Sunday, April 05, 2020

"Betrayed and Rejected but Not Abandoned"

Reflections4Life April 5, 2020
Betrayed, Rejected, but Not Abandoned”
And while He was still speaking, behold, a multitude; and he who was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them and drew near to Jesus to kiss Him. But Jesus said to him, “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?” Luke 22:47-48
Scripture Contemplation: Matthew 26-28; John 19; Romans 3; Hebrews 7...

Wishing each and everyone a glorious Palm Sunday. I pray this time of reflection on the Cross, and the resurrection of Christ, will bring you clarity, strength, and encouragement in these very difficult times that we are currently facing. Know that it is never over until God says it is over.
There are times in our lives when each person will feel the sting of betrayal and rejection. People will disappoint us, hurt us, and even leave us. Though we are betrayed and rejected, we are not abandoned. Not by the Father. God is always there, whether we acknowledge Him or not.
I decree that this week's Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. May the redemptive work of Calvary flood your heart, mind, and soul; bringing you peace and encouragement and the knowledge that with God, you are never alone.
We have all experienced what it feels like to be betrayed by someone you love or trust. We can also attest to knowing the feeling of being rejected. Rejected by the people you love; someone you admire, someone you like, a job, or position. We know the sting, and often the heartache.
Many of us even know the devastation of being left behind. Left by those who were supposed to care for us and love us. Too, look out for our best interest and protect us. Though they left, we are not abandoned. Not if we know God, and understand that, He is with us always; even when we do not acknowledge Him, feel Him, or see Him. He is there.
Abandon: to leave and never return to (someone who needs protection or help). : to leave and never return to (something). : to leave (a place) because of danger ...(Merriam-Webster)
The human heart can be a messy thing. It can be deceitful and cruel. Just as it can be loving and kind. While others cannot fathom the thought of abandoning someone they love or hurting them in any way, shape, or form; there are others that will cause devastation, leaving many broken and bruised.
Yet, even with all this devastation and heartache, there is a fact that so many people do not know or understand—God is there. He's always been there. Waiting for us to call upon Him. To come to Him. To know that He has never abandoned us. He has never left us. In fact, He has been reaching out towards us, calling for us to take His hands and trust Him.
Even in our darkest hours when the enemy is whispering his lies, and saying that not even God cares or understands; that God has abandoned us and forgotten us; God is there. He is there waiting for us to call unto Him. Waiting for us to accept the love and healing that He has long offered us. Waiting for us to show up to His table and dine with Him.
Now, more than ever we need to cling to God and our faith. Facing the onslaught of COVID-19, it has shaken many people’s faith. With the constant reporting and the negative reports, we are inundated with so much negativity, that it becomes all we see; causing many of our hearts and hope to fail. In times like these, we cannot let go of our faith. We must be proactive in speaking the word and remembering who we are and what the word of God says. We must speak positive affirmations to counter all the negative coming our way. If we don’t, we will crumble under the weight of such negativity. We can, and will get through this because GOD is with us. This pandemic is not God leaving us, but He is speaking to us and reminding us that He will never leave or abandon us; though it is hard for many to believe and see.
When you are one that has experienced much betrayal and rejection in your life, it is hard to imagine or believe that there is someone that actually cares enough for you to stay with you through your ups and downs. Someone that will never leave you, or hold your faults, and past against you. It is hard to reconcile within yourself that there is someone that loves you just for you, and will move heaven and earth just for you; just as He gave His only begotten Son for you.
It's hard to believe because we have put God on the level of man. We have placed God in the position of who a man is, and how they can disappoint. So we attribute the same characteristics to our Heavenly Father.
There are also those of us who have a difficult time reconciling within our hearts and mind how it is possible for God to love us as He says He does when our lives have been hit with such devastation and setbacks. It is hard for us to justify in our mind that God truly cares and yet can allow us to be disappointed and our faith shaken and sometimes shattered. How is that God never leaving us, when these things keep occurring in our life? Isn't the Father supposed to protect us?
I've been there. And it's a hard place to be when you are in your emotions, and just simply cannot understand or justify the hurt and pain your heart is feeling with the God you have come to know and serve. Yet, I will say this: we live in a world that is filled with darkness. There are people that make decisions that affect our lives. Yet, God is still merciful and in control. If we can hold on to His word and promises, we will see God show up in unexpected ways.
No matter the circumstance or the situation, God is there, He is in control, and His will is done concerning us. No matter how much it seems that the devil has won; no matter how heavy the hurt or devastation, God is still in control. If we continue to trust Him, seek Him, and not abandon our faith, we will see that ALL things are working for our good. Understanding will come. Maybe not today or tomorrow or next week, but it will come. We just have to have faith, which dictates that we walk by faith and not by sight.
Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane, battling His flesh for our souls. Feeling the sting of betrayal; knowing what Judas had done. Knowing the time of rejection before Him; how His disciples would scatter, and the very people He ministered to, healed, set free, would betray and reject Him; He determined that may His Father's will be done and not His own. Though He was betrayed and rejected, He understood that He was not abandoned by His Father.
Because of this, we live. Because of this moment, this decision, we have access to eternal life. Because of this moment, we can know that we are never abandoned, never alone, as long as we know God. Even in our darkest hours, when all seems lost and makes no sense; God is there, stretching His hands towards us. Reaching out to us and admonishing us to come and have a seat at His table so He can fill us up.
Though people may betray you, reject you, and even leave you; know in your heart that the Father will never abandon you. He is there with you in all of your storms, tests, and trials. He is encouraging you and making ways for you that you have yet to see. Everything that you experience in this life, God will make it for your good; if you trust Him and keep believing. God will never leave you. He was there before you even showed up.
My Beloved, I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. Believe with all your heart and soul that God will never leave you, betray you, or reject you. He has a standing invitation just for you at His table of abundant life. Where man has failed you, allow God to lift and keep you. He sent His Son just for you. He will never give up on you. You are blessed. Now go...and be a blessing!

©2020. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
Video; Don't Believe the Lie

1 comment:

Kanishka Gupta said...

There are many things you should remember after being betrayed by someone.