Reflections4Life™ March 1, 2020
“The Culture of
“So here’s what I
want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your
sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before
God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can
do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it
without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed
from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly
respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its
level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed
maturity in you.” Romans 12:2 (MSG)
Scripture Contemplation: Psalm 106:34-39; Jeremiah 1;
Daniel 5; Acts 2; Romans 12
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©RutheMcdonald. |
live in a world that is primarily self-centered orientated. Even some that
would do for others, calling themselves philanthropists, don’t often do so
without someone knowing that it was they who did such a “good thing”. Wanting to be recognized; desiring the virtual fifteen
minutes of fame; many squander their morals and ideology for social media deity
and financial gain. But alas, so it is with the culture of the world. So
ingrained in the hearts and minds of people, there has become a very thin line
between recognizing those walking in the culture of God and the culture of this
world. Will God’s real children please stand up? The world is dying and we need
the remnant of God now!
decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued
source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart mind and soul. Stand up
and make it known if you love the Lord and live to please God and not man. Do
not be afraid to represent God, to be set apart and looked at as the exception
to the rule. We were created to be a peculiar people; to not fit in, to stick
out, covered by God’s grace, living under His anointing. Take the time this
week to spend in the presence of God, and learn of the wonderful ways and gifts
that God has waiting just for you.
makes no mistakes. He knew what He was doing when He created each one of us. He
knew what we would face in this world—the tests, trials, and temptations. He
made a way of escape for all. However, it is up to us, when we come into the
knowledge of who God is, to continue seeking Him and His will, and doing our
part in walking according to His will and ways and not succumbing to the ways
and culture of this world, that eventually turns on us; leaving us often used,
abused, hurt, and confused.
is easy to be caught up in the world and its drama. To be swept away by its
sense of merriment and amusement. How many times have we witnessed people get
caught up in things of this world, swept away in their emotions and flesh, only
to crash and burn in the most horrific ways; their lives either being
destroyed or changed in irrevocable ways? How about your own life, and any
regrets you may have because you were caught up in a moment.
flesh gravitates towards what feels good at the moment; willingly throwing
caution to the wind and doing things in a moment that have lifetime
consequences. Yet, even in this state of being, God has made a way of escape
for us. He, in His love and kindness, has forgiven us and welcomes us with open
arms, into His fold. Encouraging us to not only bare our heart and soul to Him,
but also to release the baggage, let go of the pain, the past, and heartache,
and receive with an open heart and judgment-free—the life and unconditional
love that He has ordained for us—no questions asked. The price having already
been paid through the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus the Christ, His only begotten
culture of the world entices; throws out bait to reel us in, promising a good
time, reckless abandonment, no rules or structure—living from moment to moment
with no care for the next day of ourselves and responsibility. While, it
shames, mocks, and scoffs at those who would choose to walk in the love and
grace of God. Making it seem for many that those who follow God only ever
suffer, have no fun, living a boring, bland, and repressive life.
a load of crap! All lies! For, to know God and truly walk in the culture of God
is to know true freedom. It is, knowing the power and strength you have never and
will never experience outside of God. It is being free mentally, emotionally,
spiritually. It is, having a relationship that fills and feeds you on a daily
basis, offering you a lifetime of growth and happiness, leading to eternal life
in the presence of your Creator. It is, changing not only your lives but the lives
of those you love and have yet to meet in a very special and unique way.
Walking in the culture of God is learning what it really means to trust, and
how to fight AND win against the enemy by coming to the understanding that the
battles have never been ours, but has always been and will always be, the Lord’s.
Beloved, I decree that the spirit of peace and prosperity has found permanent
rest in all areas of your life. The culture of God is not boring, bland, or
sterile and stiff. Do not allow the enemy to lie to you. It is a place of
freedom, unconditional love, greatness, and discovery. Do not forfeit your
inheritance from our Creator for the magic beans sold by the enemy. You are
blessed. Now go…and be a blessing.
Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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