“Take Rest”
“Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.” Genesis 2:3 (NASB)
Scripture Contemplation: Genesis 2; Deuteronomy 12; 25; Psalm 37; Matthew 11; Hebrews 4…
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©Ruthe McDonald. |
There is just too much noise. Too much clutter. Too much going on that it is a distraction. We find ourselves so busy. Busy doing what? Sometimes I think we don’t even know. It is as if we have been wired to mundane tasks that are automatically apart of our day. We live each day feeling less inspired and more tired because we have not taken the time out to properly rest.
Our rest does not consist of us going to sleep only. It includes our whole being: body, mind, and spirit. And when one part of us is lacking rest, we lack in all areas. It is time to take rest in every area of our lives and receive what God has for us.
I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. May you walk in a spirit of rest; completely rejuvenated in your soul, from time spent in the presence of God. Make time to take rest. Slow down, and not only hear what God is saying, but also receive what He is giving.
We often cry out to God and ask Him to help us. We cry out, shaking our fists, mad at God because when we feel He has not answered us. That, our petitions of prayer have fallen on deaf ears. The enemy has duped many into believing that God is taking too long, or that He truly does not understand what we are going through.
We ask God but don’t wait long enough for His answer. We ask, and we ask but are never quiet long enough to hear His answer. Have you ever tried to hold a conversation where everyone is talking at the same time? What a confusing and jumbled mess! We need to learn how to be still, and quiet in the presence of God. To truly understand what it means to rest in Him.
Are there times when you desire to shut the world out—all the noise—and get some peace and quiet? Once you steal away, do you not feel refreshed and energized? Your brain has had the opportunity to slow down, and you are not as bombarded with the constant activity that life often brings. You find yourself being able to think more clearly.
There is so much going on in the world. So much activity. So many things going on, yet people still do not seem to be any happier or closer to achieving their goals and dreams. We have forgotten how to take rest. How to rest our bodies, our minds, our souls. We have forgotten what it is like to truly rest in God, and have Hos love and strength restore and rejuvenate us.
I have given some thought to this: I think it should be Labor-Free Day. We plan so much on our Holidays that we really don't get to enjoy them. I want to be still and enjoy the day. I don't want to work hard to enjoy it. I do not want to put so much effort into, that I'll need another Holiday just to recuperate.
I'm going to spend my holiday being still and getting in the presence of God, so I can hear Him, and receive what He has for me. I pray that however, you spend your Holiday, that you enjoy it. I hope that you consciously make the decision to take rest and to do so often so that you can receive the blessings that God has for you.
My Beloved, I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has found permanent rest in your life. Take rest in the Lord. Take time out to be in the presence of God, renewing and recharging your mind, body, and spirit. Do not neglect any area of your life. Let the Father into every area of your life, as you receive His goodness and love. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2019. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
➿ thank you Queen for this today is the second day of my new Journey on life I have been through so many trials and tribulations there was times in my life I just want to die I wanted to Die 2 days ago but I had to sit back and take my medicine that I dished out I ain't dish it out the right way and it caused some people a lot of hurt which I went back and apologize but they didn't accept my apology I sit on my floor when was crying and I was talking to a queen and I told her I just wanted to take all my medicines and go to sleep and die this queen burn me out of that and I owe her so much praise because she did that for me like I said it's my second day on my new journey of life and I sat down and talked to father Jesus Christ and I said to him you brought me back four times for death for what nobody loves me father spoke to me and he said I love you I need you to love you too I said in my bathroom and I got a burst of energy and I was like five or your right I got to love me first before anybody else can love me so that was my Revelation today on my second day of my new life so when I seen your post I said wow she must have been in my brain cuz I hadn't been resting I've been tossing and turning and trying to figure out how to get back to some people that don't really care about me now because of what I did but it was a act out of anger and they can't forgive but I forgave them because that's part of my new life I don't know how much time I got on this Earth but the time I got left I got a serve a higher power not worrying about what other people think or say I just got to take it and keep moving forward because God gave his life for me and I'm trying to take my life at the he gave me like that again after 4 time God is powerful he got so much knowledge and so much sense and I don't even think like that until today so I just wanted to post up and let you know that I appreciate this cuz this touched home my signature peace and love ✌🏿❤ AM£N➿
Awesome message sis thank you for sharing.
Dear Unknown, Thank you for taking the time to express what is on your heart. I pray for you and that God will have His way in every area of your life, and that you will begin to see yourself as God sees you: whole, healthy, lovely, complete, lacking no good thing, and a reflection of His unconditional love.
Much Love, Ruthe
Dear Pastor Wayne, Thank you.
God Bless,
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