Sunday, August 01, 2021

"Discerning Truth"

 Reflections4Life August 1, 2021

“Discerning Truth”
“The Life-Light was the real thing: Every person entering Life he brings into Light. He was in the world, the world was there through him, and yet the world didn’t even notice. He came to his own people, but they didn’t want him. But whoever did want him, who believed he was who he claimed and would do what he said, He made to be their true selves, their child-of-God selves. These are the God-begotten, not blood-begotten, not flesh-begotten, not sex-begotten.” John 1:12-13 MSG
Scripture Contemplation: Psalm 85:10-13; 112; Proverbs 3; John 3:34-36; 1 Corinthians 2:10-13; 12…

I pray today’s Reflections will bring comfort to you. May it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration.  I declare and decree that it brings peace and revelation to your heart, mind, and soul. Spend time with the Father, allowing Him to pour into you His truth. Allow His light to bring comfort and awareness to your heart and soul. A light that will help you discern the truth about yourself and the intentions and truth of others.
 If there is one thing I know, is that one person's truth may not be another person's truth. What may be true for one person, for someone else, may not be true. We spend a lot of time in relationships taking for granted that we are receiving the truth. Yet, whose truth is it? The truth that we already formed in our hearts and minds? Or, the truth as it stands for that person?
      It takes a spirit of discernment to decipher the truth. Even then, you must be careful with the truth. We are responsible for how we deliver the truth when we share the truth, and how we express the truth. There is a season and timing for all things. The gift of discernment helps us to recognize when to open our mouths and speak, and when to hold it for the right time.
     The word of God tells us that God seeks for us to know the truth; even in our hidden parts. He desires for us to understand and know the truth in our hearts. Not just about who He is and who we are to Him and in Him. He desires for us to know the truth about ourselves. To understand why we do the things we do. Why do we allow others to do the things they do to us? Why do we feel a certain way about certain things? And why, two people can witness the same thing yet have a different experience and interpretation of what is going on.
     The truth is liberating, Beloveds. It most certainly is. But it can also hurt and cut and it can also bring harm if we are not careful of how we speak and deliver the truth. In everything, we need to take care when it comes to speaking the truth and our truths. Not everyone sees or thinks or believes the same, and we must learn to respect those boundaries.
    God has so much for us in our lives on this earth. There are plans that He has created just for us to walk into. Yet. God knows when we are ready. He knows when the right season is to reveal something to us. God makes no mistakes, Beloveds. If God revealed a truth to you, it's because you were ready to handle the truth. And it is time for you to move forward into the next season of your life.
     I can't begin to tell you how many times a revelation has come to me, and I was blown away, often wondering why God didn't reveal that before. He simply replied I was not ready to hear it, understand it, or accept it. It would have just been one more piece of information that would overwhelm me mentally. Trust! God knows exactly when to tell us a thing. He knows when to reveal the truth and when we are ready to hear it and deal with it.  Our lives consist of seasons and there is a reason for every season that God grants us. 
When we are in a relationship with the Father, and the light of who is He is, becomes present in our own lives, we cannot help but reflect His love and light to others. With that light and love comes the truth—to make aware, not harm. To separate, to heal, and to reconcile. The truth will separate us from what has been false in our lives. The truth will bring healing; even if it hurts (like most wounds and surgery does). The truth will bring reconciliation. It will reconcile us with who God ordained us to be and putting us back on that favored path. It reconciles relationships. In that, it brings people closer together, back together, or give the ability to move on, reconciling that the intended purpose for the relationship has been met.
My Beloveds, I pray the spirit of peace and prosperity to find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Let the truth be made known in your heart, bringing with it a revelation, healing, and reconciliation. Allow God’s truth to set you free from the lies the enemy has planted. Allow the light of God to lead you to all truth, teaching you how to discern correctly the truth about a matter—be it a person or a situation. God will never steer you wrong, but will always lead you to where you need to be and when. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing. 
©2021. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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