Sunday, May 26, 2019

"Hold On"

Reflections4Life May 26, 2019
“Hold On”
“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” Psalm 27:14
Scripture Contemplation: Genesis 15; Psalm 27; Psalm 91; Numbers 19; Hebrews 12…
©Ruthe McDonald.
First, I want to give thanks to every Service man and woman. Thank you for your sacrifice, for your dedication and service to our country. We bask in the liberties we now have because you made the ultimate sacrifice, to give your life. We honor your memory, we honor your sacrifice, we honor your love and say thank you. Amen.
Whatever you are facing today whatever you may be going through right now, allow me to encourage you to hold on.
I declare that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart mind and soul. Dig your heels in, anchor yourself to the Lord, and do not give up or give in to the words, whispers, and lies of the enemy that only wants to rob you of your promises and manifest blessings. Hold on, and trust God. Pray, have faith, and stand in the knowledge that no one loves you more than your Heavenly Father.
It may not look like it. It may not feel like it, but God is indeed moving on your behalf and has already worked it all out in your favor. The wait does not feel good at all. In fact, you may even feel abandoned and lied to by God.
Know this and remember it, Beloved: GOD CANNOT LIE! Whatever, God has promised you, it will happen. When things are at its hardest; when it feels like all hope is gone, that is when you are right at the cusp of a breakthrough...of it all working out for your good.
The devil does not play fair. He fights dirty. However, God is just, and
He has given His angels charge over you. There is a legion of angels on your side, waiting for you to lift up your hands and begin to praise God in the midst of the hardship and sorrow. As the devil is whispering, you began praising God. When the blessings go up, you are giving the Angels charge to move on your behalf. Your praise is ushering in the angels of ministry, of worship, of warfare—all on your behalf.

There is power in your prayers and in your praise. That is why the enemy wants you to get quiet and give up. He wants you to be so angry, that you turn away from God. Do not give the enemy the satisfaction. Praise God, instead; through the tears, through the hurt, through disappointments—knowing that the Father is your help, and is bringing you through.
One more thing to think about, you must be pretty awesome for God to be bragging about you! You must be very great for the enemy to be so jealous that he had to get permission from God just to mess with you!
My Beloveds, I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. If God is allowing this test, these trials—just know that God believes in you and trusts you to stand and know, that He is your strength through this all, and just like Job, He is about to bless you with a double for your troubles! You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2019 Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

"Detoxifying Your Life"

Reflections4Life™ May 19, 2019
“Detoxifying Your Life”
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 (NASB)
Scripture Contemplation: 2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 51; Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 15:33; 2 Corinthians 7:1…
©Ruthe McDonald.

There are going to be times when we must take a step back, stand still, and evaluate who and what are in our lives. As well as, the purpose they are serving. Not everything and everyone in our lives is good for us, or the path that God has ordained for us. Even that which seems good, seems right, seems to be working out—could be the very thing that is stalling us, keeping us from moving forward in the life that God has ordained for us. We must detoxify our lives. Allow God to purge us from all that has been poisonous to our lives, goals, and vision. It may not be what we are doing; it may be certain people, places, and things, we have surrounded ourselves.
I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Allow the Father to lead you and show you the places in your life that need detoxification. Let Him lead you through the process so you can be ready to receive the abundance that God has ordained for your life.
Yes, life can throw us some hardballs and twisted curveballs. One moment we can be riding high and the next to be down and out for the count. Yet, one thing remains the same: God’s love for us, and His wisdom and instruction that never fails.
With life’s journey come many ups, and downs, along with bumpy rides and rocky roads. However, if we will yield to the Father’s instructions we will be able to navigate the storms and trials of this life and be the better for them. Mistakes and missteps will occur. Sometimes, a trust will be placed in the wrong people, we will go the wrong way, be stuck in a place, and fumble at times. Yet, it is nothing that we cannot overcome and get through, as long as we follow what God is instructing us to do.
I have learned in my journey that it is not necessarily what one is doing that’s wrong or stalling the process of reaching our destination. No. Sometimes the people, places, and things surrounded our lives in. Not everything is good for us. Not every person has good intentions for us. Not every place is the right place to see our visions manifest.
How do we avoid this? Intimacy with the Lord; seeking His will daily, and following His instructions.  This affords us the knowledge to know what we should do if we ever find ourselves in a place of stagnation. The solution can be as simple as moving, changing a routine, or as difficult in letting some people go.
Many are ignorant of the truth, that their lives are clogged with poison. These toxins must be purged from our lives in order for us to move forward and receive the full manifestations of the blessings of God. Far too many of us hang on to people when God has told us to separate ourselves from them. There are places we have stayed when God has spoken to our hearts and told us to move on, to get out. There are things in our lives that God has told us to let go of, and we haven’t. Obedience unto God will save us unnecessary sacrifices down the road.
I know for certain is that not everyone is meant to go where I am going. Not everything I have is meant for the next level. Also, not every place I reside in is the place for me to grow and move forward. There are people I must separate from. Things I have to let go of, places I need to move away from if I truly desire to walk in the ordained life God has for me and mine.
It is not easy. Especially when you are attached to certain people, places, and things. Don’t get it twisted: there may be nothing wrong with the people, places or things. They may very well be good people, great places, and helpful things. HOWEVER, they are not good for the plan that God has ordained for YOUR life. Sometimes we cannot see the problem, because we are not looking through the eyes of God. This is where we trust God, where we cannot trace Him. This is where we must believe in God with our whole hearts, even when we may not understand…yet.
My Beloveds, I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Allow God to lead you through the purging process. Follow His instructions; even if it means walking away from some people, moving from certain places, and letting some things go. Remember: whatever you have to give up only pales in comparison to what God wants to give you. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2019. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

"One of God's Greatest Gifts"

Reflections4Life May 12, 2019

One of God's Greatest Gifts”

Therefore it came to pass when the time had come about after Hannah had conceived, that she bore a son and called his name Samuel [that is, Asked of God], saying, “Because I have asked him of the Lord.” 1 Samuel 1:20

Scripture Contemplation: 1 Samuel 1; 2; Lamentations 2; Mark 10; 1 Timothy 5...

©Ruthe McDonald.

Happy Mother's Day to every woman that has nurtured, loved, cared for, attended to children, whether they were yours biologically or not. I honor you this day and pray the blessings of God to continue to manifest in your life. May your children rise up and call you blessed.

I sincerely believe that one of God's greatest wonders is not only the entire gestation process of pregnancy. (It is fascinating how a woman's womb can hold and sustain life within her body.) Birth, also, is definitely a miracle, as is the mother's strength to endure labor. However, it is the heart and strength of a mother that is and how God created the mother’s heart.

I decree that this week's Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Be encouraged in the word and promises of God. No matter where your life has taken you, what journey you started on, it will be God's strength and love that will see you through. You are a gift of God. Your presence on this earth is not an accident. It is a divine purpose.

If there is one thing that I long for most on this earth, it is to be a mother. I can identify with Hannah. The ache and need in your heart and spirit so strong, that when you pray and cry out to the Lord, no words can come forth, because they're all being said from the deepest core of your spirit. I have mothered many children. I love and cherish each one with no regrets. However, like Hannah, I will believe in the promises of God, knowing that my blessings will soon manifest.

It is a God-thing to see the heart and strength of a mother in action. That, love that exudes forth from her soul for her children. There are some women, who have given birth and are not mothers. They are, removed from what God intended. So, it is in the world. Thank God, for the women that can step in, and fill those gaps and tend to the wounds and broken spirits and hearts of those children that have been abandoned and/or abused.

There is nothing greater than a mother's love (other than that of our heavenly Father.) A mother's love can bring healing, comfort, strength, direction, correction, discipline, and inspiration. Lives change when a woman dares to love with such strength and abandonment. When, she loves from a place deep in her soul, and looks pass situations, circumstances, and parentage.

The moment you give your time and love to a child; whether or not they came from you—as a mother you are changing a life forever. You may never know the impact you have on the lives of a child that was under your influence. Sometimes, they grow up, move on, and live their lives. But rest assured, God knows. He has taken account of every act of love you poured from your heart.

I had the fortunate opportunity of having women in my life that let me know just how powerful a mother's love could be. It shaped who I am, and who I desire to be as a mother. My mother and I have had our shares of ups and downs (as mothers and daughters often do!) Yet, I knew from the beginning how strong my mother's love was for me and my brothers. Even as a foster mother and adoptive mother, she never held back. She was blessed, and I honor her, for all she did for me, even as a grown woman. Including her prayers, that God will still honor, although she has transitioned.

Proverbs 31:28-29 28 Her children rise up, and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praiseth her, saying:29 Many daughters have done worthily, But thou excellest them all.

There is no way to truly explain what happens to your heart when you become a mother. There really are no words to explain when you lose your mother or a mother loses a child. However, it is the love that will always be present. The strength of that love, that keeps one going. For everyone that may have lost their mother, I extend my prayers and thoughts to you. I encourage you to continue to celebrate your Mom. For as long as you are on this earth, she will be present. Mothers who may have lost a child, you don't stop being a mother—your heart is too big and filled with love for that. I pray for your heart and speak life into you. And pray that you will be able to share that love with others who could benefit from a mother's love.

My Beloveds, I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. May the grace of God continue to fill you and your hearts be filled with His joy and laughter. There is something mighty special about the heart of a woman who can give and receive love. Whether a child is biological or not, it is one of God's greatest gifts—to see a Mother's love in action. You are blessed. Now go...and be a blessing!

©2019. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, May 05, 2019

"The Greatest Source"

Reflections4Life May 5, 2019
“The Greatest Source”
“And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him…” Hebrews 5:9
Scripture Contemplations: Deuteronomy 12; Jeremiah 29:11; Matthew 27:43; Philippians 4:19;
©Ruthe McDonald.

If there is one thing that I am certain of, it is the fact that God is our greatest source for all things. Whatever it is we need desire or want—our Heavenly Father is the ONE source that will always give to us what we need and even what we desire. Yet, for many of us, God is the last source that we go to. We will go to everyone BUT God, and wonder why we find ourselves in dire situations with a growing bitterness in our hearts and mind that become less trusting as each day passes and every unfulfilled desire and need.
I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart mind and soul. Run to God today. Run to Him with all that you have bottled up in your heart mind and soul. There is no one like Jesus that can take care of you and answer every question and prayer; especially the secret ones that no knows about but you and God. Trust Him this week. Dedicate this week to getting reacquainted with the Father and allow Him to restore your heart and renew your faith.
Listen; I have been where many of you are and have been when it comes to wanting something so bad that you feel as though it is never going to happen. Every door you knock on stays closed. Every open door you walk through suddenly closes. Every cup you go to drink from dries up. It is as if every time you get a little money, it is gone and you don’t even know how! Like, you put money in your pockets, and there has been a hole in your pocket and you have been losing money all along.
It is a devastating thing to feel like you are never going to make it. That, you are never going to realize your hopes and dreams. That, at every turn, there is someone waiting to knock you back down and steal the little piece of happiness you just managed to gain. To feel like, you have a great job, only to wake up the next day and your job no longer exists! It is a crazy feeling that washes over you, that sometimes leaving you desperate, angry, hurt, and even scared.
Yet, my dear Beloveds, there is a Source that is endless. A Source, that will never let us down. A Source, who will continue to give, and give and give and never run out. A Source, that holds the answers to every one of our questions. Who knows the secrets of where our treasure lies. A Source who has unlimited resources and has already made a way for us if we would just believe in Him, and follow His instructions. GOD is that Source. He is the only one who understands us so completely and has the ability to see us through every situation and STILL love us in spite of our doubts and previous lack of faith and rejection of who He is.
Beloved, nobody will love you better than Jesus. Nobody will give you what you need to get you where you want to be. God is the greatest source that many of us only run to when we have exhausted every other avenue. Though the Father will still greet us with open arms, because He loves us past our faults, flaws, and sins—if we were to go to Him from the beginning, it would alleviate the pressure we often encounter when we are trying to make it. Trying to figure things out. Trying to get to the next day and live our best lives possible.
I am going to be transparent with you, because, 1. I want you to know the truth, 2. I can only be transparent and authentic, 3. I desire for you to have all that God has ordained for your life and 4. I do not want you to think or believe for a moment that you are alone in this, or there is something wrong with you or your life. Beloved, God is the Source that keeps on giving. If only we would take Him at His word, and believe Him and follow what He instructs us to do; it would save us so much trouble.
There will never be anyone like God, our Father. No one but Jesus, who made the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, giving us access to eternal life and a completely new life on this earth filled with His promises. I have been to that place where you start doing things and get so wrapped up in the everyday things that you forget that God is your strength and in order for you to keep going, you need to feed your soul; fuel it with the very thing that is needed to keep moving forward. We do not live by bread alone, but by the word of God, spoken into our lives. I neglected my Source. I did not take care of my spiritual well because I was too preoccupied with the gifts given, that I forgot to stay connected to the Source of all the resources. God will gently remind us of what we're missing. He will first whisper. Then He will send a messenger. Then He will allow us to get into a situation, where He is the only person that can get us out.
God loves us completely, unconditionally, and has the resources that we need to accomplish what He has ordained for our lives. Beloved, God loves us so very much. We spend so much time seeking all these paths for happiness, wealth, health, and we neglect the greatest source available to us, that resides in our heart—Our Heavenly Father. He is Jehovah Jireh—our Provider. He is, Jehovah Shammah—there with us always, through EVERYTHING that we go through. He is, Jehovah Rohi—our Shepherd, leading us in the path that we should go.
My Beloveds, I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has found permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. GO TO GOD FIRST! Let Him be your source for all things who will lead you to the resources that He has already ordained for you. There is no one who loves you more than your Creator, and He will always have what you need and even what you desire. Trust Him. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing.
©2019. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.