Sunday, January 28, 2018

"Responsibility and Accountability"

Reflections4Life January 28, 2018
“Responsibility and Accountability”
“Some Pharisees overheard him and said, “Does that mean you’re calling us blind?” Jesus said, “If you were really blind, you would be blameless, but since you claim to see everything so well, you’re accountable for every fault and failure.” John 9:40-41 (MSG)
Scripture Contemplation: Leviticus 24:13-16; Proverbs 22:17-21; Ezra 10; Hebrews 10; Galatians 6; 1 Timothy 5…

We can point our fingers at everyone else for our unhappiness, lack of success, not having everything we desire in our lives, and for things just not going the way we want. We all have a choice in life: to continue with what we know or have been raised and taught, or to find a different path, a better path, that will lead us into the lives we desire. It is time to take responsibility for our lives and accountability for the choices we make, and the lives we influence. It is time to walk in our destiny.
I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Spend quality time in the presence of God this week. There is so much that He wants to reveal to our heart and soul. When we are in the presence of God, we not only learn who God is, His desires for our lives, we also learn who we are and what we need to live our best life. God teaches how to take responsibility for whom we are and be accountable to not only ourselves but also for how our choices affect others.
I do not understand the reasons for some things happening or existing. There are actions taking place; decisions that people make which affect other people's lives in unbelievable ways—and yet, no one wants to take responsibility or be accountable for themselves or the lives of people they have influence over. I do not get it in my human mind. Not on the level of my flesh. However, my spirit gets it. That part of me that is connected to my Creator. The ONE who knows all sees all is all-powerful. That part of me gets it. I may not understand why something is allowed but God's ways are so far beyond us. His reasons are above what many can comprehend.
When you think you have it all figured out, God reveals something else, and you are like really, God? What is this all about? Then the Father goes and starts asking you some questions. When God begins to ask you the questions, it is important that we are listening because He is imparting answers and truth to our heart and soul that will give light to what is going on around us, and understanding to our hearts and minds concerning many things. Whatever we receive, we are responsible for that knowledge and wisdom gained and become accountable for how we use it, and how we treat and teach others around us, and how we are representing the Kingdom of Heaven and our Heavenly Father.
God posed some poignant questions to Simon Peter. He gave to Peter a responsibility to carry out, while making him accountable for those God was sending him to, fully knowing that Peter would deny Him three times. Yet, even in Christ questioning of Peter, He was redeeming him from his future denial.
John 21:15-18 “So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Tend My lambs.” 16 He *said to him again a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Shepherd My sheep.” 17 He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Tend My sheep.”
Beloveds, God knows us. He knows all about us. He knows our past, our present, and our future. He knows our thoughts before we think them. He knows what we are going to do before we even think to do it. Still, He calls us. He loves us. He has forgiven us. In addition, He chooses to use us to show His love and glory to others. However, we must learn to take responsibility for our actions or inactions, and be accountable for the decisions we make—not placing the blame on others. This action allows God to not only bless us, but use us in such a capacity that brings healing, deliverance, and understanding and strength to others.
God knew we were going to mess up royally. What, you don’t think God knew you were going to reject Him a few times? You don’t think God knew you were going to make some bad decisions and take a bit longer to get to a place of understanding. God knows ALL of this, and still chooses you and calls you by name.
God even knows how the enemy is going to come after us. The enemy has to get permission from God to even mess with us! God knows what the enemy does not know and what we should know from spending intimate time with the Father is that we have already won! This is a test that we can win if we do not give up or in, to the enemy. Jesus Himself is praying for our strength, knowing how heavy it will get. Yet, God is allowing it to strengthen us and get us into a position for His glory to manifest in our lives. God is confident in our ability to overcome and to take what we have learned and gained and strengthen others. Tests teach us responsibility and accountability.
Luke 21:31-32 “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has [a]demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.”
Jesus chose Simon Peter that very first day while he was fishing, knowing that he would deny Him three times. He chose Simon Peter, knowing he was a hot-head and had a foul mouth and would get into arguments with Saul and the other Apostles. Jesus knew all of this, but yet, He still chose Peter, loved Peter, made Simon Peter part of His three confidants who He took up to the Mount of Transfiguration. Nevertheless, Jesus also knew that Peter would repent; that, Simon Peter, because of his past and experience; because of his closeness to Him, he would take care of His lambs and His sheep. That, even unto death, Simon Peter would never deny Christ again, but on him, God would build His church—a sure and steady foundation.
My Beloveds, May the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Beloveds, it is not how we start out but how we finish. It is not who we were but who God is calling us to be. When we believe God and take responsibility for ourselves, hold ourselves accountable for our actions and not place the blame on anyone else, we become the instrument that God will use and trust for His glory. Responsibility and accountability make us a vessel to show the love and redemptive power of our Lord and Savior. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2018. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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