Sunday, September 29, 2019

"Stand on Your Truth"

Reflections4Life™  September 29, 2019
Stand on Your Truth”
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
Scripture Contemplation:1 Samuel 12:24; Psalm 15; 25; 51; James 1; 3 John 1...

Freedom In Your Truth

 Many of us live our lives in between what we believe and the opinion of others. We give a lot of our power and self-worth to those who truly do not know us or understand us; trying to please people who are not even living their own truth or have the conviction to stand on their truth.
     Stand on your truth. Be confident in who you are and what you believe. Be boldly right or boldly wrong. But never be wishy-washy concerning what's in your heart.
     I decree today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Stand on your truth daily. Seek the Lord; be intimate with Him, so that you can learn the truth of what's in your own heart. To know God, you know yourself. The self that He has ordained before realms of time.
     Trying to please others is a full-time job that doesn't leave you much time to be yourself. God is our only judge. He knows the secrets of our hearts. There is so much He desires for our lives, if we would have the courage to say what it is we really want, and not what we think He or anyone else wants us to say. We live in fear. Fear of what others say or think. Fear of making a mistake. Fear of being rejected. Fear of being alone.
     Fear immobilizes us. It keeps us trapped in a perpetual cycle of lies; living life for others, but not for ourselves. Then one morning we awake to the truth, that we do not recognize ourselves any longer. Our hopes and dreams long forgotten, and our lives a pale comparison of what it once was. That is not living. That is just existing. But existing for what?
     Beloved, what is your truth today? What truth have you buried or forgotten? What truth have you pushed to the side so that someone else may live their lives? What about you? What about your hopes and dreams? What about your life and
where God desires to take you? We cannot live the whole truth of the manifest blessings that God has ordained for our lives, if we cannot find the strength and courage to stand on our own truth, and express what it is that we desire in the sincerest parts of our hearts.
Psalm 51:6 Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.
     What's in you, Beloved? What truth(s) have been overlooked, buried, forgotten, and laid aside? We can only lie to ourselves for so long. And We can never lie to the Father. The truth is always seeking to come forth in all that we do and say. The truth will never be denied its payment. It shows up whether we are ready for it or not; sometimes in unexpected ways. Until we confront the truth, tell the truth, and live our truth—we will always live a stagnated life, that is far less than what God has ordained for us.
    My Beloveds, I decree that the spirit of peace and prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. I decree that the spirit of truth inhabits your heart and soul, and the life God has ordained for you has become a reality. Be truthful with yourself. Stand boldly on your truth. Live authentically. Because at the end of the day, you have no one else to blame for the choices you've made. Yours is the only reflection in your mirror of truth. You are blessed. Now go...and be a blessing!
©2019. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

"Faith and Trust"

Reflections4Life September 22, 2019

“Faith & Trust”

“And Jesus answered and said to them, “Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ it will happen.” Matthew 21:21

Scripture Contemplation: Genesis 22; Matthew 6; 17; Hebrews 11; James 1…

There are times in life when we are thrown a fast ball—where circumstances in life will hit us quickly and unexpectedly, taking us off guard. And sometimes knocking us off course. Some of us will lose faith, and many of us will lose trust. It doesn’t take great faith for us to begin to believe again. But it takes much more for us to develop trust. Have the courage to step out on faith, and allow God to build your trust.

I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Though you may have been taken off guard in the past, and though you may have lost faith and trust—incline your ear to the Lord and follow His lead. Let the Father heal you, and give you what you need so you can get to the place where your heart is abundant in faith and trust.

Faith has always been key in my life. It has been faith that allowed me to tread places where others would probably never go. It has been because of my faith that I dare to do and believe for things that seem impossible to the human mind, but very possible to our loving God. It is no doubt in my heart and mind that God has blessed me with the gift of faith. It is far beyond just having faith the size of a mustard seed…it is the kind of faith that will believe and hold on even after everyone has let go and gone. It’s the kind of faith that will trust wholeheartedly in the word of my God, and see the dead be resurrected without of hint of hesitation or doubt.

At twelve years old, I had an encounter with faith. You’re probably wondering: how does one have an encounter with faith? Well, let’s just say it was my “road of Damascus” moment, in which God blessed me with the gift of faith and changed my life forever.

The prominent wall in the living room was painted black. I was sitting in a chair opposite that particular wall when I noticed something in the top left corner. At first, I thought it was a glare from the light in the hallway. However, when I turned the light off it was still there. Written in bold block letters, about three feet wide and two feet high was the word: FAITH. I rubbed my eyes, it was still there. I touched the wall, it was still there. But what really pushed me over was the fact that no one else in the house could see it. Only me.

Why on earth was I seeing this? What did it possibly mean? It meant everything. I wasn’t scared, but I was definitely shaken. Then I was in wonderment and awe. Then I started crying. I was saved when I was seven years old. Yet, I had a relationship with God way before that. Seeing faith written on the wall took me to another level. That day changed my life forever. From my bedroom I could see the wall and faith staring back at me. It was still there until I closed my eyes well past midnight. In the morning I was gone, but had become etched on the walls of my heart and embedded in my soul and spirit.

That one day changed my life forever. Faith has been an integral part of all that I do. Have there been times when I wanted to give up, not believe, and have had some doubts? Most certainly. But it has always been faith that wins out. I just cannot let go—no matter what things look like—of faith. Even if it is mustard sized, I can’t let go. Because faith has carried me and kept me. My faith in God. My belief that He will do just what He said, regardless to whom or what.

It has been my faith that has led me to trust. I don’t trust many people, but I do trust God. And even in trusting God, I can admit to faltering at times. Because in order to trust God with all your heart, you have to learn to let go completely. You have to be able to have faith in what He says and leap into the unknown, believing that God will not fail you.

Faith has paved my way for trust in God. Where I have faith in God doing just what He said; I had to learn to trust Him where I couldn’t trace Him. To, trust Him without knowing the plan. To have complete trust in Him by letting go and letting Him.

It’s a hard thing when trust has been broken. Because once trust is broken, it is the hardest thing to repair. You don’t know who you can truly count on. And everyone’s word becomes suspect. But, when you place your trust in God, and take your hands off a situation; He will let you know who you can trust. And the awesome thing is: God doesn’t require you to put trust in man, but to put your trust in Him. And to be confident in your faith.

Let me say this—and maybe it will help you to understand clearly the connection between faith and trust—Abraham had complete faith in the promises of God. He believed the father when He told him he would be a father of many nations. Even when God told him to sacrifice Isaac—he had faith. But his faith made room for him to trust God. For certain, Abraham didn’t know the course that God was taking. Did not understand this turn of events. It didn’t make sense to his human mind and reasoning. However, his years of faith in God, made room for his trust in God. To do exactly what Jehovah asked of him; trusting God when he did not know His complete plan.

I love the movie Man of Steel. There’s a scene where Clark Kent is talking to a minister, and he says he doubts he can trust the people not to turn on him. The minister says to him as he’s walking away: “Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith first. The trust part comes later.” How true is that? We must first have faith, then trust will come later. Faith is the substance that builds the bridge to trust. Have faith in God, and trust Him to do just what He said.

My Beloveds, I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. Sometimes it is the hardest thing to see past the moment, the day, or the situation. It is our act of faith that will lead us to a heart of trust. How can you not trust a God who loved His creation to enough to redeem us from ourselves? To give us the ultimate gift of Christ, knowing that He would be rejected, but knowing His Blood would save us? Only our God. Trust Him where you can’t trace Him. Let your faith speak for you. You are blessed. Now go…be a blessing!

©2019. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

"Detoxify Your Life"

Reflections4LifeSeptember 15, 2019
“Detoxify Your Life”
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 (NASB)
Scripture Contemplation: 2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 51; Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 15:33; 2 Corinthians 7:1…

There are times in our lives when we must take a step back, stand still and evaluate who and what are in our lives, and the purpose they are serving. Not everything and everyone in our lives is good for us and the path that God has ordained for us. Even those things and people that seem good, seem right, seem to be working out; could be the very thing that is stalling us, keeping us from moving forward in the life that God has ordained for us.
There comes a time when we must detoxify our lives; purge ourselves of the things that have been poisonous to our lives, our goals, and our vision. Sometimes it is not what we are doing that’s wrong, sometimes it’s the people, places, and things we have surrounded ourselves with.
I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Allow the Father to lead you and show you the places in your life that need detoxification. Let Him lead you through the process, so you can be ready to receive the abundance that God has ordained for your life.
Life will throw us some hardballs and twisted curveballs. One moment we can be riding high, and the next, we are down and out for the count. Yet, one thing remains the same: God’s love for us, and His wisdom and instruction that never fails.
With our life’s journey comes many ups and downs, along with bumpy rides and rocky roads. However, if we will yield to the Father’s instructions we will be able to navigate the storms and trials of this life and be the better for them.
Along our life’s journey, mistakes and missteps will occur. We will sometimes trust in the wrong people, go the wrong way, get stuck in a place, and fumble at times. Yet, it is nothing that we cannot overcome and get through, as long as we follow what God is telling us to do.
I have learned in my journey that it is not necessarily what one is doing that’s wrong or stalling the process of our reaching our destination. No. Sometimes it is the people, places, and things we have surrounded our lives in. Not everything is good for us. Not every person has good intentions for us. Not every place is the right place to see our visions come to pass.
We must be intimate with the Lord, seeking His will daily, and following His instructions so that we know what we should do if we ever find ourselves in a place of stagnation. The solution can be as simple as moving, changing a routine, or letting some people go.
Many of us do not even know this, but our lives have been clogged with poison. There are toxins that must be purged from our lives in order for us to move forward and receive the full manifestations of the blessings of God.
Far too many of us hang on to people when God has told us to separate ourselves from them. There are places we have stayed when God has spoken to our hearts and told us to move on. There are things in our lives that God has told us to let go of, and we haven’t. Obedience unto God will save us unnecessary sacrifices down the road.
One of the things I know for certain is that not everyone is meant to go where I am going. Not everything I have is meant for the next level. And not every place I reside is the place for me to grow and move forward. There are people I must separate from. Things I have to let go of. And places I need to move away from, if I truly desire to walk in the ordained life God has for me and mine.
No. it’s not easy. Especially when you have become attached to certain people, places and things. Don’t get it twisted: there may be nothing wrong with the people, places or things. They may very well be good people, great places, and helpful things. HOWEVER, they are not good for the plan that God has ordained for YOUR life. Sometimes we cannot see the problem, because we are not looking through the eyes of God. This is where we must trust God where we cannot trace Him. This is where we must believe in God with or whole hearts, even when we may not understand…yet.
Beloved, it’s time…it’s time to move forward into the promises of God for our lives. And part of moving forward is learning to let go and truly walk in faith. In order for you to get to that next level, and to be where God has called you to be, then you must be willing to accept the truth about some things and have a willing heart to do as God has ordained.
My Beloveds, I decree that the spirit of peace and prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. Stagnation is a sure sign that detoxification must take place in your life. Allow God to lead you through the purging process. Follow His instructions; even if it means walking away from some people, moving from certain places, and letting some things go. Remember: whatever you have to give up only pales in comparison to what God wants to give you. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2019. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, September 08, 2019

"Are You Living?"

Reflections4Life September 8th, 2019
Are You Living?
I knew that You always hear Me; but because of the people standing around I said it, so that they may believe that You sent Me.” When He had said these things, He cried out with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth.” The man who had died came forth, bound hand and foot with wrappings, and his face was wrapped around with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.” John 11:42-44 NASB
Scripture Contemplation: Psalm 143; Ezekiel 18; John 11; 2 Timothy 9; Galatians 2; Ephesians 5...


The Father has loosed you from your grave clothes. When Jesus was resurrected, you were resurrected with Him. It is time for you to live. To live for Christ. To live your lives. To live it abundantly.
I decree that this week's Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. You are blessed today because God has spoken it. May you understand this week how much God loves you and has already prepared a way for you, so that you may live this life to the fullest.
Beloved, Are you living or only existing? What are you waiting for? What is it that is keeping you from living your life? What has you bound today? God has decreed that you are no longer bound. Every chain, every bondage has been loosed by the death and resurrection of Christ. It is time for you to live.
Many of us wait for circumstances and situations to be “just” right before we extend ourselves, or begin to do things that we enjoy and love. Some of us have been waiting an awfully long time for conditions to be the way we desire before we start doing the things we have been holding and planning in our hearts to do.
Guess what? If you continue to wait for everything to line up and match the picture you have held in your imagination, you may be waiting for an eternity. Life will pass you by, and you will have nothing but regrets; wishing you would have taken that first step—that first step of faith.
We have a list of things and ideas that we want to accomplish in our lifetime. But everything will not always line up the way we desire before we start living the life we desire. We just have to begin living out our dreams now. When God is for you and has ordained you, and has blessed you; you do not have to wait for the situation to be just right. All you need is the green light from God, and go forth!
I can guarantee that there will be times when God will tell you to go forth now, and you will look at the circumstances, and they will not be conducive to what you want to do. In fact, it will seem impossible for you to do what God is telling you to do. But that is how God does it most times. This is a faith walk. To live our lives to the fullest will require that we walk by faith and not by sight. It will require us to know and understand that God will call upon you to go forth, and you may not have support, finances, or the knowledge to do so. All you will have is the word of God. All you will have is His promises to provide and guide you. When God gives you a vision, He will be your provision.
So many of us spend our lives wishing, hoping, and dreaming. At some point, we have to start being and doing, or we will miss many opportunities. It is time for you to live, beloved. It is time for you to come forth, and shake the remnants of the shackles off (Because God has already broken the chains) and begin to live your life; your abundant life.
Galatians 2:20 My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
It is time to allow Christ in you full reign of your heart and to allow Him to live through you. He will show you how to walk in your abundant life. The enemy wants to keep us bound by situations and circumstances. He [enemy] desires for us to be filled with anxiety, fear, and self-doubt. Binding us, and eventually destroying our dreams, and killing our spirits, and even our very lives.
Yet, God has said that you shall live and not die if you believe in Him. The Father assures us that the enemy has no power to defeat us when we are walking in relationship with Him, abiding by His will, and living our lives as He has ordained.
Just as with Lazarus, God is calling us to come forth. He is calling us to live our lives now. To, follow in His path of righteousness and holiness. To, release the fears and to take our eyes off of the flesh and the seemingly impossible, and put them on Him, and believe with every fiber of our being the word that He has spoken over our lives.
At some point, we have to be the one that makes that decision to go forth. We have to be the one that decides that regardless of our present situation or conditions, that we will and can live. Live for Christ. Live our lives. And believe with all our hearts that God will make the necessary changes in our lives, as long as we are seeking to please Him, and living for Him.
Here is what I know for certain: No matter the condition of your life right now. No matter the hardships, or limitations—be it physical or financial—when you make up your mind and heart to go forth and live your life, live for Christ and put your best forth; God will indeed take care of the rest. When your focus becomes the will of God, and not your lack or limitations; you will see God move on your behalf in the supernatural. We often say we are waiting on God. But the truth is, God is waiting on us. Waiting for us to push forward in faith and to trust Him with our everything.
It's time to live, beloved. It is time to come out of those grave clothes, and begin truly trusting in God, and living your life right where you are at. God has you, and He will never leave you. He has already freed you. It's up to you, now, to begin walking in that freedom.
My Beloved, I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has found permanent rest in every area of your life. Live. Your. Life. God has untied the binds. He has released you from the past. It is time to live your abundant life. Not by what you see or feel; but by the word of God that has been already decreed over you. Let Christ in you arise and live. This is your time! You are blessed. Now go...and be a blessing!

©2019. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, September 01, 2019

"Take Rest"

Reflections4Life September 1, 2019
“Take Rest”
“Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.” Genesis 2:3 (NASB)
Scripture Contemplation: Genesis 2; Deuteronomy 12; 25; Psalm 37; Matthew 11; Hebrews 4…

©Ruthe McDonald.

There is just too much noise. Too much clutter. Too much going on that it is a distraction. We find ourselves so busy. Busy doing what? Sometimes I think we don’t even know. It is as if we have been wired to mundane tasks that are automatically apart of our day. We live each day feeling less inspired and more tired because we have not taken the time out to properly rest.
Our rest does not consist of us going to sleep only. It includes our whole being: body, mind, and spirit. And when one part of us is lacking rest, we lack in all areas. It is time to take rest in every area of our lives and receive what God has for us.
I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. May you walk in a spirit of rest; completely rejuvenated in your soul, from time spent in the presence of God. Make time to take rest. Slow down, and not only hear what God is saying, but also receive what He is giving.
We often cry out to God and ask Him to help us. We cry out, shaking our fists, mad at God because when we feel He has not answered us. That, our petitions of prayer have fallen on deaf ears. The enemy has duped many into believing that God is taking too long, or that He truly does not understand what we are going through.
We ask God but don’t wait long enough for His answer. We ask, and we ask but are never quiet long enough to hear His answer. Have you ever tried to hold a conversation where everyone is talking at the same time? What a confusing and jumbled mess! We need to learn how to be still, and quiet in the presence of God. To truly understand what it means to rest in Him.
Are there times when you desire to shut the world out—all the noise—and get some peace and quiet?  Once you steal away, do you not feel refreshed and energized? Your brain has had the opportunity to slow down, and you are not as bombarded with the constant activity that life often brings. You find yourself being able to think more clearly.
There is so much going on in the world. So much activity. So many things going on, yet people still do not seem to be any happier or closer to achieving their goals and dreams. We have forgotten how to take rest. How to rest our bodies, our minds, our souls. We have forgotten what it is like to truly rest in God, and have Hos love and strength restore and rejuvenate us.
I have given some thought to this: I think it should be Labor-Free Day. We plan so much on our Holidays that we really don't get to enjoy them. I want to be still and enjoy the day. I don't want to work hard to enjoy it. I do not want to put so much effort into, that I'll need another Holiday just to recuperate.
I'm going to spend my holiday being still and getting in the presence of God, so I can hear Him, and receive what He has for me. I pray that however, you spend your Holiday, that you enjoy it. I hope that you consciously make the decision to take rest and to do so often so that you can receive the blessings that God has for you.
My Beloved, I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has found permanent rest in your life. Take rest in the Lord. Take time out to be in the presence of God, renewing and recharging your mind, body, and spirit. Do not neglect any area of your life. Let the Father into every area of your life, as you receive His goodness and love. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2019. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.