Reflections4Life October 13, 2019
“No Limits”
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16
Scripture Contemplation: Joshua 23; Psalm 4; Song of Solomon; John 13; 1 Corinthians 13…
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©Ruthe McDonald. |
What do you really know and understand about love? Most of us have conditions for our love. Yet, the word of God says that God kind of love is, unconditional. It doesn’t put restraints or hold judgments. There are no limits to unconditional love.
What do you suppose it would be like if we began to love—truly love with no limits? If we allowed ourselves to truly and sincerely love the way God loves? In order for us to do this, we must first ourselves have that kind of relationship with the Father. For only He could inspire such kind of limitless love, and teach us how to reflect it.
I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Allow the love of God to fill you and to soften those places in your heart that have hardened because of disappointments and discouragement. Let the Holy Spirit teach you about the limitless love of God, and how it can change your life forever.
Many of us are gun-shy when it comes to love. I think that many are afraid to really lay their hearts on the line and to love freely and without limits because of their love history. Who can blame them? Especially if their foundation has been one of hurt and perhaps even abandonment by those who were supposed to care for them.
It is hard not to limit your love or place conditions upon it when you have experienced any kind of lack of your parents and family; those who are supposed to love you no matter what. It is a difficult task to fix what is broken when those responsible for teaching you have failed at loving and protecting you.
Yet, it is not so with the love of God. His love for us knows no bounds, as it was quite evident in Him giving His only begotten Son in exchange for us. There are no limits to God’s love. There is no limit to God. God is love. He is the essence, the embodiment, the definition of love. I can exchange the “love” in I love you, with God, and say I God you, and it will mean exactly the same.
There is so much that God desires to share with us, to give us, and show us if we would allow Him access to our hearts; allowing Him the seat of honor upon the throne of our hearts. Yet, so many of us run from God. We run from His kind of love. Many fear that kind of love. They only fear it because they do not understand it or recognize it.
Why is it that we show no limits to the things that are bad for us, but limit the things that are good for us? Such is the way of the human mind and heart. However, with God, we can know an entirely different way. A way in which we come to understand and know what it truly means to love with no limits. To, not set any constricting boundaries or conditions upon our love for others and even for ourselves.
God does not judge us the way we judge ourselves or one another. Neither does He see us as we see ourselves and others. The Father knows who we are through and through. He knows our thoughts before we think them. He knows what we are capable of. He knows the contents of our hearts and still, He sent His Son to die for us, knowing who we are and what we would do. He’d already seen the betrayal, the rejection, the lying, and the pain. But yet, He still went forth. And Jesus still went to the Cross willingly. Because—there are no limits to the love of our God. There are no conditions that say He would stop loving us if we did not conform to His ways.
Loving God’s way comes with freedom…and responsibility. We have the freedom to not be bound by what our past has done to us. We are free from every false teaching and belief that had us place restrictions and conditions upon love. And we have a responsibility to share this love. We have a responsibility to love in the manner in which God has loved us: unconditionally.
Here’s what I know for certain: We are not responsible for how someone else chooses to love. We also do not have to repeat anything that has been the opposite of who God is and what He teaches us about love. Because once Jesus came, and He sacrificed Himself for us, it freed us from the curse of generations and anything that was passed down. But it must be a conscious decision on our part to separate from what we were taught and to receive, believe and live in the manner in which God has demonstrated.
Love—God love—knows no bounds or limits. It does not count all the wrongs done to us. It does not hold grudges or punishes because of hurt or betrayal. It is not constricting but liberating. It is unconditional in every sense of the word. It does not give up but knows when it is time to move forward.
What if we allowed ourselves to love with no limits? To give of ourselves completely without fear of being rejected or hurt? You see; when we love without limits, it is not about the other person, but about self. We give 100% of ourselves—no holds bar—with the understanding that no matter what happens, we were true to ourselves and gave ourselves the opportunity to receive what God has ordained for us.
It is true that we are a magnet, and that whatever we are, we attract to ourselves. If we live with a heart that is open, and we love with no limits with the manner in which God instructs us; then we will attract to us that which resides in the innermost being of our hearts. If you love with no limits; in the same manner that God loves, then you will find it reciprocated more times than not.
My Beloveds, I decree that the spirit of peace and prosperity have found permanent rest in your lives. Do not put a limit on love. Do not place conditions where God says there should be none. Love with your whole heart. Give without reservation, trusting that God will protect your heart, and give you exactly what resides within your heart. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2019. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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