Sunday, April 15, 2018

"Through The Eyes of God"

Reflections4Life April 15, 2018
“Through The Eyes of God”
“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
Scripture Contemplation: Deuteronomy 28; 1 Samuel 16; Job 4:6; Isaiah 55:8-9
©Ruthe McDonald.
Everything looks different through the eyes of God. In His presence, we will find the courage to do, to be, to see, to believe all that God says about us. What so many fail to realize is that, through the eyes of God, you are perfect. He sees a completed work. His Masterpiece. It is time for us to get into the presence of God and truly see ourselves through the eyes of God.
I declare that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart mind and soul. Determine in your heart and mind to get in the presence of God this week, and allow Him to feed you; to fill you with His love and goodness, and to stir up inside of you the truth of who you are in Him. Shut out the world. Limit all distractions and receive all that God has ordained for you—one day at a time, one moment at a time.
Letting Go of the Past
Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to let go of the past. It can be difficult to shake the lies of what others have spoken over us. Whether it was family, strangers, teachers, people in authority, someone we may have looked up to and held in high regard. They may have spoken words to us that not only hurt but also placed a block in our hearts and minds about what we were actually capable of doing.
We are not our past or what people have said about us. Though our past affects our today, it does not have to define who we are right now, especially when God has forgiven us, and will create in us a new heart and mind when we dare to believe Him, and follow Him.
It can be difficult to let go of the past when constantly reminded of past mistakes and failures. When people refuse to see us for who we are right now; acknowledge the changes in us, or even see the potential that we have. Sometimes, in those instances we have to make the difficult choice of letting go and moving forward, pushing through all the darkness. That may look like letting go of people places and things. We may have separate ourselves, start over in a different place, move away from familiar things. Simply, cut people off and sometimes out of our lives. It is by no means easy but it is necessary. It is time to free ourselves and be open to all that God has ordained for our lives.
In The Presence of God
There is nothing more invigorating or life-changing than being in the presence of God. In the presence of God, there is peace, there is power, there is healing, there is the truth. So many of us run from God when we are facing difficulties or when we feel a certain way about ourselves. The flesh wants to hide. The enemy wants us to hide from God, also. Because if we run from God in the times of trouble and uncertainty, it gives the enemy the opportunity to pounce; to bombard us with his lying whispers that far too many of us fall for. He will remind us of every mistake we ever made. Every misstep; every negative situation, every lie ever uttered to us; Satan will be bringing it up.
We must run to God in the face of adversity and hardships. In His presence is where we need to be so that we may gain a sense of self and bask in the love and power that is our God. This—in His presence—is where we receive healing, strength, power, and the wisdom to move forward and push past the incessant attacks of the enemy. This is where we recharge and renew our minds and learn how to use the armor of God, as well as learning how to pray and how to strategically win each time against the enemy and be free from the lies that have plagued our lies and have stopped us from pursuing our dreams and visions.
Through the Eyes of God
Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Everything looks different through the eyes of God. After spending time in His presence you cannot help but to see things differently and to realize that we, indeed, have the power to change our circumstances by changing our focus, our thoughts and the words we speak to ourselves, and what we accept or do not accept from others.
When we see through the eyes of God, we understand that His ways and thoughts are so far above ours. We come to understand that God is more loving, forgiving, and less judgmental than we are with others and with ourselves. The truth of the matter is, when God sees us, we are whole, complete, and perfect because of His Son. He does not see our past, shortcomings, and mistakes. He sees potential, what will be if we yield to Him. He sees a beautiful, wonderful, masterpiece of His design, waiting to experience all the love and promises that He ordained for our lives.
My Beloveds, May the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. It is now time for us to see through the eyes of God. To see what God sees, how He sees. To see the light in the midst of the darkness; to feel joy in the midst of sorrow; to experience love in the face of indifference. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2018. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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