Sunday, April 11, 2021

"Back to Basics"

 Reflections4Life™  April 11, 2021

“Back to Basics”
“Behold, You desire truth in the innermost being, and in the hidden part, You will make me know wisdom.” Psalm 51:6
Scripture Contemplation: Psalm 31; 51; Matthew 11; 2 Timothy 1; Revelation 26…

I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration. Allow the light of God to shine upon those places in your heart that you have tucked away. Let the truth come forth so that you may be free, and live the life that God has ordained for you.
Most of us are searching for that elusive happiness that is supposed to be a part of our life. We look for happiness in all different places and things, without understanding that the happiness we seek; the happiness that seems to evade us, is not in any other person, place or thing. It is, in fact, a state of mind. A conscious decision on our part to BE happy. A choice we make not something that just happens.
Happiness is a choice. We must decide to have and be happy regardless of any circumstances we may or may not be facing. What I find is that an integral part of choosing happiness; to being happy, has to do with if we can be honest with ourselves; honest in how we live our lives and what we are seeking in life.
Living in truth brings about a happiness that cannot be bought and paid for. It simply becomes. Living our authentic truth brings about a state of happiness that no one else can provide. But how many of us live our lives in truth when it comes to others, yet lie to ourselves? We may not practice lying to others, but we have been lying to ourselves. Lying about what we want, who we want, what fulfills us, what inspires us. Lying about what needs to change in our lives.
It is sometimes hard to accept the truth when it comes to our own faults, and flaws, or something that may have happened to us. The truth can sometimes be quite painful, and we will do most anything to avoid that pain. We will even lie to ourselves and convince ourselves that all is well, when in fact, we are nothing but broken pieces of clay, patched and held together by the lies we tell ourselves, and the false portrait we paint for others, suggesting that all is well in our lives. Inside we are crumbling, too afraid to allow the truth to come forth and bring healing, for fear that exposing our truth or dealing with our truth is far too much for us to bare.
If we truly want happiness. If we truly desire what God has for us, then we need to strip away all the preconceived notions we have accumulated over the years. All of the bad habits. And all the voices of false teachers, and well-meaning people who did not know or even care if we're living true to ourselves. Happiness will come when we get back to basics. When we shed our cloaks, and come to God, and simply yield to Him in prayer with our whole hearts, and follow His directions. 1. Repent. 2. Confess. 3. Believe. 4. Accept. 5. Choose Happiness. And 6. Live accordingly. The choice for happiness is yours. It always has been.
We cannot be healed or delivered from that which we refuse to acknowledge or confront. In order to be free from that which keeps us bound and broken, we must be willing to confront that which has hurt and harmed us. We have to be willing to come  before the Lord bare, and release all that we have tucked away from our own minds.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Do not be afraid to confront your past, and face your truth. Go back to the basics. With God, you can do all things. Know that the Father is with you always, and desires nothing but His best for you. Be free. Be healed. Be made whole. You are blessed. Now go...and be a Blessing!
©2021. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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