Sunday, November 03, 2019

"God is Fighting For You!"

Reflections4Life November 3, 2019
“God is Fighting For You!”
“He said: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.” 2 Chronicles 20:15
Scripture Contemplation: 2 Chronicles 20; Deuteronomy 3; Joshua 1:8; Psalm 21; 

If there is one thing that I have discovered during the course of my life’s journey, is the fact that I am not alone. Not only am I not alone, but God is also fighting my battle. My heavenly Father is fighting for me and He is fighting for you, too; even if you do not see it, feel it, or know it. God will always fight for His.
I decree that this week’s Reflections are a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart mind and soul. Do not give up or let go as you experience difficult times in your journey. God is there for you and with you. He is indeed fighting your battles. You just have to trust and believe and do your part by living accordingly and following the instructions of our Heavenly Father. His grace is sufficient for you!
Thoughts of my childhood were heavy on my heart this morning. I did not understand why. I kept thinking about all the times of conflict that occurred in my life. All the times I was attacked, picked on, ridiculed. It played like a kaleidoscope in my mind; the pictures running into one another. Do not get me wrong; I had many pleasant memories of good things that have happened in my life, but for some reason, it was the hurting moments, the moments I did not understand, that plagued my mind. The moments where I questioned God, asking Him why I was experiencing such attacks when I did nothing to provoke anyone?
Although I made friends easily, there were still some who just did not like me. I don’t think, as I look back, that they even understood the reasons for not liking me. It was as though something came over them. Now, I fully understand because God gave me a revelation; a revelation that may bring light to your own situation.
We are special. You and me. We are an amazing creation of a great Creator who took the time to form and fashion us in His image, then blew His breath into us that we may live. However, that is not all that He did. He placed a spirit of greatness inside of us. As well as gifts and talents that He specifically chose to fit who we are as an individual and His purpose for our lives.
The trouble comes in when we do not see this special gift or characteristics about ourselves but the enemy notices, and then sets out to destroy us before we realize not only who we are, but start to draw closer to God and stand in the authority and the power that God has given to us.
Knowledge is power, but wisdom brings knowledge to another level of power. When we not only know who and whose we are, and we understand what it all means, and begin to walk in this knowledge, we are a threat to the enemy’s kingdom and his hold on many people. Therefore, he will try to stop us at every turn, using whoever he can to break us and destroy us, because of 1. We are a threat to his kingdom, and 2. He wants to strike out at God, so he goes after the seed, the promises, the children of God.
Beloved, you are special. God has been fighting for you all of your life. He is your Champion. You may not see Him or feel like He cares, but, oh! Beloved, He truly does. He has placed greatness in you and a power that you have yet even tapped into but will change your life forever. All of those haters? Most of them do not even know why they hate you! All of those antagonizing you, trying to make your life miserable, your childhood unbearable, are only fuel for the fire that is burning inside of you. God knows who can stand strong and given the opportunity, will use the adversities in their lives and turn them into fuel to help forge ahead on the path that God has ordained.
Those times in my childhood and as a teenager? I see clearly now that they were seeing something in me that I had not seen yet myself. They were tools being used by the enemy to try and break me. To try, even at a young age, to destroy me. I became an even greater threat to the enemy’s camp by accepting Christ as my Savior when I turned seven. I gave my life to God because I understood even then, that I wanted to live for God. I wanted to serve Him and be filled with His love and my heart to look like His.
The enemy has tried to kill me many times; even as a child; even in utero. But he couldn’t. He could not do it then and he cannot do it now because like then and always, God is fighting for me, just as He is fighting for you. There are battles that we do not even know about, but rest assure, we have succeeded. We are overcomers with the Lord God, Almighty!
My Beloved, I decree that the spirit of peace and prosperity have found permanent rest in every area of your life. Keep believing. Keep pushing past the naysayers and the bullies. Half of them don’t even know why they don’t like you and the others are jealous of the light of God that shines in you and around you; of the greatness that they see in you—the light of God that He has placed in you. God cannot lie. We’ve read the book and we win! You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2019. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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