God. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. (Romans 8:38-39)

As long as God loves us, there will always be hope for us until we take our last breath on this earth. All of that doubt and unbelief, all of that hurt, pain, and disappointments?—Can be washed away the moment we accept the pure love of God, and His forgiveness, and learn to forgive and love ourselves. We must first believe. Believe that it is true; that the word of God is true. Believe in His love and forgiveness, then accept it as truth. Allow it to become the new truth in our hearts.

Run to God

Psalm 31:1-2 (MSG) I run to you, God; I run for dear life. Don’t let me down! Take me seriously this time! Get down on my level and listen, and please—no procrastination! Your granite cave is a hiding place, your high cliff aerie a place of safety.

Like David, run to God, Beloveds. He is our safety, secure place, and answers for all things. Though it may seem like God is not answering or hearing your prayers, He is. In fact, He has already answered. However, the enemy of our soul will try to always interrupt and get in the way of us hearing and seeing God. We are stronger than the enemy when we yield to God when we run to the safety of His word and in His loving arms. When we begin to speak and pray the word of God over our lives and walk it every single day, we are creating a solid foundation that is impenetrable by the enemy. Though there may be times that we stumble and fall, and times of heartaches, losses, and even disappointments, it does not mean that God is not there. 

We must learn to navigate this life with the knowledge that there will be afflictions and adversities that we will encounter, but nothing too hard or difficult for God, and nothing we cannot overcome with God on our side. Though the weapons form against us, they will not succeed (Isaiah 54:17) as long as we are standing and believing in the truth of what God has already declared and decreed in and over our lives. Remember: The enemy has no power or authority except what we give him.

My Beloveds, May the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Run to God. Give Him everything. Believe Him for all things. He is not a man that He should lie nor the son of man that He should repent. Whatever God has spoken to You, has promised you; it is indeed going to happen. Have faith, think about the good things and the promises of God, and follow His navigational instructions! You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2023. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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