Sunday, October 16, 2022


Reflections4Life October 16, 2022
“For I am convinced [and continue to be convinced—beyond any doubt] that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present and threatening, nor things to come, nor powers,  nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the [unlimited] love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:338-39
Scripture Contemplation: Joshua 15; Proverbs 25; Matthew 16; 2 Timothy 1; 1 Corinthians 15

Be Determined to Go All the Way. Whatever God has promised to bring forth in your life comes with a price…for the flesh. The flesh truly does, war against the spirit and the enemy would like nothing more than to not only destroy us, but to also make us give up, walk away, and stop believing in God Almighty; separating us from God not solely on the earth but for all eternity. That is his way of destroying us. Walking in Christ is not for the faint of heart who do not like confrontations or getting their hands dirty. It takes a determined heart, mind, and soul, one who truly believes in what God has spoken to their heart and soul not, to surrender to the lies of the enemy.
I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Put the whole armor of God on, Beloved. For it is essential in your walk with the Lord. Allow God to show you His strategic plans for your life; how to overcome the attacks of the enemy. There is nothing, God will not do for you but you have to listen and have developed your intimate relationship with the Father to know His truths, His heart, and His plans for your life and how to defeat the enemy.
Beloved, please understand this today; I am not trying to be harsh or mean but to be stern in love and what is burning in my heart today concerning the promises of God for our lives. It is not about judgment but about what God desires to do in our lives, and the systematic plot and plan of the enemy to destroy us, by first attacking our minds and getting us to believe that we are not strong enough for this walk in Christ or strong enough against him.
The devil is a lie! We are strong enough. We are capable of overcoming the attacks of the enemy. We do not have to worry about defeating the enemy, either. Because the truth is (and the enemy knows this and wants us to forget) that the enemy has already been defeated when Christ died on the Cross, whooped the enemy’s tail, defeated death and the grave, rose on the third day, and giving us the power and authority to destroy the enemy and his plot and plan against our lives. (Matthew 16:19, Luke 10:19, Revelation 1:18)
There is nothing the enemy wants more is for us to forget that he has already lost and everything he is doing to come at us, is a strategic mental game to get us to give up. He wants us to walk away from the promises and protection of God so that he can pounce on us, destroy our lives and dreams and have us blame God, turning our belief into unbelief and our determination to see, pursue, and accomplish the promises of God in our lives, turn into bitterness, unbelief, and self-hate.
NOT TODAY, SATAN! I am calling the enemy’s bluff today! I am uncovering the truth, revealing his plot and plan against the children of God, and encouraging every one of you today, tomorrow, and every day after, to stand your ground against the devil! Be strong and courageous! Be determined to go the distance. Put on the armor of God, suit up in prayer, keep your mind stayed on Christ and go after what God says is yours! NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES!
God has already equipped us with everything we need to succeed. The keys to success, to seeing the promises of God fulfilled in our lives, are not a secret. They are 1. Believing in what God has spoken to us, 2. Making up our minds and heart to do what God instructs, 3. Putting on the whole armor of God, 4. Consistent in Prayer and Meditation, 5. Declaring and decreeing what God says about us to the atmosphere, 6. Have faith at least the size of a mustard seed, and 7. Be determined never to give up but to keep pushing forward no matter how many times the enemy tries to stop you. Oh! Bonus, 8. If you fall, get the heck back up and try again!
Greater and stronger is God in us than the enemy in the world. The enemy wants us to look at the world and get scared, disappointed, and lose hope. But, if you have been diligent and disciplined in your relationship with the Heavenly Father, you will not see the world the way the world sees it or what the enemy says it is. No. You will see the biggest seed time and harvest time of your life! For those who believe, this is your harvest time; to reap all that God has promised and ordained for your life while planting new seeds of hope and inspiration for others to harvest. If you know anything about farming, you do not take up the harvest without planting new seeds.
Beloveds, I am telling you now: we are in one of the greatest harvests and seedtimes ever! It is time to see the manifestation of long-awaited prayers and promises and time to plant seeds of love, inspiration, encouragement, and faith. But it won’t be without a spirit of determination.
We must have a spirit of determination. Because if there is one thing the enemy can do very well, is lie, manipulate, and cause confusion while putting forth a bunch of illusions. He is not above playing dirty and using fear, manipulation, and guilt to get what he wants. There has to be a determination to stay the course and to make sure we are maintaining an intimate walk with the Father, following all that He instructs us to do. We cannot give the enemy any room. If we do, he will wreak havoc and have us believe that God abandoned us in our time of need. When God is telling us, it’s only a test that we can and will pass if we faint not and continue to believe what He has spoken to our hearts.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Let your heart be filled with determination. Know that God is a promise keeper and has equipped each of us with a spirit of strength and courage to make it through all adversities and afflictions. We know this because He is in us. Where the spirit of the Lord resides, there is strength, healing, power, grace, and a never-ending abundance of love and mercy. Do not be fooled by letting go of the promises of God, but be determined, like Joshua and Caleb, to see the promises of God be fulfilled in your life and those you love! You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved. 

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