Reflections4Life™ July 8, 2018
“Satan’s Lies, God’s Truth”
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10
Scripture Contemplations: 1 Chronicles 21; Job 1; 1 Peter 5; Isaiah 48; Romans 3; 9; 15…
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©Ruthe McDonald. |
is so many duplicitous actions taking place in our world today, making it hard-pressed to trust anything that anyone says. When surrounded by a spirit of lies and deception, it makes it difficult to see, hear, and receive the truth. We raise a guard around our hearts and a filter over our ears to protect ourselves from deception and hurt. While at the same time running the risk of losing the blessings that God has placed in our lives, and ordained for us to have, because we have been manipulated by Satan’s lies, forgetting God’s truth that He spoke to us at the beginning of our journey, because nothing looks or appears, as it should. Yet, God admonishes each day to pull down the strongholds and to speak what He has spoken to our hearts and stand on His truth. Because just as those in the past—this is only a test—and if we faint not, not only will we reap the rewards of victory, all truth will be revealed as all lies are exposed.
I decree that this week’s Reflections are a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart mind and soul. All that God has ordained for your life is coming to pass if you do not give up before seeing the victory. Though what you are facing today and have been facing for a while is taxing and having a profound effect upon your heart mind and soul, I implore you to continue to trust God and hold on to His promises. Meditate on the word and promises of God. Take some extra time this week and not only visualize what God has spoken to your heart, but also write down the plans that you desire God to bring to pass. See and speak on your future—where victory has manifested—and leave the present to God.
Satan’s Lies
1 Peter 5:8 Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
We may not understand it or even believe it, but God really is in control and Satan can do nothing without God’s permission. If God is giving Satan permission to mess with you, then you can believe that what God has for you is far greater than you could ever imagine. Whatever God is, allowing the enemy to do and bring into your life is designed to make you stronger, to open your eyes and heart, and prepare for the greatness that lies ahead of you.
There is no truth in Satan. He seeks to devour us. He comes to kill, steal, and destroy. To kill hopes dreams, faith, and lives. To steal our destinies, the promises of God in our lives, to steal our mind, our mental health. To rob us of relationships, marriages, and friendships. To destroy our joy and happiness.
The enemy does not care what he has to do to accomplish his goal, or who he will use. He will use those closest to you—husbands, wives, children, friends, family, etcetera. It does not concern him, as long as his intentions are fulfilled, and you have relinquished, or given up on the blessings and promises of God.
Make no mistake: the enemy is a master liar and manipulator and knows how to make something appear real just so he can destroy you; king all of your faith and the love that you have in your heart.
This is why the Apostle Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6 that we wrestle not against flesh and blood and admonishes us to place on the armor of God each and every day. We have to remember who we are and whose we are, as well as what God says concerning our walk and blessings in Him. Also the fact that the enemy has no power except for the power we give him; especially by what we are thinking and allowing our minds to dwell on, on a consistent basis without pulling down the strongholds and pleading the blood of Jesus over our mind and heart.
Satan is a liar. Even when it sounds plausible and like the truth, he twists things to fit his agenda—to kill steal and destroy God’s creation. This is personal for him and it should be personal for us, too.
God’s Truth
Numbers 23:19 God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?
We may not understand the ways and thoughts of God but we can be assured that His word is the truth and what He has ordained for our lives will certainly come to pass if we continue to trust Him, believe Him, and walk obediently.
Beloveds; God cannot lie. His truth stands out from all darkness. Whatever He has ordained for our lives, whatever He has shown us and spoken to our hearts—we can believe that. He has a proven track record. However, many of us may have our doubts and we cannot understand how or why God would allow certain things to happen in our lives. Even when we cannot fathom why God would continue to allow lies to prevail when He knows and understands our hearts and what we hold dear—God will always speak the truth and make it known in His timing.
We all should be familiar with the story of Job. If not, please take some time and study it, and if possible read some commentaries on this pivotal chapter on withstanding the wickedness and taunts of the enemy. God had a plan for Job. To bless him twice as much. But there was some growth and strength that Job needed in his life. Some pride and pomposity that needed to be removed. God used the enemy, who came accusing God and his creation. God gave Satan permission to do what he will but he could not take Job’s life. Though Job went through a myriad of emotions, one thing remained true: Job’s worship and belief that God would see him through ushered him into a season of double blessings. Right into the place, that God had for Job all along.
This, Beloved, is what God desires for us, to manifest His best in our lives. Listen; God cannot and will not lie to us. No matter what something looks like, or how many times someone says, something to infer that God does not care about us. God is not a liar. We may not have an understanding to all the whys but we still have the word and promises of God before us, and all we have to do is stand our ground against the enemy and his lies and believe the truth that God has spoken to our heart and soul.
My Beloveds, May the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Whatever you do, Beloved, I implore you to not give up or to give in and fall for Satan’s lies. Trust God. Trust God’s truth. Allow Him to manifest in your life, the promises you have been waiting for. You are so close. Closer than you think. How do I know? Because the closer you get to the promises and manifestations of God’s promises and blessings, the harder the enemy comes against you. The more elaborate and convincing Satan’s lies become. Just remember these two things: 1. God cannot lie. 2. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2018. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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