Sunday, January 26, 2020

"Dance to the Beat of Your Own Drum"

Reflections4Life January 26, 2020
“Dance to the Beat of Your Own Drum”
But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted. 1 Peter 2:9-10 MSG
Scripture Contemplation: Leviticus 20:7-8; Deuteronomy 26; Luke 1”46-55; 1 Corinthians 1:1-2
©Ruthe McDonald.
You are more awesome than you probably know. More special than you ever thought or could conceive. However, it is hard to believe that about one’s self because of the climate of social media we live in. Today’s social media is like another form of genocide—killing the heart soul and brightest light that this world and generation may have ever known.
We are fighting to find a place in this world where we fit in and perhaps even, meld or disappear into. There are some that seek to be noticed, and others who don’t necessarily want to be noticed but instead, liked by everyone. They want badly to fit it, and would do almost anything—even go against what they believe and who they are—to be accepted and liked by a minority that only seems like everybody. This is not who God created us to be. This is not His plan or vision. God has set us apart; a peculiar people and us chosen. Instead of dancing to the beat of everyone else’s drum, we need to find the beat of our own and dance to it with all we got.
I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for our heart mind and soul. Father God has set us apart. He has blessed us with gifts and talents and placed a call on our lives that no one else can accomplish except for the one chosen for it. Spend time with the Father this week, learning who you are and just how phenomenal you are, regardless of whom or what surrounds you.
It’s a Heart Matter
What we are believing in our heart and soul concerning ourselves, dictates our actions and whether or not we fight for who we are and what we want, or just follow the crowd because it seems easier to do what everyone else is doing. Besides, who wants to be left out and not part of the “in crowd”? This is the time for a heart check. Wanting to be accepted is one thing. However, denying who you are; whom God created you to be, is just a slow death to you and your true desires and dreams.
The Secret
Here is the secret that many of us do not see before tragedy strikes. Almost everyone is trying to be somebody that they believe and hope someone else will like. Many of the same people that you want to impress or be like are living a façade. They don’t even know who they are. They are putting on a show for the whole world, just trying to fit in. Dying—literally dying—for someone to love them. To accept the picture that they have painted of themselves, without question.
Just Be Yourself
Beloved, just be yourself. Love yourself. Believe in yourself. Celebrate who you are. God has created us to be individuals who complement one another. We all have something that somebody else needs. Once we learn to accept ourselves and love ourselves, then we will begin to appreciate the uniqueness of ourselves and the power of what we bring to the table as individuals.
You do not have to try to fit in. Especially with the world! We were created to stick out; to be different and set apart and not conform to this world and its ideals, because we belong to God. We are unique and made to differently. We were given the power to stand out and be strong; to be a representation of our Heavenly Father.
Even before we knew the Father, He called and set us apart. That is why so many of us that try to fit in, we seem to stick out even more and just cannot get with the stride of other people’s walk or way of doing things. Even when we try, we are uncomfortable and stick out like a sore thumb.
Dance to Your Own Drum
God has blessed all of us with unique talents and gifts. It may take some of us longer to figure out our purpose and path in life, but we will. We will find the rhythm of our hearts, our own drums, and begin to move accordingly. We don’t have to be just like everyone else. We don’t have to be liked or accepted by everyone else, wither. We can dance to the beat of our own drum and live life as God intended for us.
Yet, in order for us to know our own beat, our rhythm, we have to spend intimate time with God. Our Creator. We have to learn of Him to learn of ourselves. God is has placed greatness in all of us. He has the very best for His creation and all we have to do is believe and follow.
My Beloveds, I decree that the spirit of peace and prosperity has found permanent rest in every area of your life. Your happiness and fulfillment will not be found in the life of someone else. Or, trying to fit yourself into a space that God never ordained for you to occupy. It will be found when you realize you are more than enough. That, everything you need has already been created inside of you, waiting for you to accept and walk in it. In this case…dance to it! You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2020. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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